V.E.R.A. Search Results

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2S2D Double Sided - Double Density (FDD)

3DDDI 3D Device Dependent Interface (MS), "3D DDI"

3DRAM 3 Dimensional Random Access Memory (RAM)

3GIO Third Generation Input/Output (PCIe)

3GIP 3rd Generation . Internet Protocol (Org., IP, GPRS, WLAN, Mobile-Systems), "3G.IP"

3GL 3rd Generation Language

3GPP Third Generation Partnerships Projects (Org.)

4GFC 4th Generation Fibre Channel (FC), "4G FC"

4GL 4th Generation Language

5GL 5th Generation Language

7E1 7 [bits], Even [parity], 1 [stop bit] (MODEM, BIT)

8B10B 8 bit / 10 bit [encoding] (IBM, FC, BIT), "8B/10B"

A4C Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, Auditing and Charging

AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting [= Triple A]

AAAI American Association for Artificial Intelligence (Org., AI, USA)

AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science (Org., USA)

AAIS Allied command europe ACCIS Implementation Strategy (ACCIS, NATO, Mil.)

AAL Ambient Assisted Living

AAL Authentication Assurance Level (CC)

AAM Automatic Acoustic Management (ATA, HDD)

AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AAUI Apple Attachment Unit Interface (Apple, AppleTalk)

ABEND ABnormal END (Netware)

ABNF Augmented Backus-Naur Form (BNF, RFC 733/2234)

ABUI Association of Banyan Users International (Org., Banyan, VINES, User group, Vorläufer, ENA)

AC Access Concentrator (PPPoE, ADSL)

AC Access Control (Token Ring, ...)

ACC Atari Competence Center

ACDC Alternating Current/Direct Current, "AC/DC"

ACE Access Control Entry (AD, ACL)

ACE Adobe Color Engine (Adobe)

ACE Advanced Computing Environment (Hersteller)

ACE ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet)

ACE Autonomous Computer Engine (WD)

ACIA Associació Catalana d'Intelligència Artificial (Org., Spanien, AI)

ACID Atomicity - Consistency - Isolation - Durability (DB, TP)

ACL Agent Control Language (Agents)

ACL Autodesk Campus License (Autodesk)

ACMC Australian CEFACT Management Committee (Australien, Org., CEFACT)

ACMDSD Architecture Centric Model Driven Software Development (MDSD), "AC-MDSD"

ACMS Application Control Management System

ACNS Application and Content Networking System (Cisco)

ACOPS Automatic CPU Overheating Prevention System (GigaByte) "A-COPS"

ACP Analog Content Protection (WPE)

ACPICA Advanced Configuration and Power Interface - Component Architecture (ACPI, Intel), "ACPI-CA"

ACR Artificial Content Recognition (Puresight, WWW, AI)

ACR Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio (Kabel)

ACRONYM Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning (Slang)

ACS Architekten, Computer, Systeme (Messe)

ACS Australian Computer Science

ACS Australian Computer Society (Org., Australien)

ACSAC Annual Computer Security Applications Conference

ACSE Association Control Service Element (OSI, ISO, DIS 8649)

ACSMIB ATM Circuit Steering Management Information Base (ATM, MIB), "ACS-MIB"

ACU Automatic Client Update (Novell, Netware)

ADAC Active Directory Administrative Center (AD)

ADC Apple Distribution Center (Apple)

ADE Application Development Environment

ADE Aufforderung zur DatenEingabe (BTX)

ADEPT Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission (Mil., USA)

ADES Automatic Digital Encoding System

ADEW Andrew Development Environment Workbench (ATK, Unix)

ADF Automatic Document Feeder

ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit (Airbus, A380, Honeywell)

ADL [international conference on the] Advances in Digital Libraries (IEEE)

ADL Adventure Description Language

ADMD ADministration Management Domain (X.400)

ADONIS ADvanced On-Screen Information System, "AdonIS"

ADPE Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADP)

ADRT Adaptive Document Recognition Technology (OCR, Abbyy)

ADS Application Development System

ADS Automated Deployment Service (MS, RIS)

ADS Automatic Documenting System (LAN)

ADSIA Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency (Org., NATO, Mil.)

ADSR Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release [generator] (VCA, Audio)

ADT Application Development Tools (IBM, AS/400)

ADUA Administrative Directory User Agent

ADV Automatisierte DatenVerarbeitung

ADV staatliche Akademie für DatenVerarbeitung (Org., Uni Böblingen)

ADVS Automatisiertes DatenVerarbeitungsSystem

AE Apple Events (Apple)

AE Application Entity / Environment / Execution / Engineering (APE)

AE Authenticated Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

AEAD Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (Verschlüsselung)

AEF Access control Enforcement Function

AEGIS Advanced Electronic Guidance and Instrumentation System

AEI Application Enabling Interface (IBM)

AEI Automatic Equipment Identification

AEIMP Apple Event Interprocess Messaging Protocol (Apple)

AEL Asterisk Extension Language (VoIP)

AEM Automatic Emulation Management (Brother)

AEOM Apple Events Object Model (Apple)

AEPIA Asociación Española Para la Inteligencia Artificial (Org., Spanien, AI)

AERO Authentic, Energetic, Reflective, Open (MS, Windows, Vista, GUI)

AES Advanced Encryption Standard (Verschlüsselung)

AES Application Environment Service / Specification (OSF)

AESEBU Auto Engineering Society/European Broadcasting Union (Digital Audio), "AES/EBU"

AESNI Advanced Encryption Standard - New Instructions (AES, Verschlüsselung), "AES-NI"

AETE Apple Event Terminology Extension (Apple)

AETIC Asociación de empresas de Electrónica, Tecnologías de la Información y teleComunicaciones de españa (Org., Spanien)

AEUT Apple Event User Terminology (Apple)

AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFAICR As Far As I Can Recall (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AFAIK As Far As I Know (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFAIR As Far As I Recall / Remember (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFF Antigen File Filtering (Sybari)

AFH Adaptive Frequency Hopping (Bluetooth)

AFI Authority Frame Identifier

AFK Away from Keyboard (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AFP Advanced Function Presentation (IBM)

AFPL Aladdin Free Public License

AFPL Artifex Free Public License

AFT Authenticated Firewall Traversal (IETF)

AGAST Adventure Game Authoring SysTem

AGE Adobe Graphics Engine (Adobe)

AGEP ArbeitsGemeinschaft Elektronisches Publizieren [e.v.] (Org., DTP), "AgEP"

AGESA AMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture (AMD)

AGF Arbeitsgemeinschaft der GroßForschungseinrichtungen [deutschlands] (Org.)

AGFMB ArbeitsGemeinschaft Freier MailBoxen (Org.)

AGPL [GNU] Affero General Public License (GNU)

AH [IP] Authentication Header (IPSEC, IPV6, RFC 1826, VPN)

AHIMA American Health Information Management Association (Org., USA)

AHPCRC Army High Performance Computing Research Center (Org., USA, HPC)

AI Artificial Intelligence

AIAF Artificial Intelligence AutoFocus (AI, Canon)

AIBO Artificial Intelligence roBOt (Sony, AI)

AIC [SRI] Artificial Intelligence Center (SRI, AI)

AICA Associazione Italiana per l'Informatica ed il Calcolo Automatico (Org., Italien)

AID Application IDentifier (APDU)

AID Attention Interrupt Device [key] (IBM)

AIDA Aktuelle Informationen in Deutsch zum Amiga (AC, Amiga)

AIDAT African Internet Development Action Team (Org., Internet)

AIGLX Accelerated Indirect OpenGL extension for the X window system (GLX, X-Windows)

AIIA Associazione Italiana per l'Intelligenza Artificiale (Org., Italien, AI)

AIIM Association for Information and Image Management (Org., USA)

AIK Attestation Identity Key (TCPA)

AIM AOL Instant Messenger [protocol] (AOL, IM)

AIM ATM / Ascend Inverse Multiplexing [protocol] (ATM)

AIM Automatic Interface Management (Brother)

AIN Advanced Intelligent Network (IN)

AIP Associazione Informatici Professionisti (Org., Italien)

AIR Automatic Image Refinement (Canon), "A.I.R."

AIRTC [international symposium on] Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control (IFAC, IFIP, IMACS, Conference)

AIS Applied Information Sciences (Hersteller)

AIS Autonomous Intelligent System

AISIG [south australian] Artificial Intelligence Special Interest Group (Org., Australien, AI)

AISM Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics (Konferenz)

AIST Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (Org., Japan)

AIT Advanced Intelligent Tape (Sony, Streamer)

AIUI As I Understand It (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

AIW APPN Implementers Workshop (Org., APPN)

AIXESA Advanced Interactive eXecutive/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, AIX), "AIX/ESA"

AK Application Kit (NextStep, OpenStep, Apple, Rhapsody)

AKI Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen KI Institute (Org., KI)

AKI Authority Key Identifier (X509v3, RFC 3280)

AKID Authority Key IDentifier (X509v3, RFC 3280)

AKNN Arbeitskreis für Numerierung und Netzzusammenschaltung (Org.)

ALAP As Late As Possible (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

ALE Application Link Enabling (R/3, SAP)

ALE Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts (Org., Linux, User group)

ALEC Authorized Linux Education Center (Linux, Caldera)

ALK Automatisierte LiegenschaftsKarte (ALTIS)

ALLM Auto Low Latency Mode (HDMI)

ALM Application Lifecycle Management

ALOE Apple Library for Object Embedding (Apple, OpenDoc)

ALS Adjacent Link Station (IBM)

ALSI Associazione nazionale Laureati in Scienze dell'informazione e Informatica (Org., Italien)

ALTERNIC ALTERnative Network Information Center (Internet, USA)

AMAP As Much As Possible (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AMARC AMA Recording Center (AMA)

AMASE AMA Standard Entry (AMA)

AMBAAXI Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture -Advanced eXtensible Interface (AMBA), "AMBA AXI"

AME Advanced Modeling Extension (AutoCAD)

AMEL Active Matrix Electro Luminescent (AMD, LCD)

AMI Alternate Mark Inversion [encoding] (ISDN, T1)

AMI American Megatrends Incorporation (Hersteller)

AMI ATM Management Interface (ForeRunner)

AMIA Australian Medical Informatics Association (Org., Australien)

AMIGADE Amiga Digital Environment (Amiga), "AmigaDE"

AMIGOS Advanced Mobile Integration in General Operating Systems, http://www.diku.dk/research-groups/distlab/amigos

AMMA Advanced Memory Management Architecture

AMP Airwave Management Platform (Linux)

AMP API Management Platform (API, Internet)

AMT Active Management Technology (Intel)

AMTC Advanced Mask Technology Center (Org., EUVL, Infineon, AMD, ...)

AMTPE Apple Media Tool Programming Environment (Apple), "AMT PE"

AMX Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel)

ANBU ANlagenBUchhaltung

ANFSCD And Now For Something Completely Different (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ANI Automatic Number Identification

ANIEL Asociación Nacional de Industrias Electrónicas y de teLecomunicaciones (Org., Spanien, AETIC, Vorläufer)

ANMP Account Network Management Program

ANMP Ad hoc Network Management Protocol

ANSN Advertised Neighbor Sequence Number (OLSR)

ANSSI Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information (Org., Frankreich)

ANTC Advanced Networking Test Center (Org., USA, AMD, FDDI)

AOCE Advice Of Charge, at the End of the call

AOCE Apple Open Collaboration Environment (Apple)

AOCS Attitude and Orbit Control System (ESA, Venus-Express)

AOE Application Operating Environment (AT&T)

AOP Aspect Orientated Programming

AOS [LambdaRouter] All Optical Switch (Lucent, LambdaXtreme)

AOSP Android Open Source Project (Android)

AOTC Australian Overseas Telecommunications Corporation (Org., Australien)

APD Additional Product Documentation

APE Adaptable Persistence Engine (ZOPE)

APE APplication Engineering

APM Advanced Power Management

APMS Automated Program Management information System

APNIC Asian Pacific Network Information Center (Org., Internet)

APOP Authenticated Post Office Protocol (Internet, POP, RFC 1734)

APPEL A P3P Preference Exchange Language (P3P)

APS Active Pixel Sensor

APSE Ada Programming Support Environment

APSE Agfa Publishing Systems Environment (Agfa, DTP)

APSL Apple Public Source License (Apple)

APT Advanced Persistent Threat

APW Arbeitsdatei PIOS Waffen (INPOL, PIOS)

AQM Active Queue Management

AR Augmented Reality

ARB Architecture Review Board (OpenGL, Hersteller, Org.)

AREXX Amiga Restructured EXtended eXecutor [language] (Amiga, Commodore, REXX)

ARLL Advanced Run-Length Limited [encoding]

ARM Annotated [c++] Reference Manual

ARM Application Response Measurement [working group]

ARMS Architecture for Reliable Managed Storage (Cheyenne)

ARMS Automation Resources Management System

AROE Allowed Restricted Operating Environment

ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency [veraltet/old term] (Org., USA, DARPA)

ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork (USA, Netzwerk)

ARPU Average Revenue Per User

AS [Red Hat Enterprise Linux] Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux, RHEL)

AS Authentication Service (DCE)

ASAP As Soon As Possible (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ASC Additional Sense Code

ASC Authorized Support Center

ASCC Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (IBM)

ASCI Agent to Server Communication Interval (McAfee, ePolicy)

ASDR Application Security Desk Reference (OWASP)

ASE Active Storage Element (GigaB, IP-Router)

ASE Aladdin Smartcard Environment (Fast, Aladdin)

ASE Android Scripting Environment (Android)

ASE Application Service Element (ATM)

ASES Application Software Entity Security

ASIM Arbeitskreis Simulation und Künstliche Intelligenz (Org., GI)

ASIS American Society for Information Science (Org.)

ASM Advanced Server Management (Acer)

ASM Association of Systems Management (Org.)

ASM Automatic Storage Management (DB, Oracle)

ASMA Asus System Monitoring Agent (Asus, ASWM)

ASMONIA Angriffsanalyse und Schutzkonzepte für MObilfunkbasierte Netzinfrastrukturen unterstützt durch kooperativen InformationsAustausch

ASNM AdvanceStack Network Management (HP)

ASPEC Advanced SPectre Entropy Coding (MPEG, Digital Audio)

ASPEN Automatic System for Performance Evaluation of the Network

ASPIK Algebraic Specifications and Implementations ??? (ISDV)

ASQF Arbeitskreis Software-Qualität Franken [e.V.] (Org., Deutschland)

ASTRAL Alliance für Strategic Token Ring Advancement and Leadership (Hersteller)

ASWM Asus System Web-based Management (Asus, DMI, SNMP, ASMA)

ATA Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA, HDD)

ATAPI Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface (ATA)

ATASPI Advanced Technology Attachment Software Programming Interface (ATA)

ATC Authorized Testing Center (MS)

ATCA Allied Tactical Communications Agency (Org., NATO, Mil.)

ATDP ATtention Dial Pulse (MODEM)

ATDT ATtention Dial Tone (MODEM)

ATE ATM Terminating Equipment (SONET, ATM)

ATEC Authorized Training and Education Center (MS, MOCS, MCSD, ATEC)

ATES Advanced Techniques integration into Efficient scientific Software (ESPRIT, CASE)

ATH ATtention Hang up (MODEM)

ATI Advanced Telecomunications Institute (Org., USA)

ATI Asociación de Técnicos de Informática (Org., Spanien)

ATM At The Moment (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ATMP Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol (Ascend, RFC 2107)

ATMS Assumption based Truth Maintenance System (AI)

ATN Augmented Transition Network

ATT App Tracking Transparency (Apple)

ATVEF Advanced TV Enhancement Forum (Org.)

ATX Advanced Technology eXtended [form factor]

AUAI Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (Org., AI)

AUC AUthentication Center (GSM, Mobile-Systems), "AuC"

AUDIUS AUßenDIenstUnterstützungsSystem (CAS)

AUE Andrew User Environment (Unix)

AUGCE Autodesk User Group Central Europe (Org., User group)

AUI Asociación de Usuarios de Internet (Internet, User group, Spanien, Org.)

AUI Attachment Unit Interface (Ethernet)

AUTOSAR AUTomotive Open Systems Architecture [initiative] (Org.)

AVE AutoCAD Visualization Extension (AutoCAD)

AVERT Anti-Virus Emergency Response Team (McAfee)

AVX Advanced Vector eXtensions (CPU, Intel)

AWD Automatische Wähleinrichtung für Datenverbindungen

AWE Address Windowing Extensions (API, PAE)

AWE Autocad Windows Extension (AutoCAD)

AWOL Absent WithOut Leave (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

AXE Application eXecution Environment

AXI Advanced eXtensible Interface (ARM, AMBA)

AXIS Apache eXtensible Interaction System (Apache, SOAP)

AYS Are You Sure (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

B8ZS Binary 8 Zero Suppression [encoding] (ISDN, T1)

BAAS Backend As A Service (MBAAS)

BAD Broken As Designed (Slang)

BADW Bayerische Akademie Der Wissenschaften (Org.)

BAGEL Bay Area GNU Enthusiasts League (GNU, Org., User group)

BAPCO Business Application Performance COrporation (Benchmark, Org., Compaq, Dell, HP, IBM, MS, Lotus, Intel, ...) "BAPCo"

BASE Basically Available, Soft state, Eventual consistency

BASIN Bundesweites Alternatives Studentisches InformationsNetzwerk (WWW, Org.)

BAT Basic Attention Token (Brave)

BBIAB [I'll] Be Back In A Bit (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

BBIAM Be Back In A Minute (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BBIAS Bye, Back In A Second (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BBL Be Back Later (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BCC Base Communications-computer Center (Mil., USA)

BCI ByteCode Interpreter (TrueType, OpenType)

BCN Backbone Concentrator Node (Wellfleet)

BCP [Internet] Best Current Practice (Internet, RFC)

BCRFS Bell System Reference Frequency Standard

BCS Block Check Sequenz (GPRS, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

BDA BundesDatenAutobahn [e.v] (Org., ISP)

BDD Business Desktop Deployment (MS, Windows, Vista)

BDE BetriebsDatenErfassung

BDE Bit-lock Drive Encryption (MS, WPE)

BDE Borland Database Engine (Borland, Delphi, DB)

BDK [java]Beans Development Kit (Java)

BDSG BundesDatenSchutzGesetz (Deutschland)

BEAT Best Enhanced Advanced Technology (Trident, AT)

BEB Binary Exponential Backoff (CSMA/CD, LIB)

BEC Back-End-Chip (DVR)

BECEEP BErlin Continuing Engineering Education Program, "BeCEEP"

BEDODRAM Burst Extended Data Out DRAM (RAM, DRAM, IC), "BEDO-DRAM"

BEEP Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (RFC 3080)

BEF Brightness Enhancement Foile (LCD)

BEN BEstätigungsNummer (Banking)

BER Basic Encoding Rules [for ASN.1] (ASN.1, OSI, ISO, IS 8825)

BERT Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformations (Google)

BES Block Ended by Symbol (IBM, Assembler)

BEST Borland Enhanced Support and Training (Borland)

BEVU Bundesvereinigung mittelständischer Elektro- und elektronikgeräte entsorgungs- und VerwertungsUnternehmen (Org., Deutschland)

BEW Business Engineering Workbench (R/3, SAP)

BF Bus Fraction [pin] (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

BFDI Bundesbeauftragter Für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit (Deutschland), "BfDI"

BFN Bye For Now (DFÜ-Slang, IRC, Usenet)

BI Breidbart-Index (Usenet, ECP, EMP)

BIAB Back In A Bit (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

BIC Bank Identifier Code (Banking)

BIC Bit Independence Criterion (Verschlüsselung, BIT)

BID Bugtraq IDentification (Securityfocus)

BIF Benchmark Interchange Format (PLB)

BIG Bionet Intelligent Gateway (BioData)

BIGSTAF Breitbandiges Integriertes GefechtsSTAndFernmeldenetz (Bundeswehr)

BIICS Business Integration - Information Conformance Statements (XML), "BI-ICS"

BIK Barrierefrei Informieren und Kommunizieren (Internet)

BIRA Belgian Institute for Automatic Control (Org., Belgien)

BITS Background Intelligent Transfer Service (MS, Windows)

BKS BenutzerKoordinatenSystem (CAD)

BLADE Basic Linear Algebra for Distributed Environments

BLE Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy (Bluetooth)

BLM Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (Org.)

BMBW BundesMinisterium für Bildung und Wissenschaft (Org.)

BMC Baseboard Management Controller (IPMI, BMC)

BML Business Management Layer (TMN)

BMP Bean Managed Persistence (Java, EJB, CMP)

BMTA Backbone Message Transfer Agent (MTA)

BMWI BundesMinisterium für WIssenschaft und technologie (Org.)

BND BundesNachrichtenDienst

BNEP Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol (Bluetooth)

BOCA Borland Object Component Architecture (Borland)

BOCA Business Object Component Architecture (CORBA, OMG)

BOD Business Object Documents (OAG)

BOF Birds Of a Feather (Usenix)

BOINC Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing

BOT Back On Topic (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BP;DR Behind Paywall; Didn't Read (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BPD BankParameterDaten (DDBAC)

BPV BiPolar Violation [error event] (DS1/E1, DS3/E3)

BR Boundary Representation (CAD, CAM)

BRB Be Right Back (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BREW Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (CDMA, Oualcomm)

BRF Benchmark Reporting Format (PLB)

BSAM Basic Sequential Access Method (IBM, MVS, SAM)

BSC Barcelona Supercomputing Center

BSDL Berkeley/San Diego License

BSI Bentley Systems, Incorporated (Hersteller)

BSIC Base Station Identification Code (BS, BCCH, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

BSS Block Storage Segment

BSSMAP Base Station System Management Application Part (RR, BS, MTP, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

BTC Biting The Carpet (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

BTDT Been There, Done That (Slang, Linux, Kernel)

BTE Broadband Terminal Equipment (B-ISDN), "B-TE"

BTLE BlueTooth Low Energy (Bluetooth), "BT LE"

BTM Benchmark Timing Methodology (PLB)

BTS Base Transceiver Station entities (BCF, BS, GSM, GPRS, UMTS, Mobile-Systems)

BTW By The Way (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

BTX Balanced Technology eXtended [form factor] (AT, ATX)

BVB Besondere VertragsBedingungen

BVIT BundesVerband InformationsTechnologien [e.v.] (Org.)

BVSI Berufsverband de Selbstständigen in der Informatik [e.V.] (Org., Deutschland)

BZR BundesZentralRegister (IC)

BZT Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation (Org., DTAG)

C3I Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (Mil., USA)

C3IIS Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Information Systems (Mil., USA), "C3I/IS"

C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (Mil., USA)

CABC Content Adaptive Brightness Control (Dell)

CACEAS Computer-Assisted Circuit Engineering and Allocating System

CACTIS Community Automated Counter-Terrorism Intelligence System (Mil., USA)

CADE Computer Aided Document Engineering (Microstar)

CADR Client Authenticated DNS Request (DNS, Internet)

CAE Client Application Enabler (IBM, DB)

CAE Common Application Environment (X/Open)

CAE Computer Aided Engineering (CIM)

CAIDA Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis (Org.)

CAIP Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (Konferenz)

CAIT Center for the Application of Information Technology (Org., USA)

CAIT Central Academy of Information Technology (Org., MITI)

CAL Client Access License (Lotus, MS)

CAL Cryptographic Autonomy License

CALEA Communications Assistance Law Enforcement Act (USA)

CAM Content Addressable Memory (Ethernet, Switch, IC)

CAMAC Computer Automated Measurement And Control

CAMEL Customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (UMTS)

CAMM Computer Assisted Material Management

CAO Client Activated Object (SAO)

CAP Component Approval Process

CAP Consistency, Availability, Partition tolerance

CAPE Computer Applications in Production and Engineering (Conference, IFIP)

CAPEC Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification, http://capec.mitre.org/

CAPI Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface (NVidia)

CAR Central Access Routing (RND)

CAR Contents of the Address Register (IBM, ELISP, CDR)

CARDS Central Archive for Reusable Defense Software (Mil., USA)

CAS Content Adaptive Sharpening (AMD)

CAS Content Addressed Storage (EMC)

CASE Common Application Service Element (ISO, OSI)

CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering

CASID Condition Access System IDentification (DVB, CAT)

CAT Central Alaska Time [-1000] (TZ)

CAT Common Authentication Technology (IETF, RFC 1511)

CATIA Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application (CAD)

CATNIP Common ArchiTecture for Next generation Internet Protocol (IPNG, RFC 1707)

CATOSL Computer Associates - Trusted Open Source License (CA), "CA-TOSL"

CAVE Cave for Automated Virtual Environment (VR)

CAVLC Context-Adaptive Variable Length Coding (AVC)

CBB Current Branch for Business (MS, Windows)

CBCMAC Cipher Block Chaining of Message Authentication Code (CBC, MAC, Verschlüsselung, WLAN), "CBC-MAC"

CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency (Banking)

CBE Certified Banyan Engineer (Banyan, VINES)

CBEMA Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (Org.)

CBS Component Based Setup / Servicing (MS, Windows)

CCA Clear Channel Assessment (WLAN)

CCAF Call Control Agent Function (IN)

CCC Cablelabs Client Configuration (DHCP)

CCC Catalyst Control Center (ATI, Windows)

CCC Computer Control Center

CCCI Center for Cyber Communities Initiative (Org., Japan)

CCDCOE Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (Org., NATO)

CCE Connection Control Entity

CCETT Centre Commun d'Etudes de Télédiffusion et Télécommunications (Org., Frankreich)

CCF Central Computer Facility

CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (LCD)

CCFT Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube (LCD, Display)

CCI Cache Coherent Interconnect

CCL Cerberus Central Limited (Hersteller)

CCM Change and Configuration Management

CCM CORBA Component Model (CORBA)

CCMDB Change and Configuration Management DataBase (IBM, Tivoli)

CCNC Computer / Communications Network Center

CCNUMA Cache-Coherent Non Uniform Memory Access (SMP, NUMA), "cc-NUMA"

CCPI Cavium Coherent Processor Interconnect

CCPP Composite Capability / Preference Profiles (W3C, RDF), "CC/PP"

CCR Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery (OSI)

CCR Current Cell Rate (ATM)

CCRA Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement (CC)

CCRMA Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (Org., Stanford, UK)

CCS [Conference on] Computer and Communications Security

CCSID Coded Character Set IDentification (IBM)

CCTA Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (Org., UK, Vorläufer, OGC)

CCV C-bit Coding Violation [error event] (DS3/E3, BIT)

CDA Combined dynamic Data Authentication (EMV, Verschlüsselung)

CDA Communications Decency Act (Internet, USA)

CDA Compound Document Architecture (DEC)

CDD Compatibility Definition Document (Android)

CDD Component Design Document

CDDL Common Development and Distribution License

CDE Certified Directory Engineer (Novell, Netware)

CDE Common Desktop Environment (Unix)

CDE Cooperative Development Environment (Oracle)

CDF Compound Document Framework (IBM, OLE)

CDK Control Development Toolkit (MS, VB)

CDL Controlled Digital Lending

CDM Content Decryption Module (Verschlüsselung)

CDMIDI Compact Disk + Musical Instruments Digital Interface (CD, MIDI), "CD+MIDI"

CDMS Command and Data Management System (ESA, Venus-Express)

CDMS Communication Driver Maintenance System (ISDN, HST)

CDMU Command and Data Management Unit (ESA, Venus-Express, CDMS)

CDN Content Delivery Network (Internet)

CDPN Context Dependent Path Names (CDSL, NFS, GFS)

CDR Contents of the Decrement Register (IBM, ELISP, CAR)

CDRA Character Data Representation Architecture

CDROMXA Compact Disk - ROM / eXtended Architecture (CD, MPC, ROM), "CD-ROM/XA"

CDS Current Directory Structure (BIOS. DOS)

CDSL Context Dependent Symbolic Links (CDPN, NFS, GFS)

CDT Central Daylight Time [-0500] (TZ, CST, USA)

CE Communauté / Comuniqué Européenne (Europa)

CE Connection Endpoint (UNI)

CEBIT welt CEntrum Büro Information Telekommunikation (Messe) "CeBIT"

CECI CICS Enhanced Command Interpreter (IBM, CICS)

CECMG Central Europe Computer Measurement Group (Org., Europa), "cecmg"

CEDA CICS Enhanced resource Definition online Application (CICS, IBM)

CEE Converged Enhanced Ethernet

CEECEB Central and Eastern European Countries EDIFACT Board (Org., EDIFACT), "CEEC/EB"

CEFACT CEntre for Facilitation of procedures and practices in Administration, Commerce and Transport

CEI Connection Endpoint Identifier (UNI)

CEIP Customer Experience Improvement Program (MS)

CEM Contract Equipment Manufacturer

CEMT CICS Enhanced Master Terminal transaction (CICS, IBM)

CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation (Org., Europa, Brüssel)

CENELEC Comité Européen de Normalisation ÉLECtrotechnique (Org., CEN, Europa)

CENTR Council of European National Top level Domain Registries (Org., TLD)

CEPAC CMOS-Ein-Platinen-Allzweck-Computer (IC, CMOS, C'T)

CEPD Comité Européen de la Protection des Données (Org.)

CEPT Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications administrations (Org., CCITT, Conference, Europa)

CERN Conseil Européenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire (Org., Europa, Genf)

CERT Computer Emergency Response Team (DARPA, CMU, Internet)

CES Character Encoding Scheme (CSS, Unicode)

CESAR Central Employment Search And Retrieval (WWW)

CET Central European Time [+0100] (TZ, MET)

CET Centro de Estudes de Telecomunições (Org., Portugal)

CET Control-flow Enforcement Technology

CFA Center for Architecture (Org., JIEO, DISA)

CFC ColdFusion Component (WWW, HTTPD)

CFE Center for Engineering (Org., JIEO, DISA)

CFM Code Fragment Manager (Apple)

CFM ConFiguration Management (FDDI, SMT)

CFP Computers, Freedom & Privacy [conference]

CFP Contention Free Period (PCF, MAC)

CFS Center for Standards (Org., JIEO, DISA)

CFV Call For Vote (Internet, Usenet), "CfV"

CFWS Comments / Folding White Space (RFC 1822)

CGDC Computer (???) Game Developers' Conference

CGEMM Complex single precision GEneral Matrix Multiply (GEMM, BLAS)

CGH Computer Generated Holography

CGI Computer Generated Imagery

CGI Computer Graphics International (Konferenz)

CGMS Copy Generation Management System (CD)

CGMSA Content Generation Management System - Analog (WPE), "CGMS-A"

CGRM Computer Graphics Reference Model (ISO, IEC, ISO/IEC 11072)

CHAP [PPP] Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (PPP, RFC 1334/1994)

CHES Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems [conference]

CHRP Common Hardware Reference Platform (AIM)

CI Component Interface (DMI)

CIAC Computer Incident Advisory Capability (Org., LLNL, Internet)

CIB Collective Intelligent Brick (IBM, HDD)

CIC Carrier Identification Code

CIC Coordination and Information Center (CSNET)

CICA Center of Innovative Computer Applications (Org.)

CICSESA Customer Information Control System/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, CICS), "CICS/ESA"

CIIRC China Internet Illegal Information Reporting Center (China, Org.)

CILABS Component Integration LABoratorieS (Org., , OpenDoc, Apple, IBM, Adobe, ...), CILabs

CIM Cisco Interactive Mentor (Cisco)

CIP Carrier Identification Parameter

CIPA Camera & Imaging Products Association (Org.)

CIPA Children's Internet Protection Act (Internet, USA, COPA)

CIRAS (Conference on] Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems )

CIRCIT Centre for International Research on Communication and Information Technology (Org., Australien)

CIS Contact Image Sensor

CISA Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Org.)

CISE Computer and Information Science Directorate (Org., NSF)

CISRAM Cybernetics & Intelligent Systems - Robotics, Automation & Mechatronics (IEEE, conference) "CIS-RAM"

CISS Center for Information Systems Security (Org., JIEO, DISA, Mil., USA)

CIT Center for Information Technology (Org., USA)

CITED Copyright In Transmitted Electronic Documents (ESPRIT)

CJK Chinese - Japanese - Korean [encoding]

CKRM Class-based Kernel Resource Manager / Management

CL Column Address Strobe Latency (CAS, IC)

CLASS Centralized Local Area Selective Signaling

CLE Certified Linux Engineer (Novell, Linux)

CLE Certified Lotus Engineer (Lotus)

CLI Call Level Interface (DB, SAG, X/Open, Oracle, Informix, MS, ...)

CLID Calling Line IDentification

CLP Cumulative Licensing Program (Adobe)

CLSID CLasS IDentifier (COM)

CM Configuration Management

CM Connection Management (RR, MM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

CM CyanogenMod (Android)

CMC Complement Carry Flag (Assembler)

CMC Computer Mediated Communications [studies centre] (Org., USA)

CME Component Management Entity

CME Core Managed Environment (Phoenix, MBR), "cME"

CMGA Community of Massive Gaming Agents (Internet, Deutschland, DTAG)

CMGS Cyan Magenta Gelb Schwarz (Farbsystem, DTP)

CMIIW Correct Me If I'm Wrong (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

CMIP Common Management Information Protocol (OSI, ISO, DP 9506, X.700)

CMIS Common Management Information Service (OSI)

CMISE Common Management Information Service Element (CMIS)

CMM Color Management Method (DTP, ICM)

CMMU Cache/Memory Management Unit

CMOS Complementary-symmetry Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (IC)

CMP Container-Managed Persistence (Java, EJB, BMP)

CMS Code Management System (DEC, CM)

CMS Color Management System

CMS Content Management Software / System

CMT Connection ManagemenT (FDDI)

CMY Cyan Magenta Yellow (Farbsystem, DTP)

CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK (Farbsystem, DTP)

CN Connection Management (Mobile-Systems)

CNBC Center for Neural Basis of Cognition (Org., CMU, AI)

CNE Certified Netware Engineer (Novell, Netware)

CNEPA Certified Netware Engineers Professional Association (Org., Netware)

CNET Centre Nationale d'Études des Télécommunications (Org., Frankreich)

CNM Communications Network Management

CNM Customer Network Management

CNMS Cylink Network Management System

CNNIC China interNet Network Information Center (Org., Internet, China)

CNPS Computer Noise Prevention System

CNS Complimentary Network Service

CO Connection Oriented (CL)

COA Certificate of Authenticity (MS, Windows, XP)

COACH Component based Open source ArCHitecture for distributed systems (CORBA)

COAS Caldera Open Administration System (Linux)

COBOL COmmon Business Orientated Language

COBWEB COntent-Based image retrieval on the WEB (WWW, ESPRIT)

COCA Cost Of Cracking Adjustment (Verschlüsselung)

COD Connection Oriented Data

CODASYSL Conference On DAta Systems Languages (Konferenz)

CODCF Central Office Data Connecting Facility

CODE Client/server Open Development Environment (Powersoft)

CODE Collabora Online Development Edition

CODE COlor Depth Enhancement (ATI)

COE Central Office Equipment

COE Common Operating Environment [certification] (DISA, Mil.)

COEES COE Engineering System (COE)

COFDM Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (Digital Audio, DAB)

COFEE Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor (MS)

COICA Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act

COIPX Connection Orientated Internet Packet eXchange (Novell, Netware, IPX), "CO-IPX"

COL Caldera Open Linux (Caldera, Linux)

COM Component Object Model (OLE, OLE2, OCX, ActiveX, MS)

CONCISE COSINE Network's Central Information Service for Europe (COSINE, Netzwerk)

CONLAN CONsensus LANguage (HDL)

CONS Connection Oriented Networking Service

CONTAC Central Office NeTwork ACcess

COOL COBOL Object Orientated Language (OOP, COBOL)

COOP Concurrent Object Orientated Programming (OOP)

COP Character-Oriented Protocol

COPE Company Owned and Personally Enabled [device] (BYOD, COBO)

COPPA Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (Internet)

COPS Common Open Policy Service protocol (RFC 2748)

COPSPR Common Open Policy Service for Policy Provisioning (COPS, RFC 3084) "COPS-PR"

CORAN Communication ORiented Application aNalysis

CORD Central Office Re-architected as a Datacenter (ONF)

CORDIS COmmunity Research and Development Information Service (Europa)

COS Concurrent Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

COS Corporation for Open Systems (Org., OSI, User group)

COSA COmputing in der Sozialen Arbeit (Org, Köln)

COSE Common Open Software Environment (HP, Sun, IBM, SCO, USL, Univel)

COST COpenhagen SGML Tool (SGML), "CoST"

COT Central Office Terminal

COTP Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol (OSI, ISO 8073)

COTS Connection-Oriented Transport [layer] Service

COW Character Orientated Windows (MS, SAA, UI)

CP Contention Period (DCF, MAC)

CPA Collaboration Partner Agreement (CPPA, ebXML)

CPA Collaboration Protocol Agreements (ebXML)

CPAN Comprehensive PERL Archive Network (PERL)

CPC Central Processing Complex

CPCI Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), "cPCI"

CPCM Content Protection Copyright Management (DVB, CPTWG)

CPCS Common Part Convergence Sublayer (ATM)

CPE Common Platform Enumeration (URI, NIST)

CPE Customer Premises Equipment (ACS)

CPL Common Public License (IBM, IPL)

CPMS Central Point Management Services (Central Point)

CPODA Contention Priority Orientated Demand Assignment (MAC, PODA)

CPOL Code Project Open License

CPPA Collaboration Partner Profile and Agreement (ebXML, XML)

CPPM Content Protection for Pre-recorded Media (CPRM)

CPRM Content Protection for Recordable Media (CPPM)

CPS Central Processing System

CPU Central Processing Unit

CPUID Central Processing Unit IDentifier (CPU)

CPW Cross-Platform Windowing [library] (OpenGL)

CR Challenge-Response (SPAM)

CRAN Comprehensive R Archive Network, https://cran.r-project.org/

CRCG [Fraunhofer] Center for Research in Computer Graphics (Org., USA)

CRD Color Rendering Dictionary (PS)

CREN Corporation for Research and Educational Networking (Netzwerk)

CRET Color - Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP), "C-REt"

CRIN Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Nancy (Org., Frankreich)

CRJE Conversational Remote Job Entry (RJE)

CRM Customer Relationship Management

CRP Candidate Rendezvous Point (PIM, RP, Multicast), "C-RP"

CRP Common Reference Platform (PowerPC)

CRPC Center for Research on Parallel Computation (STC)

CRTM Core Root of Trust for Management (TCPA)

CRUX ChRome User eXperience (WWW), "CrUX"

CS Client/Server, "C/S"

CS Code Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

CS Computer Science

CS Controlled Slip [error event] (DS1/E1)

CS Convergence Sublayer (ATM)

CSA Client Service Agent

CSAIL Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Labs (MIT)

CSC Computer Sciences Corporation (Anbieter)

CSCC Concurrent SuperComputing Consortium (Org.)

CSCSI Canadian Society for the Computational Studies of Intelligence (Org., Kanada, AI)

CSDC Code Segment Descriptor Cache [register] (CS, Intel, CPU)

CSE Client-Server Environment

CSEIA [conference on] Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assessment (IFIP, Conference)

CSELT Centro Studi E Laboratori Telecomunicazioni [s.p.a.] (Org., Italien)

CSEM Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtecnique (Org., Schweiz)

CSGO Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, "CS:GO"

CSH Complementary Software House (DEC)

CSI Code Sequence Identification [technology] (Lavasoft, Ad-Aware)

CSI Convergence Sublayer Indication (ATM)

CSID Caller Station IDentification (Fax)

CSIDS Central command/Southern command Integrated Data System (Mil., USA)

CSII Center for Systems Interoperability and Integration (Org., ???)

CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Org., UK)

CSIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team

CSIS Central Schengen Information Systen (SIS, EU, Strasbourg)

CSKI Ceská Spolecnost pro Kybernetiku a Informatiku (Org., Tschechien)

CSM Cluster System Management (IBM)

CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access

CSMACA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance, "CSMA/CA"

CSMACD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (IEEE 802.3, Ethernet, CSMA/CD), "CSMA/CD"

CSNET Computer + Science NETwork (USA, Netzwerk, BITNET)

CSP Centro Supercacolo Piemonte (Org., Italien, HPC)

CSP Communicating Sequential Processes

CSP Content Security Policy (WWW)

CSPDU Convergence Sublayer Protocol Data Unit (ATM, PDU), "CS PDU"

CSR Cell misSequenced Ratio (ATM)

CSRC Computing Science Research Center (Org., Berkeley, BSD)

CSS Client-Side Scanning

CSS Content Scrambling System (DVD, Matsushita, IBM)

CST Central Standard Time [-0600] (TZ, CDT, USA)

CSTB Computer Science and Technology Board (Org., NRC)

CSTC Computer Security Technology Center (Org., CIAC)

CSTR Centre for Speech Technology Research

CSV Client SMTP Validation (SMTP, SPAM)

CT Certificate Transparency

CT Clackamas Technology (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

CTAN Comprehensive Tex Archive Network (TeX, FTP) pause

CTCP Client To Client Protocol (IRC)

CTDW Cygwin Technical Documentation Writer (Cygwin)

CTEA Copyright Term Extension Act (USA, DRM)

CTEC Certified Technical Education Center (MS)

CTR [columbia university] Center for Telecommunications Research (Org., USA)


CTS Clear To Send (MODEM, RS-232)

CU see you (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

CUE Corsair Utility Engine

CUL Computer Und Lernen (Org.)

CUL see you Later (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

CVS Concurrent Versions System (Unix)

CVW MITRE Collaborative Virtual Workspace license

CWE Common Weakness Enumeration, http://cwe.mitre.org/

CWI Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (Org., Niederlande)

CWP Current Workspace Pointer (SPARC, CPU)

CXFS Clustered eXtended File System (SGI, RAID, XFS)

CXML Commerce eXtensible Markup Language (XML) "cXML"

CYMK Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, blacK (Farbsystem)

DA Destination [MAC] Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI, ...)

DA11 DatenAustauschphase 11 [allgemeine bauabrechnung] (GAEB)

DA81 DatenAustauschphase 81 [leistungsverzeichnis] (GAEB)

DA82 DatenAustauschphase 82 [kostenanschlag] (GAEB)

DA83 DatenAustauschphase 83 [angebotsanforderung] (GAEB)

DA84 DatenAustauschphase 84 [angebotsabgabe] (GAEB)

DA85 DatenAustauschphase 85 [nebenangebot] (GAEB)

DA86 DatenAustauschphase 86 [zuschlag/auftragserteilung] (GAEB)

DAA Digest Access Authentication (HTTP, RFC 2617)

DAC Dual Attached Concentrator (FDDI)

DADF Duplex Automatic Document Feeder

DAG DatenAnschaltGerät

DAI Distributed Artificial Intelligence (AI)

DAIDALOS Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent, Optimized personal Services (Europa)

DAM Digital Asset Management

DAM Draft AMendment (ISO)

DAMLOIL DARPA Agent Markup Language and Ontology Inference Layer (DARPA, RDF, KM) "DAML+OIL"

DANA De.Admin.News.Announce (Usenet), "D.A.N.A."

DANE DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DNS, DNSSEC, Verschlüsselung)

DANTE Deutschsprachige ANwendervereinigung TEx [e.v.] (TeX, User group, Org.)

DAP Document Application Profile (JTC1, ODIF, ODA)

DAPE Distributed Application Programming Environment (ORB)

DAPHNE Document Application Processing in a Heterogeneous Network Environment

DAPIE Developer API Extensions (IBM, OS/2, API)

DAPP Decentralized APPlication, "DApp"

DARMP Defense Automation Resources Management Program (Mil., USA)

DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Org., USA)

DAS Dual Attachment Station (FDDI, Schneider & Koch)

DASK Dansk Aritmetisk Sekvens Kalkulator

DASP Drive Active, Slave Present (IDE)

DASS Distributed Authentication Security Service (RFC 1507)

DATEV DATEnVerarbeitungszentrale der steuerberatenden Berufe (Org., Nürnberg)

DAU Dümmster Anzunehmender User (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

DAVIS DAimler-Benz Vertragspartner-InformationsSystem (MBAG)

DAWN Defense Attache Worldwide Network (Netzwerk, Mil.)

DAX Developer API eXtension (OS/2, IBM, API)

DAZ Denormals Are Zero (FTZ)

DB2CS DataBase 2 Client/Server (IBM, DB2, DB), "DB2 C/S"

DB2SDK DataBase 2 Software Development Toolkit (DB2, IBM, DB), "DB2 SDK"

DBA Drei Buchstaben Akronym

DBAC DataBase Administration Center (DB)

DBEF Dual Brightness Enhancement Foile (LCD)

DBME DataBase Management Environment (DB)

DBMS DataBase Management System (DB)

DBVS DatenBankVerwaltungsSystem (DB)

DCA Data Center Automation

DCA Defense Communications Agency (Org., USA, Mil., Vorläufer, DISA)

DCA Document Center Architecture

DCA Document Content Architecture (IBM, CCS)

DCAP Data link switching Client Access Protocol (DLSW, RFC 2114)

DCB Data Center Bridging (FCoE, QoS)

DCBX Data Center Bridging eXchange (LLDP, DCB)

DCC Desktop Control Center (Intel)

DCC Digital Content Creation

DCC Direct Client to Client (IRC)

DCC DOS Command Center

DCCA Dependable Computing for Critical Applications (Konferenz)

DCCA Distributed Component Computing Architecture (Star, C/S)

DCCS DisContiguous Shared Segments

DCE Data Center Ethernet

DCE Data Circuit terminating Equipment (X.25, CCITT, IBM, HP, DEC, Tandem, Sun)

DCE Data Communications Equipment

DCE Distributed Computing Environment (OSF)

DCERPC Distributed Computing Environment / Remote Procedure Call (DCE, RPC), "DCE/RPC" , "DCE RPC"

DCIE Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency, "DCiE"

DCL Data Center Linux (Linux, OSDL)

DCM Domain Controller Master (Debian, Univention)

DCME Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment

DCOM Distributed Component Object Model (COM, MS, OLE, ActiveX)

DCPMM [Optane] Data Center Persistent Memory Module

DCRC Digital Cellular Radio Conference (GSM, Conference, Mobile-Systems)

DCS Damage Cleanup Service (Firewall, TrendMicro)

DCS Defense Communications System (Mil., USA)

DCSDFS Dynamic Channel Selection/Dynamic Frequency Selection (HiperLAN/2, WLAN), "DCS/DFS"

DCT Defect-and-Change-Management (CICS, IBM)

DCTCP Data Center Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), "DP TCP"

DCTN Defense Commercial Telephone Network (Mil., USA, Netzwerk)

DD Dansk Dataforening (Org., Dänemark)

DD Double Density [disks] (FDD)

DDA Dynamic Data Authentication (EMV, Verschlüsselung)

DDBAC Data-Design HBCI Banking Application Components (HBCI)

DDBMS Distributed DataBase Management System (DBMS, DB)

DDCD Double Density Compact Disk (CD, Sony)

DDCDR Double Density Compact Disk - Read (Sony, CD), "DDCD-R"

DDCDRW Double Density Compact Disk - Read Write (Sony, CD), "DDCD-RW"

DDD Domain Driven Design (MDA)

DDDS Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (ENUM, RFC 3401/3402/3403/3404/3405)

DDE DatenenDEinrichtung

DDEP Dynamic Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

DDI Device Dependent Interface

DDK Device Development / Driver Kit (MS)

DDL Document Description Language

DDM Distributed Data Management (IBM, CCS)

DDML Display Driver Management Layer

DDN Defense Data Network (USA, Netzwerk, Mil.)

DDOS Distributed Denial Of Service [attack], "DDoS"

DDR Dynamic Desktop Router (Cogent)

DDRS Defense Data Repository System (Mil., USA)

DDSS Double Dynamic Suspension System (Asus, CD-ROM)

DDV DatenDirektVerbindung (DTAG)

DDV DES-DES-Verfahren (Verschlüsselung, HBCI)

DDVS Daimler-benz DatenVerbundSystem (MBAG)

DE DatenElement (HBCI)

DEA Deterministischer Endlicher Automat

DEBI DMA Extended Bus Interface (Acorn, DMA)

DEC Digital Equipment Corporation (Hersteller)

DECNET Digital Equipment Corporation NETwork (DEC)

DECREE DARPA Experimental Cybersecurity Research Evaluation Environment (DARPA, OS)

DECS Domino Enterprise Connection Services (Lotus)

DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DFÜ)


DECUS Digital Equipment Computer Users Society (Org., DEC, User group)

DEE DatenEndEinrichtung

DEEP Dynamical ExaScale Entry Platform (Europa)

DEG DatenElementGruppen (HBCI)

DEMARC Distributed Enterprise Management ARChitecture (Banyan, VINES), "DeMarc"

DEN Directory Enabled Networking (MS)

DEN Document Enabled Networking (Novell, Xerox)

DENIC DEutsches Network Information Center, (Org., Internet) "DE-NIC"

DENIM Directory-Enabled Net Infrastructure Model (Novell)

DEP Data Execution Prevention (MS, Windows, XP, SP2)

DER Distinguished Encoding Rules

DERISC Dependable Real-time Infrastructure for Safety-critical Computers (Europa), "De-RISC"

DES Data Encryption Standard (Verschlüsselung, NIST, IBM)

DES Destination End System

DESCBC Data Encryption Standard/Cipher Block Chaining (DES), "DES/CBC"

DESE [PPP] Data Encryption Standard Encryption protocol (PPP, RFC 1969)

DESIRE DEsign by Simulation and REndering om parallel architectures [project] (ESPRIT)

DESP Data Element Standardization Program

DESX Data Encryption Standard eXtended (DES, Verschlüsselung)

DET Directory Entry Table (Novell, Netware)

DEVIL Developer's Image Library (OpenIL) "DevIL"

DEXA [conference on] Database and EXpert systems Applications

DFCL Debian Free Content License (Debian, Linux)

DFD Data Flow Diagram / DatenFlußDiagramm (CASE, SA)

DFD Deutsches FernerkundungsDatenzentrum (Org.)

DFDSM Data Facility Distributed Storage Management (IBM)

DFKI Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (Org., KI, AI)

DFM Dynamic Frequency Management (PDA)

DFNCERT Deutsches ForschungsNetz Computer Emergency Response Team (DFN, Internet) "DFN CERT"

DFS Deniable File System (FS)

DFS Dynamic Frequency Selection (WLAN)

DFS Dynamic Frequency Selection (WLAN)

DFÜ DatenFernÜbertragung

DFV DatenFernVerarbeitung

DGCC DISA Global Control Center (DISA)

DGD Deutsche Gesellschaft für Dokumentation [e.v.] (Org.)

DGEMM Double precision GEneral Matrix Multiply (GEMM, BLAS)

DGPS Differential Global Positioning System (GPS)

DGSA Defense Goal Security Architecture (Mil., USA)

DGUX Data General / UniX (Unix), "DG/UX"

DHIS Distributed Heterogeneous Information Systems

DIA Document Interchange Architecture (IBM, CCS)

DIACAP Department of defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process

DIAMOND Development and Integration of Accurate Mathematical Operations in Numerical Data-processing (ESPRIT)

DIB Defense Information Base (Mil., USA)

DIB Device Independent Bitmap (MS, Windows)

DIB Dual Independent Bus [architecture] (PC)

DICE Delivering Information in a Cellular Environment (SNI, Internet)

DIE Debugging Information Entry

DIF Document Interchange Format

DIGI Deutsche InteressenGemeinschaft Internet [e.v.] (Org., ISP)

DII Defense Information Infrastructure (Mil., USA, DISA)

DIICC Defense Information Infrastructure Control Concept (Mil., USA)

DIICOE Defense Info Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DISA, Mil., USA) "DII COE"

DIME Desktop Integrated Media Environment (COSE)

DIMSS DSN Integrated Management Support System (DSN, Mil., USA)

DINO Deutsches InterNet Organisationssystem (WWW, Uni Göttingen)

DIP Density-Independent Pixel (DP, SIP, SP)

DIPM Device Initiated Power Management

DIS Defense Information System (Mil., USA)

DIS Digital Identification Signal (HDLC)

DISA Defense Information Systems Agency (Org., Mil., USA)

DISC Defense Information System Council (Mil., USA)

DISK Deutschsprachige Internationale SAS-benutzer Konferenz

DISN Defense Information Systems Network (Mil., USA)

DISNET Defense Integrated Secure Network (Netzwerk, Mil., USA, Vorläufer, DSNET)

DISNNT Defense Information Systems Network - Near Term (DISN, Mil., USA), "DISN-NT"

DISP Dutch Independent Shareware Programmer (Org., Niederlande), "D.I.S.P."

DISSP Defense Information System Security Program (Mil., USA)

DITCO Defense Information Technology Contracting Office (Org., Mil., DISA, USA)

DITSCAP Department of defense Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP)

DIVE Direct Interface Video Extensions (IBM, MMPM/2)

DKIM Domain Keys Identified Mail (Domain, RFC 6376)

DKRZ Deutsches KlimaRechenZentrum (Org.)

DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier (ATM)

DLJ Distro License for Java (JRE, Linux)

DLPI Data Link Provider Interface (X/Open)

DM Development Machine (Corel)

DMARC Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (SPF, DKIM, RFC 7489)

DMC Desktop Multimedia Conferencing

DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act (USA, DRM)

DMD Differential Mode Delay (Gigabit-, Ethernet)

DMD Directory Management Domain (OSI, DS)

DMDAC Dual MAC Dual Attached Concentrator (FDDI, DAC)

DMDF Distributed Management Data Facility (DCE, DME)

DME Distributed Management Environment (OSF)

DMERT Duplex Multiple Environment, Real Time (OS, MERT)

DMI Definition of Management Information (OSI)

DMI Desktop Management Interface (DTMF, DMI, BIOS)

DMP Data Management Platform

DMS Data Management System

DMS Data Management System (ESA, Venus-Express)

DMS Defense Message System (Mil., USA)

DMS Document Management System

DMS Document Management System (CMS)

DMSCMS Display Management System/Conversional Monitor System, "DMS/CMS"

DMSIG Defense Message System Implementation Group (Org., DMS, Mil., USA)

DMSTWG Defense Message System Transition Working Group (Org., DMS, Mil., USA)

DMTF Desktop Management Task Force

DMTF Distributed Management Task Force, http://www.dmtf.org

DMU Data Management Unit (ZFS)

DMV Daten- und MedienVerlag

DNAE DatenNetz-AnschlußEinrichtung (DTAG)

DND Den Norske Dataforening (Org., Norwegen)

DNI De.Newusers.Info (Usenet)

DNIC Data Network Identification Code (X.121)

DNQ De.Newusers.Questions (Usenet)

DNSO Defense Network Systems Organization (Org., USA, Mil.)

DNSTAN Digitale NebenSTellenANlagen (DTAG), "DNStAn"

DNX Departmental Network eXchange [bridging router] (SNA, SDLC, Proteon)

DOAG Deutsche Oracle AnwenderGruppe [e.V.] (Oracle, User group, Org.)

DOC De.Org.CCC (Usenet, CCC)

DODISS Department Of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (Mil., USA)

DOE Depends On Experience

DOI Digital Object Identifier (IDF)

DOM Document Object Model (MS, Java)

DOM Document Object Module (HTML, XML, API)

DOME Distributed Object Management Environment (ORB)

DOMF Distributed Object Management Facility (Sun)

DOOM Decentralised Object Orientated Machine

DOP Directory Operational binding management Protocol

DOPE Dartmouth Oversimplified Programming Experiment

DOS Denial Of Service [attack], "DoS"

DOSVSE Disk ??? Operating System / Virtual Storage Extended (OS, IBM 43XX, DOS/VS, VSE), "DOS/VSE"

DOT Digital Only Token

DP Density-independent Pixel (DIP, SIP, SP)

DPA Distributed Password Authentication

DPC Database Promotion Center (Org., Japan, DB)

DPC Dots Per Centimeter (DPI)

DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)

DPD Differential Phase Detection

DPE Distributed Processing Environment (IN)

DPM Dynamic Power Management (AMD, GPU)

DPMA Data Processing Management Association (Org.)

DPMS Display Power Management Signalling [standard] (VESA)

DPSE Display PostScript Engine (DPS, NextStep, OpenStep, Apple, Rhapsody)

DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying (DFÜ)

DPV DatenPaketVermittlung[srechner]

DRACO DECT Radio Communications Controller (DECT, Hagenuk, University of Manchester)

DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator

DREN Defense Research and Engineering Network (Netzwerk)

DRI Defense Research Internet (ARPANET, Nachfolger, Netzwerk)

DRI Direct Rendering Infrastructure (XFree86)

DRIM DResden Identity Management

DRL Document Revocation List (TCPA)

DRM Digital Rights Management (MS, DRM)

DRMU Digital Remote Measurement Unit

DRS Development Requirement Specification

DRSN Defense Red Switch Network [hopefully no traffic ever] (Netzwerk, Mil. USA)

DRTM Dynamic Root of Trust for Measurement

DS Data Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

DSA Debian Security Announcement (Linux, Debian)

DSA Directory System Agent (X.500, DSA)

DSAG Deutsche SAP AnwenderGruppe (SAP, User group)

DSC Document Structuring Conventions (Adobe)

DSDC Data Segment Descriptor Cache [register] (DS, Intel, CPU)

DSDL Document Schema Definition Language (DB)

DSDT Differentiated System Description Table (ACPI)

DSE Data Switching Equipment (X.25, CCITT)

DSE Distributed Systems Environment (Honeywell, Bull)

DSEE DOMAIN Software Engineering Environment (Apollo, CM, DOMAIN)

DSGVO DatenSchutz-GrundVerOrdnung (Deutschland)

DSH Desperately Seeking Help (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

DSI Defense Simulation Internet (Netzwerk, Mil., USA)

DSID Destination Signaling IDentifier

DSLR Digital Single-Lens Reflex

DSM Dynamic Spectrum Management

DSN Defense Switched Network (Mil., USA)

DSNET Defense Secure NETwork (Mil., USA)

DSP Document Services for Printing (Xerox), "DS/P"

DSRS Defense Software Repository System (Mil., USA)

DSS Defense Switched Services (Mil., USA)

DSSCS Defense Special Security Communications System (Mil., USA)

DSSS Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (WLAN)

DSSSL [standard] Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DTD, ISO, IEC, DIS 10179)

DSSSL Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (SGML)

DTAC Digital Threat Analysis Center (MS)

DTAM Document Transfer, Access and Manipulation (CCITT, T.400, ODIF)

DTAZV DatenTrägeraustausch, belegloser AuslandsZahlungsVerkehr (Banking)

DTC DeskTop Conferencing

DTCSA Digital Transition Content Security Act (USA)

DTD Document Type Definition (SGML, XML. HTML, DTD)

DTE Data Terminal Equipment (X.25, CCITT)

DTE DatenTransferEinrichtung

DTE Domain and Type Enforcement (TE)

DTI Document Technologies, Inc. (Firma, USA)

DTMF DeskTop Management task Force (Intel)

DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency

DTML Document Template Markup Language (ZOPE)

DTMP DCPS Management Panel (DCPS)

DTMS Document Transfer and Manipulation Services (CCITT, T.400)

DTP Distributed Transaction Processing (X/Open, OLTP)

DTP Document Transfer Profile (SPAC, ODA, DAP, Vorläufer)

DTR DeskTop Replacement [notebook]

DTR Document Filing and Retrieval (DOAM, ISO, IEC, DIS 10166-1 f.)

DTRT Do The Right Thing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

DTS Digital Thermal Sensor (Intel, IC, CPU)

DTSES Digital Theatre Sound - Extended Surround (Audio), "DTS-ES"

DUA Directory User Agent (X.500, DS)

DÜE DatenÜbertragungsEinrichtung (DTAG)

DÜE DatenÜbertragungsEinrichtung

DV DatenVerarbeitung

DVA DatenVerarbeitungsAnlage

DVCS Distributed / Decentralized Version Control System (DRCS)

DVD Deutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz [e.V.] (Org.)

DVDRG Digital Versatile Disk - Read (General use)

DVI DeVice Independent

DVID Dynamic - Voltage IDentification (Intel, CPU), "D-VID"

DVM Dynamic Voltage Management (PDA)

DVS DatenVerwaltungsSystem (BS2000)

DVST DatenVermittlungsSTelle (DTAG)

DVSTP DatenVermittlungsSTelle mit Paketvermittlung (DTAG), "DVST-P"

DVT Deutscher Verband Technisch-wissenschaftlicher vereine (Org.)

DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing [protocol]

DWIM Do What I Mean (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

DWM Diskless Workstation Management (AIX, IBM)

DXA Directory eXchange Agent

DXE Driver eXecution Environment (UEFI)

E2E End To End

E3 End-to-End Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

E4M Encryption 4 Masses (Verschlüsselung)

EA [Visio for] Enterprise Architects (MS, .NET)

EA Enterprise Agreement (MS)

EA Enterprise Agreement (Adobe)

EA Escrowed Authenticator (Verschlüsselung, EES)

EA Extended Attribute (OS/2, Apple)

EAB Enterprise Access Builder (IBM, Java)

EAC Enhanced Audio CODEC (EVD, CODEC)

EAD Encoded Archival Description (SGML)

EADAS Engineering and Administrative Data Acquisition System (EADAS)

EADASNM EADAS/Network Management (EADAS), "EADAS/NM"

EAI Enterprise Application Integration

EAM Evanescent Access Method (BS2000)

EAMR Energy Assisted Magnetic Recording (HDD)

EANTC European Advanced Networking Test Center (Org., Berlin, ANTC, FDDI)

EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol (Cisco, Verschlüsselung, RADIUS, WPA)

EAPAKA Extensible Authentication Protocol method for 3rd generation Authentication and Key Management (EAP, RFC 4187) "EAP-AKA"

EAPMD5 Extensible Authentication Protocol - Message Digest 5 (EAP, Verschlüsselung), "EAP-MD5"

EAPOL Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LAN (EAP, LAN, Verschlüsselung), "EAPoL"

EAPOW Extensible Authentication Protocol Over Wireless (EAP, WLAN, Verschlüsselung), "EAPoW"

EAPTTLS Extensible Authentication Protocol - Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP, Verschlüsselung), "EAP-TTLS"

EAR Enterprise ARchive (IBM, WBISF)

EAS Enterprise Access System (Dynatech)

EAS Enterprise Agreement Subscription (MS, OSL)

EASEL Emergent Algorithm Simulator and Evaluation Language

EASI Enhanced Asynchronous SCSI Interface

EATA Enhanced AT Bus Attachment

EATCS European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (Org., Europa)

EATX Extended Advanced Technology eXtended [form factor] (ATX), "E-ATX"

EAUE Elektronische AufenthaltsUEberwachung

EAX Environmental Audio eXtension (Audio, Creative Labs)

EAZ EndgeräteAuswahlZiffer (ISDN)

EBCDIC Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code

EBGA Enhanced Ball Grid Array (BGA, CPU, IC)

EBNF Extended Backus-Naur-Form

EBPF Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), "eBPF"

EBR Enterprise Backup and Restore (ENS, Banyan, VINES)

EBR Extended Boot Record (MBR)

EBV Elektronisches BewerbungsVerfahren

EBXML Electronic Business eXtensible Markup Language (XML, OASIS, UN/CEFACT, B2B) "ebXML"

EC3 European CyberCrime Centre (Org., Europa)

ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, AI, ECCAI, Europe)

ECAL European Conference on Artificail Life (Europe, AI)

ECASO Enhanced Cooling After System Off

ECB Event Control Block (IPX)

ECCAI European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (Org., AI, Europa)

ECD Energy Conversion Devices (Hersteller, OUM)

ECDL European Computer Driving License, http://www.ecdl.com

ECF Enhanced Connectivity Facilities (IBM)

ECHO European Community Host Organisation (Org., Europa)

ECHT European Conference on Hypermedia Technology (INRIA, Conference)

ECI Efficient Channel Integration (ADC, EDI)

ECM Enterprise Content Management

ECM Entity Coordination Management (FDDI, SMT)

ECMS Enterprise Content Management System (CMS)

ECNE Enterprise Certified Novell Engineer (Novell, Netware)

ECOC European Conference on Optical Communications (Konferenz)

ECOOP European Conference on Object Orientated Programming (OOP, Conference)

ECP [PPP] Encryption Control Protocol (PPP, RFC 1968)

ECP Enhanced Capability Port (MS)

ECP Enhanced Communication Port / Protocol

ECP Excessive CrossPosting (Usenet, EMP, Spam)

ECR Engineering Change Request (PCI)

ECRC [cable & wireless] European Computer industry Research Centre [gmbh] (ISP, Org.)

ECRM Electronic Customer Relationship Management (Internet), "eCRM"

ECRYPTFS Enterprise Cryptographic FileSystem (Linux, FS), "EcryptFS"

ECS Enhanced Chip Set (Amiga, Commodore)

ECSC European Customer Support Centre (HP)

ECSD Enhanced Circuit Switched Data (8-PSK, Mobile-Systems)

ED End Delimiter (FDDI, Token Ring)

ED Enhanced Density

EDAC European Conference on Design Automation (IEEE-CS, Conference)

EDBS Einheitliche DatenBank-Schnittstelle (DB)

EDC Electrical Design Current (TDC)

EDCF Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function (MAC, 802.11a, DCF, QOS)

EDD Enhanced Disk Device [polling] (BIOS, Linux)

EDD Enterprise Data Distribution (ENS, Banyan, VINES)

EDGE Enhanced Data rate for GSM / Global Evolution (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

EDID Extended Display Identification Data [standard] (VESA, DDC)

EDM Engineering Data Management

EDM Extended Data Message

EDMCC European Distributed Memory Computing Conference (GI, ITG, IFIP, Conference)

EDMS Engineering Document Management System

EDO Extended Data Out [RAM] (RAM, DRAM, IC)

EDODRAM Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM), "EDO-DRAM"

EDORAM Extended Data Out Random Access Memory (RAM, IC), "EDO-RAM"

EDP Enhanced Dot Pitch (Hitachi)

EDR Endpoint Detection and Response

EDRAM Enhanced Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC)

EDSA Europäischer DatenSchutzAusschuss (Org.)

EDSAP Early Detection Sensor and Algorithm Package (Samsung)

EDSFF Enterprise and Datacenter Storage Form Factor (Intel, Samsung, Facebook)

EDSRA Earth Data System Reference Application (ISH, USA)

EDV Elektronische DatenVerarbeitung

EDX Event-Driven eXecutive (OS, IBM)

EE Emotion Engine (Sony, Playstation)

EE Energy Efficient (AMD, TDP)

EEB Enterprise Electronics Bay (SSI)

EEE [UDB] Enterprise Extended Edition (IBM, DB2, DB, UDB)

EEE Energy Efficient Ethernet (IEEE)

EEHPCWG Energy Efficient HPC Working Group (Org., HPC, WG)

EEI Equipment to Equipment Interface

EEI External Environment Interface (Mil., USA)

EELS Engineering Electronic Library, Sweden (Org., WWW, Schweden)

EEMS Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification

EEP Early Experience Program (Borland)

EEP EnOcean Equipment Profile

EEP Entry Exit Procedure (R:Base, DB)

EES Escrowed Encryption Standard (Verschlüsselung, NSA)

EESA Enterprise Extensions SMART Accessed (WD, ATA)

EET Edge Enhancement Technology (Seikosha, Itoh)

EFI Extended Firmware Interface (Intel, MS)

EFI Extensible Firmware Interface [veraltet/old term] (Intel, Itanium, MS)

EFL Eiffel Forum License (Eiffel)

EFL Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (GUI)

EFM Eight-to-Fourteen-Modulation (CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD)

EFS Encrypting File System (Verschlüsselung, Windows, MS, DESX)

EFSM Extended Finite State Machine (TTCN, ...)

EFÜ EmmissionsdatenFernÜbertragung (DFÜ)

EG Evil Grin (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter (Vorläufer, VGA)

EGA Enterprsie Grid Alliance (Org., grid, EMC, FSC, HP, Intel, Oracle, ...)

EGB Elektrostatisch gefährdete Bauelemente

EGD Entropy Gathering Daemon (Unix, GNU, GnuPG)

EGEE Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (Europa, EU)

EGMS E-Government Metadata Standard (RSS, Großbritannien)

EGO Enterprsie Grid Orchestrator

EGOV Electronic GOVernment

EGPA Erlangen General Purpose Array (MP)

EGPRS Enhanced General Packet Radio Service (8-PSK, Mobile-Systems)

EGREP Extended Global Regular Expression Print (Unix, GREP)

EGS Enhanced Graphics System (Commodore)

EHCI Enhanced Host Controller Interface (USB, Intel)

EHDI Environmental Human Interface Devices

EHF Encoding Header Field (Internet, RFC 1154)

EIB Element Interconnect Bus (IBM, Cell)

EICC Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (Org.)

EIDAS Electronic Identification, Authentication and trust Service (Europa), "eIDAS"

EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (HDD, IDE), "E-IDE"

EIEIO Enforce In-order Execution of Input/Output (PowerPC, I/O, CPU)

EIF Enterprise Instrumentation Framework (MS)

EIFS Extended InterFrame Space (MAC, PCF, IFS, WLAN)

EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)

EIO Enhanced Input/Output [architecture] (HP)

EIP Extended Instruction Pointer [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

EIP Extended Internet Protocol (Internet, RFC 1385)

EIS Enterprise Information System

EISA Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)

EIST Enhanced Intel Speedstep Technology (Intel, Pentium)

EIT Encoded Information Type

EIT Event Information Table (DVB, EPG)

EJB Enterprise Java Beans (Java, Sun, CORBA)

EKMS Electronic Key Management System (Verschlüsselung)

EL Electro Luminescent [display]

EL1 Extensible Language one (ECLogic)

ELC Embedded Linux Conference (Linux)

ELCE Embedded Linux Conference Europe (Linux)

ELH Entity Life History (DB)

ELK Extension Language Kit (Scheme)

ELRAD [magazin für] ELektronik und technische RechnerAnwenDungen

ELS Entry Level Solution (Novell, Netware)

EM Extensions Manager (Apple)

EM64T Extended Memory [64] Technology (Intel)

EMA Enterprise Management Architecture (DEC)

EMA Extended Mercury Autocode

EMB Enhanced Master Burst (EISA)

EMBI Excuse My Butting In (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EMBMS Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (LTE, FeMBMS), "eMBMS"

EME Encrypted Media Extensions (HTML, DRM)

EMET Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (MS)

EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference

EMISA EntwicklungsMethoden für InformationsSysteme und deren Anwendung (Org., GI)

EML Element Management Layer (TMN)

EMM Enterprise Mobility Management

EMP Excessive Multiple Posting (Usenet, ECP, Spam)

EMS Energy Management System

EMS Enhanced Messaging Service (Mobile-Systems)

EMV ElektroMagnetische Verträglichkeit (EN 55022, DIN, VDE 0878)

EMX Enterprise Messaging eXchange [switch]

EN Europa Norm (Europa)

ENA Electronic Networking Association (Org., Internet)

ENA Enterprise Networking Association (Banyan, VINES, User group, Org.)

ENA European Networking Associates (Org., Europa)

ENA Extended Network Addressing (IBM, SNA)

ENCFS ENCrypted File System (Linux, FS), "EncFS"

ENDC European Network Design Center (3COM)

ENDIVE Enhanced Direct Interface Video Extensions (OS/2, MMPM/2, IBM), "EnDIVE"

ENF Embedded NAS Firmware (RAID, NAS, ArtStor)

ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer

ENISA European Network and Information Security Agency (Org.)

ENP Embedded NPrinter (NEST, Novell)

ENS Enterprise Network Services (Banyan, VINES)

ENS Ethereum Name Service

ENSA Enterprise Network Storage Architecture (HP)

ENSIQ ENS - Information Query (Banyan, VINES, ENS), "ENS IQ"

ENSMT ENS - Management Tool (ENS, Banyan, VINES), "ENS-MT"

ENUC Embedded Next Unit of Computing (Intel, NUC), "eNUC"

ENUM tElephone NUmber Mapping (VoiP)

EOA End Of Address

EOB End Of Block

EOCB Electrical Optical Circuit Board [project] (Bosch, Siemens, IZM, ...)

EOD End Of Discussion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EOF End Of File

EOF End Of Frame (S-ATA)

EOF Enterprise Objects Framework (NeXT)

EOI End Of Input

EOI End Of Interrupt

EOI End Or Identify (GPIB)

EOJ End Of Job

EOL End Of Line

EOM End Of Message

EON Enhanced Other Networks (RDS)

EOP End Of Procedure (Fax)

EOS Extended Operating System (OS)

EOSL End Of Service Life

EOT End Of Text

EOT End Of Thread (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

EOT End Of Transmission

EOTD Enhanced Observed Time Difference (LBS, GPS), "E-OTS"

EP Enterprise Portal (SAP)

EP3 [the] Extensible PERL PreProcessor (PERL)

EPA Enhanced Performance Architecture

EPA Environmental Protection Agency (USA, Org.)

EPAC Ein-Platinen-Allzweck-Computer (IC, C'T)

EPAL Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language (W3C)

EPBR Extended Partition Boot Record (PowerQuest)

EPCC Edinburgh Parallel Computing Center (Org., UK, HPC)

EPDF Embedded Portable Document Format (Adobe, PDF, HTML)

EPEL Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (Linux, RHEL, Fedora, RedHat)

EPH Electronic Payment Handling (Banking)

EPHOS European Procurement Handbook for Open Systems

EPIC Electronic Privacy Information Center (Verschlüsselung)

EPIC European Public sector Information systems Conference

EPIX Enhanced Performance unIX (Unix), "EP/IX"

EPL Eclipse Public License (Eclipse)

EPL Elektronenstrahl-ProjektionsLithographie

EPMR Enhanced Perpendicular Magnetic Recording (HDD, Western Digital), "ePMR"

EPP Enhanced Parallel Port / Protocol (Intel, Zenith, Xircom, IEEE 1284)

EPP Enhanced Performance Profiles (Nvidia)

EPP Extensible Provisioning Protocol (RFC 3730/3731/3732/3733/3734/3735)

EPRML Extended Partial Response - Maximum Likelihood (PRML, HDD, HD-DVD)

EPS Enterprise Protection Strategy (TrendMicro)

EPSI Encapsulated PostScript Interchange

EPSS Experimental Packet-Switching System (UK)

EPT Extended Page Tables (SLAT, Intel)

ER Enterprise Replication (IDS, Informix, DB)

ERD Entity-Relationship Diagram

ERIN Environmental Resources Information Network (Australien, Netzwerk)

ERL Electronic Research Lab (Volkswagen, USA)

ERM Enterprise Resource Management

ERM Entity Relationship Model (DB)

ERP Enterprise Resource Planning [software]

ERS Enterprise Resource Sharing (ENS, Banyan, VINES)

ES [Red Hat Enterprise Linux] Enterprise Server (RedHat, Linux, RHEL)

ES End System (ATM)

ES Extended Services (OS/2)

ES Extra Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

ESA Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, MVS/XA, VM, CMS)

ESA Entertainment Software Association (Org., USA)

ESANN European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (Conference, NN)

ESAXA Enterprise Systems Architecture / eXtended Architecture (IBM, ESA, XC), "ESA/XA"

ESAXC Enterprise Systems Architecture / eXtended Configuration (IBM, ESA, XA), "ESA/XC"

ESB Enterprise Service Bus (Iona, OSS, IBM, SOA)

ESCD Extended System Configuration Data (BIOS, PNP)

ESCO Extended Synchronous Connection Orientated (Bluetooth), eSCO

ESCON Enterprise Systems CONnect (ion)

ESDC Extra Segment Descriptor Cache [register] (ES, Intel, CPU)

ESDI Enhanced Standard Device Interface

ESDS Entry Sequenced Data Set (VSAM)

ESE Embedded Secure Elements, "eSE"

ESE Extensible Storage Engine (AD, MS)

ESEC European Software Engineering Conference (GI, BCS, AFCET, AICA, ÖGI, SI, Conference)

ESER Einheitliches System dEr Rechentechnik (DDR)

ESF Extended Super Frame (ISDN, T1)

ESI End System IDentifier (ATM)

ESIM Embedded Subscriber Identity Module (SIM, Mobile-Systems), "eSIM"

ESIOP Environment Specific Inter-ORB Protocol (OMG, CORBA, ORB, DCE)

ESIS Element Structure Information Set (SGML)

ESIS End System to Intermediate System [protocol / routing] (OSI), "ES-IS"

ESMD Enhanced Storage Module Device

ESMTP Extended Simple Message Transport Protocol (SMTP, RFC 1425/1869)

ESNET Energy Sciences NETwork (Netzwerk, USA, Internet)

ESNI Encrypted Server Name Indication (HTTPS)

ESORICS European Symposium On Research In Computer Security (Konferenz)

ESP [IP] Encapsulating Security Payload (IPSEC, IP, RFC 1825/1827/2406, VPN)

ESP Emulation Sensing Processor (QMS)

ESPRIT European Strategic Program of Research and Development in Information Technology (EU)

ESR Event Service Routine (IPX)

ESR Extended Support Release

ESRB Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESA)

ESS Extended Service Set (WLAN)

ESSBASE Extended Spread Sheet dataBASE (MDBMS, DB)

ESSID Extended Service Set IDentification (SSID, WLAN)

ESU Extended Security Updates (MS)

ETAI Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

ETB End of Transmission Blank / Block

ETC European Test Conference (VDE, IEEE-CS, Conference)

ETE End-To-End

ETG Enterprise Transaction Gateway (EDI, NT)

ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule

ETHZ Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (Org., Schweiz)

ETLA Extended Three Letter Acronym

ETLS Enterprise Transport Layer Security (TLS, ETSI), "eTLS"

ETO Essentials - Tools - Objects (Apple), "E.T.O."

ETP Enhanced Tracking Protection (WWW, Firefox)

ETR Early Token Release (Token Ring)

ETS Emergency Telecommunication Service (RFC 3689)

ETS Enhanced Transmission Selection (IEEE 802.1Qaz, DCB)

ETW Event Tracing for Windows (MS)

ETX End of Transmission teXt

EUC Extended Unix Code (Unix, AT&T)

EUD End User Development

EUDC EMACS Unified Directory Client (EMACS)

EULA End User License Agreement (MS, DRM)

EUS EntscheidungsUnterstützende Systeme

EUSES End Users Shaping Effective Software [initiative] (USA)

EUSUVP EntscheidungsUnterstützendes System UmweltVerträglichkeitsPrüfung (EUS, XPS, Uni Hamburg)

EV EtagenVerteiler (Kabel, EN 50 173)

EV Extended Validation

EVA [StorageWorks] Enterprise Virtual Array (HP, HDD)

EVBIT Ergänzende VertragsBedingugen - InformationsTechnik, "EVB-IT"

EVC Enhanced Video Connector (VESA)

EVD Enhanced Versatile Disk (China)

EVDO Enhanced Voice-Data Optimized / Only (Mobile-Systems, Qualcomm, ITU), "EV-DO"

EVE Extended Virtual Environment

EVMS Enterprise Volume Management System (OSS, IBM)

EVP Enhanced Virus Protection (AMD, CPU)

EVS Enhanced Voice Service (VoLTE, VoWiFi)

EWAS Elektronisches WareneingangsAbwicklungsSystem (MBAG)

EWD Engine and Warming Display (Airbus, A380), "E/WD"

EWIKO [verein zur förderung] Elektronischer WIssenschaftsKOmmunikation (Org.)

EWOS European Workshop for Open Systems (OSI, ODA)

EWS Employee Written Software (IBM)

EXFAT Extended File Allocation Table (FAT), "exFAT"

EXFCB EXtended File Control Block

EXSLT Enhanced eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSL, XML, XSLT)

EXZ EXcessive Zeros [error event] (DS1/E1, DS3/E3)

F2F Frequency - Double Frequency

F2FS Flash-Friendly File System (Linux, Samsung, FS), "F2fs"

FACE Framed Access Command Environment (Unix, SVR4)

FAE Field Application Engineer

FAG FernmeldeAnlagenGesetz (DFÜ, Deutschland)

FAID Flash Authority Identification Data (EEPROM)

FAIS Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society (Org., Finnland, AI)

FAL File Access Listener (DEC, DNA)

FAP Flight Attendant Panel (Airbus, A380, CIDS, LCD)

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

FARE Film Automatic Retouching and Enhancement (Canon, Scanner)

FASMI Fast Analysis of Shared Multidimensional Information (OLAP)

FASTA FAhrzeugbetriebs- und Servicedaten-Transfer und -Analyse (BMW)

FAU Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (Org., Erlangen, Nürnberg)

FAW Forschungsinstitut für Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (Org., KI, Ulm)

FBL Frame Burst error Length (CD)

FBM Flexible Buffer Management (QMS)

FC Frame Control (FDDI, Token Ring)

FCAPS Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security [management areas]

FCCH Frequency Correction CHannel (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

FCCN Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional (Org., Portugal)

FCDAE Fibre Channel Disk Array Enclosure (FC), "FC-DAE"

FCGS4 Fibre Channel Generic Service 4 (FC, SAN, ANSI), "FC-GS-4"

FCI Forward Cache Identifier (CATNIP)

FCP First Contenful Paint (WWW)

FCS Frame Check Sequence (FDDI, Token Ring)

FDD Frequency Division Duplex (Mobile-Systems)

FDDITPPMD FDDI Twisted Pair-Physical layer, Medium Dependent, "FDDI TP-PMD"

FDE Full Disk Encryption

FDL Free Documentation License (GNU)

FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access (Mobile-Systems)

FDTDMA Frequency Division/Time Division Multiple Access (Mobile-Systems, GSM), "FD/TDMA"

FE Forschung und Entwicklung, "F&E"

FE Functional Entity (IN)

FEA Functional Entity Action (IN, UNI)

FEAL Fast Data Encipherment Algorithm (DES, Verschlüsselung)

FEAST Fast Data Enciphering Algorithm (Verschlüsselung)

FEBE Far End Block Error (SONET)

FEDRAMP FEDeral Risk and Authorization Management Program (USA), "FedRAMP"

FEIT Fujitsu Enhanced Imaging Technology (Fujitsu)

FEK File Encryption Key (Verschlüsselung)

FEM Finite Elemente Methode

FEN Free-net Erlangen/Nürnberg

FEP Firewall Enhancement Protocol (RFC 3093)

FEP Flight Envelope Protection (Airbus, A380)

FEP Front End Processor

FERF Far End Receive Failure (UNI, ATM, SONET, OAM)

FESI Federacion Espanola de Sociedades de Informatica (Org., Spanien)

FFF Fused Filament Fabrication

FGCS Fifth Generation Computer Systems [project] (ICOT)

FHE Fully Homomorphic Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

FHSS Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (WLAN)

FID File IDentifier (APDU)

FID File Identifier Descriptor (UDF, CD-R)

FIDO Fast IDentity Online (Org.)

FIFF Forum Informatikerinnen Für den Frieden (Org.)

FIGLET Frank, Ian and Glenn's LETters (ASCII, fonts)

FILE Free Internet Lexicon and Encyclopedia (WWW, DICT)

FIMAS Financial Institution Message Authentication Standard (Banking, ANSI)

FIP Factory Instrumentation Protocol

FIP Fluorescent Indicator Panel

FIPA Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (Org., Agents)

FIRE Flexible Intelligent Routing Engine (3Com)

FIRE Future Internet Research and Experimentation (Europa, CORDIS)

FIRMR Federal Information Resources Management Regulations (USA)

FIRP Federal Internet Requirements Panel (Internet, USA)

FIRST Forum of Incident Response and SecuriTy (Org., NIST)

FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act (USA)

FIU Fingerprint Identification Unit (Sony)

FIZ FachInformationsZentrum karlsruhe (Org., Deutschland)

FK Foundation Kit (NextStep, OpenStep, Apple, Rhapsody)

FLAME FLexible API for Module-based Environments (RL, API)

FLEA Four Letter Extended Acronym

FLOSS Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

FM Frequenz-Modulation

FMA Federated Management Architecture (Java)

FNI FachNormenausschuss Informationsverarbeitung [1962-1987] (DIN, NI, Vorläufer)

FOAF Friend Of A Friend [vocabulary] (RDF)

FOCS [symposium on] Foundations Of Computer Science (Konferenz)

FODA Formal specification of ODA document structures (ODA, ISO)

FODO [international conference on] Foundations Of Data Organization and algorithms (Conference, INRIA)

FOEBUD [verein zur] Förderung des OEffentlichen Bewegten und Unbewegten Datenverkehrs [e.v.] (Org.) "FoeBuD"

FOKUS Forschungszentrum für Offene KommUnikationsSysteme (Org., GMD, Berlin)

FOO Friends Of O'reilly [meeting]

FOOT Forum for Object Oriented Technology (CERN, OOP)

FOP Feature Orientated Programming

FORTWIHR FORschungsverbund für Technisch-WIssenschaftliches HochleistungsRechnen (Org., Bayern)

FORWISS bayerisches FORschungszentrum für WISsensbasierte Systeme (Org., KI)

FOSS Free and Open Source Software

FOSSFA Free Software and Open Source Foundation for Africa (Org., Afrika)

FOUC Flash Of Unstyled Content (CSS)

FPE Floating Point Engine

FPI Formal Public Identifier (DTD, SGML, SI)

FPI Functional Process Improvement

FPODA Fixed Priority Orientated Demand Assignment (MAC, PODA)

FPSE FrontPage Server Extensions (Microsoft, IIS)

FRD Functional Requirements Description

FRED Flexible Return and Event Delivery (Intel, IDT)

FRL Frame Representation Language (AI)

FS Frame Status (FDDI, Token Ring)

FSC Fujitsu Siemens Computer (Hersteller)

FSCK File System Consistency checK (Unix)

FSE Fabric Switch Engine (Dell, FEM)

FSK Frequency Shift Keying (DFÜ)

FSV Flexible Sender Validation (SPAM)

FSVO For Some Value Of (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FTAM File Transfer, Access and Management (GOSIP, ISO 8571/8572)

FTE [DCOM] For The Enterprise (DCOM, SAG)

FTNA File Transfer Access and Management

FTOS File Transfer Open Systems

FTSC Fidonet Technical Standard Conference (Konferenz)

FTZ FernmeldeTechnische Zentralamt / Zulassung (DTAG, ZZF, Vorläufer)

FUBAB Fouled / Fucked Up Beyond All Belief (DFUE-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FUBAR Fouled / Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition / Repair (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FÜV Fernmeldeanlagen-ÜberwachungsVerordnung

FWIW For What It's Worth (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FYI For Your Information (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

FZI ForschungsZentrum Informatik (Org., Uni Karlsruhe)

GA General Availability (OS/2)

GA Genetic Algorithm (s)

GAA General Application Area (CD-MRW)

GABELN Gruppe Area Brett Echo Liste Newsgroup (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, BBS)

GAC Government Advisory Council (ICANN)

GAE Generic Application Environment

GAEB Gemeinsamer Ausschuß für Elektronik im Bauwesen (Org.)

GAK Governmental Accessed Keys (Verschlüsselung)

GAL Generic Array celL / Logic

GAN Generative Adversarial Network

GAN GrenzAktenNachweis (INPOL)

GAP Generic Access Profile (DECT, Europa, Bluetooth)

GAP Generic Address Parameter

GATOR GATeway OrientierungsRatgeber (Internet)

GBA GameBoy Advance (Nintendo)

GBASP GameBoy Advance Special Project (Nintendo), "GBA SP"

GBM Generalised Bitmap Module (DLL, Windows, Linux, OS/2)

GCA General Communications Architecture (Ingres)

GCATT Georgia Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology (Org., USA)

GCCS Government Code and Cipher School (UK, Mil.), "GC&CS"

GCF Generic Connection Framework (Java, J2ME)

GCHQ Government Communications HeadQuarters (Mil., UK)

GCID Global Call IDentifier

GCIDIE Global Call IDentifier- Information Element (GCID), "GCID-IE"

GCIH GIAC Certified Incident Handler (GIAC, GSE)

GCOS General Comprehensive Operating System (Honeywell, OS, Honeywell Series 60, Honeywell Series 6000)

GCR Gray Component Replacement (RGB, CYMK, DTP)

GCRA Generic Cell Rate Algorithm (UNI, ATM)

GCS Greek Computer Society (Org., Griechenland)

GDA Global Directory Agent (DCE)

GDAP Government Document Application Profile

GDC Game Developers Conference

GDD Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherung (Org.)

GDM Grid Data Management (Grid)

GDMI Generic Definition of Management Information

GDPDU Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit Digitaler Unterlagen (BMF), "GDPdU"

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

GDR General Distribution Release

GDR Grid Data Reference (grid)

GDS Generalized Data Stream (IBM, APPC)

GE General Electric (Hersteller, GE)

GEAM GEAM Encrypts All Mails (Verschlüsselung)

GECOS General Electric Comprehensive Operating Supervisor / System (OS, GE, GCOS, Vorläufer, Honeywell)

GED Google Experience Device (Android, OS)

GEDCOM GEnealogical Data COMmunication [format], "GeDCom"

GEGL GEneric Graphic Library (GIMP)

GEI Gesellschaft für Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung [mbh] (Hersteller, Aachen)

GEIST German Encyclopedic Internet Service Terminal (Org.)

GEM Generalized Executive for realtime Multiprocessor applications (OS)

GEM Graphics Environment Manager (DR, PC)

GEMM GEneral Matrix Multiply (BLAS)

GENA General Event Notification Architecture (UPnP)

GENI Global Environment for Network Innovations (NSF)

GENIE General Electric Network for Information Exchange (Netzwerk, GE)

GEOS Graphic Environment Operating System (OS)

GETS Government Emergency Telecommunications System (USA)

GFC Generic Flow Control (ATM)

GFC Going For Coffee (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

GFDL GNU Free Documentation License (GNU)

GFSK Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (DFÜ)

GGI General Graphics Interface

GIC Generic Interrupt Controller

GIDAS Grafisch-Interaktives DatenAnalyseSystem

GIDEI General Input Device Emulation Interface

GIDF Google Ist Dein Freund (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

GIDO General Intrusion Detection Object (CIDF)

GII General Input Interface

GIM Gesellschaft für informationstechnik und InformationsManagement [mbh] (ISC, Bremen)

GIMP General / GNU Image Manipulation Program (Linux, Graphik, GNU)

GIMPS Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (Internet)

GINA Generische INteraktive Anwendung (GMD)

GINA Graphic Identification and Authentication

GIOP General Inter-ORB Protocol (OMG, CORBA, ORB, IIOP)

GIRL Generalized Information Retrieval Language

GISF GIAC Information Security Fundamentals (GIAC)

GITS Government Information Technology Service (USA)

GKDC Group Key Distribution Centre (KDC, CBT)

GKHI Generalized Kernel Hook Infrastructure (Linux, IBM)

GKMP Group Key Management Protocol

GLDV Gesellschaft für Linguistische DatenVerarbeitung (Org.)

GLGPL GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU)

GLM Generalized Markup Language

GLOCOM [center for] GLObal COMmunications (Org., Japan)

GLSL openGL Shading Language (OpenGL)

GLT openGL c++ Toolkit (OpenGL)

GLU openGL Utility Library (OpenGL, GLU)

GLUT openGL Utility library Toolkit (OpenGL, GLU)

GLX openGL extension for the X window system (OpenGL, X-WIndows)

GM General MIDI [standard] (MIDI)

GMAC Galois Message Authentication Code (GCM)

GMC Global Motion Compensation (DivX, Video)

GMD Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (Org., St. Augustin)

GMDS deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Dokumentation, informatik und Statistik [e.v.] (Org.)

GMGPL GNAT Modified GNU Public License (GNAT, GNU, GPL)

GMI Generic Management Information (OSI)

GML General Markup Language

GMPLS Generalized MultiProtocol Label Switching

GMSC Gateway Mobile services Switching Center (Mobile-Systems)

GMT Greenwich Mean Time [+0000] (TZ, UTC, UK)

GNFS General Number Field Sieve (Verschlüsselung)

GNMP Government Network Management Profile (USA)

GNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNU, GNOME, GUI)

GOCA Graphic Object Content Architecture (IBM, MO:DCA)

GOD Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Datenverarbeitung, "GoD"

GOEP Generic Object Exchange Profile (Bluetooth, SPP)

GOK GNOME On-screen Keyboard (GNOME)

GOLEM GroßspeicherOrientierte Listenorganisierte ErmittlungsMethode (Siemens)

GOSIP Government Open Systems Interconnections Profile (USA, UK)

GP Generative Programming

GPC General-Purpose Computation

GPF General Protection Fault (Windows)

GPFS General Parallel File System (IBM)

GPGPU General Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units (GPU)

GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus (IEEE 488)

GPIB General-Purpose Interface Bus (IEEE 488, GPIB)

GPIO General Purpose Input Output

GPL General Public Licence (GNU)

GPM Gesellschaft für ProjektManagement [e.v.] (Org.)

GPMC Group Policy Management Console (MS, Windows, XP, .NET)

GPOS General Purpose Operation System

GPP [SCSI-3] Generic Packetized Protocol (SAM)

GPR General Purpose Register (CPU)

GPRS General Packet Radio Service / System (ETSI, GSM, TCP/IP, GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

GPV General Public Virus

GRAPHXML GRAPH eXtensible Markup Language (XML)

GRC Generic Reference Configuration

GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation (RFC 1701, VPN)

GREASE Generate Random Extensions And Sustain Extensibility (TLS)

GRPS General Packet Radio Service (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

GRS Generalized Reed-Solomon [code]

GS General Standard (MIDI)

GSDK Game Software Development Kit (Linux, GGI, OpenGL)

GSDS Genealogy Software Distribution System

GSEC GIAC Security Essentials Certification (GIAC)

GSER Generic String Encoding Rules (ASN1, RFC 3641/342)

GSMP General Switch Management Protocol (DEC, Sprint)

GSR Grid Service Reference (OGSI, grid)

GSRC GigaScale Systems Research Center (Org.)

GSS Generic Security Service (IETF, GSS-API)

GSSAPI Generic Security Service API (RFC 2078, API) "GSS-API"

GSX Graphics System eXtension

GTC GPU Technology Conference (Nvidia, GPU)

GTF Generalized Timing Format (VESA)

GTFO Get The Fuck Out (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

GTK Group Transient Key (RSN, Verschlüsselung, WLAN)

GTLD Generic Top Level Domain (Internet, ICANN), "gTLD"

GTSC Global Technical Support Centre (MS)

GTSM Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (TTL, RFC 3682)

GUID Global[ly] Unique IDentifier (COM)

GUILE GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension (GNU)

GUMO General User Model Ontology (DFKI)

GURPS Generic Universal RolePlaying System

GV GebäudeVerteiler (Kabel, EN 50 173)

GVV German Volunteer Votetakers (Usenet, DANA)

GWAI German Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, AI)

GWDG Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen [mbH] (Org.)

HAAPI Human Authentication Application Program Interface (API), "HA-API"

HAND Have A Nice Day (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

HBAO Horizon-Based Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)

HCI Human Computer Interaction (BCS, Conference)

HCI HyperConvergent Infrastructure

HD High Density

HDB3 High Density Bipolar 3

HDBMS Hierarchical DataBase Management System (DBMS, DB)

HDCD High Density Compact Disk (CD, Sony, Phillips)

HDCP High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (DRM, HDMI, Verschlüsselung)

HDDVD High Density Digital Versatile Disk (DVD, NEC, Toshiba), "HD-DVD"

HDI High Density Interconnect

HDIT High Bandwidth Differential Interconnect Technology [bus] (VIA)

HDN Hochgeschwindigkeits-DatenNetz

HE HöhenEinheit [1HE = 19'']

HEAAC High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding, "HE-ACC"

HECTOR HEterogeneous Computer TOgetheR (IBM, Uni Karlsruhe)

HEDT High-End DeskTop (Intel)

HEIF High Efficiency Image File format (MPEG)

HEL Header Extension Length

HEPNET High Energy Physics NETwork (Netzwerk)

HERMES Heuristic Emergency Response Management Expert System (XPS)

HERODE Handling the Electronic Representation of mixed text - image Office Documents based on ECMA standard 101 (ESPRIT, SNI, TITN, ECMA, ODA)

HEROS HEeresführungsinformationssystem für die Rechnergestütze Operationsführung in Stäben (Bundeswehr)

HEVC High Efficiency Video Coding (MPEG)

HF Have Fun (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

HFD Hauptanschluß für Direktruf / Datenleitung (DTAG), "HfD"

HI Hochschulverband Informationswissenschaften (Org.)

HIBP Have I Been Pwned, https://haveibeenpwned.com/

HIC Human Interaction Component

HIFIVE HIgh Fidelity Interactive Visual Environment (DEC), "Hi-FIVE"

HIFT Hardware Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT)

HIGGENS Human Interface Graphical GENeration System (Uni Colorado)

HINT Hierarchical INTegration [benchmark]

HIP Host Identity Protocol (IETF)

HIPERLAN HIgh PErformance Radio Local Area Network (LAN, ETSI, EN 300 652)

HIRD HURD of Interfaces Representing Depth (GNU, HURD)

HISAM Hierarchical Indexed Sequential Access Method (SAM)

HIVE Hierarchical Indentify Verify Exploit

HLP High Latency Profile (Video, AVC)

HLPI Higher Layer Protocol Identifier

HLRB HöchstLeistungsRechenzentrum Bayern (Org.)

HLRS HöchstLeistungsRechenzentrum Stuttgart (Org.)

HMAC keyed-Hashing for Message AuthentiCation (Verschlüsselung, RFC 2104)

HMC Hardware Management Console (IBM, Linux)

HMM Heterogeneous Memory Management

HMMP HyperMedia Management Protocol (MS, Intel, Cisco, WWW, HMMS)

HMMS HyperMedia Management Schema (MS, Intel, Cisco, WWW)

HNCP HomeNet Control Protocol

HOMERF Home Radio Frequency (WLAN), "HomeRF"

HOOPS Hierarchical Object Orientated Picture System (Ithaca, Autodesk, OOP)

HOP Homecast Open Protocol (WLAN, Alation Systems)

HPE Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HP, Hersteller)

HPET High Precision Event Timer (IC, Intel, MS)

HPVEE Hewlett-Packard Visual Engineering Environment (HP, GUI), "HP VEE"

HPVUE Hewlett Packard - Visual User Environment (HP, GUI), "HP-VUE"

HRFWG Home Radio Frequency Working Group (WLAN, HOMERF)

HRMS Human Resource Management System (Peoplesoft)

HSA Heterogenous Systems Architecture (AMD)

HSI Hue, Saturation, Intensity (DTP)

HSIE Homeland Security Information Exchange (Expertelligence, Grid), "HS/IE"

HSLFX Hierarchical Specification Language - Function Extension (HDL, NTT, LSI), "HSL-FX"

HSM Hierarchical Storage Management

HSM Hierarchisches SpeicherManagement

HSR Hidden Surface Removal (3D)

HT Hyper-Threading (Intel, Pentium, SMT, CPU)

HTB Hierarchical Token Bucket

HTC HTML Components (MS, OWA, WWW, HTML)

HTTPNG HyperText Transfer Protocol - Next Generation (WWW), "HTTP-NG"

HUMA Heterogenous Uniform Memory Access (PS4), "hUMA"

HVD High Voltage Differential [technology] (SCSI)

HWE HardWare Enablement [stack] (Linux, Ubuntu)

HWMC HardWare Motion Compensation

HYCH Hope You Can Help (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

HYTEA HYperText Environment for Authoring (ESPRIT)

I2O Intelligent Input/Output (Intel)

I2O Intelligent Input/Output [bus]

I4DL Interface, Inheritance, Implementation, Installation Definition Language (DME, OSF)

IA Identification and Authentication, "I & A"

IA32E Intel Architecture - 32 [BIT] Enhanced (Intel, IA32), "IA32e"

IAA Initial Address Acknowledgment

IAAIL International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (Org., AI)

IAM Identity and Access Management

IAMT Intel Active Management Technology (Intel), "iAMT"

IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IANW International Academic Networkshops (Konferenz)

IAONA Industrial Automation Open Networking Alliance (Org., Europe)

IAS Internet Authentication Server (MS, Windows)

IAW In Accordance With (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IBC InterBase Components (Borland, Delphi, InterBase)

IBFI Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (Org., GI)

IBFN Integriertes BreitbandFernmeldeNetz

IBSS Independent Basic Service Set (IEEE 802.11i, WLAN)

ICA Independent Computing Architecture (Cytrix, Windows, NT, ASP)

ICA Intelligent Communication Adapter (Banyan, VINES)

ICADD International Committee for Accessible Document Design (Org.)

ICAL Internet CALendar [protocol], "iCAL"

ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (EATCS, Conference)

ICAP Internet Calendar Access Protocol (TCP/IP, Lotus)

ICARA International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents

ICC Intelligent Communications Control

ICC International Conference on Communications (Konferenz)

ICCAD International Conference on Computer Aided Design (IEEE, Conference)

ICCC InterClient Communication Convention (X-windows)

ICCC International Conference on Computer Communication (Konferenz)

ICCCM InterClient Communication Convention Manual (X-Windows)

ICCD International Conference on Computer Design (IEEE, Conference)

ICCI International Conference on Computing and Information (Konferenz)

ICCIMA International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (AI, Conference)

ICCP Inter Control Center Protocol (TASE)

ICD Installable Client Driver (OpenGL)

ICDCS International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (INRIA, IEEE-CS)

ICE Image Correction Enhancement (Minolta, Nikon, Epson, Scanner)

ICE Infinite Capacity Engine

ICE Information and Content Exchange [protocol] (XML)

ICE Insane Creator Enterprise, "iCE"

ICE Interactive Connectivity Establishment (NAT, SIP)

ICH Intelligent Connection Handling (BIG)

ICIE International Center for Information Ethics (Org.)

ICIEA IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (IEEE)

ICMB Intelligent Chassis Management Bus (IPMI)

ICMC International Computer Music Conference (Messe)

ICONZ Internet Company Of New Zealand (Org., Usenet)

ICOT Institute for new generation COmputer Technology (Org., Japan, FGCS)

ICP Independent Content Provider (MSN)

ICP Intelligent Computer Peripherals (Hersteller)

ICP International Client Pack (MS)

ICPS Image et Calcul Parallèle de Scientifique (Org., Frankreich, HPC)

ICR Intelligent Character Recognition

ICRA International Conference on Robotics and Automation

ICRA Internet Content Rating Association (Internet, Org., IBM, MS, AOL, ...)

ICSC Intelligent Channel/Storage Control, "IC/SC"

ICSI International Computer Science Institute (Org., USA)

ICST International Conference on Sensing Technology

ICT Image Constraint Token (DOT)

ICTF Internet Content Task Force (Org., Internet)

ICU International Components for Unicode (IBM, API, Unicode)

ID IDentification

IDA Interchange of Data between Administrations (Org., Europa)

IDAC Infobus Data Access Component (Lotus, Java)

IDE Integrated Development Environment

IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm (Verschlüsselung)

IDEA Internet Design, Engineering, and Analysis notes (IETF)

IDEC I Don't Even Care (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IDF Intel Developer Forum (Intel, Conference)

IDI Initial Domain Identifier (NSAP, IDP)

IDLE Integrated DeveLopment Environment (Python)

IDMT [Fraunhofer] Institut für Digitale MedienTechnologie (Org.)

IDOC Intermediate DOCuments (ALE, SAP)

IDOMENEUS Information and Data on Open MEdia for NEtworks of USers (WWW, Uni Hamburg)

IDP Intrusion Detection and Prevention (IDS)

IDRC Improved Data Recovery Capability (Datenkompression)

IDS Intelligent Decision Server (IBM)

IDSA Interactive Digital Software Association (Org., Nintendo, Sony, MS, ...)

IDUPGSSAPI Independent Data Unit Protection Generic Security Service API (GSS, API), "IDUP-GSS-API"

IDV Individuelle DatenVerarbeitung

IE Information Element (ATM, ISDN)

IE Information Engineering

IEAAIE [international conference on] Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert systems (Conference, ISAI, ..., AI), "IEA/AIE"

IECC Informix Enterprise Command Center (Informix)

IED Intelligent Electronic Device

IEDM International Electron Device Meeting (Konferenz)

IEE Institute of Electrical Engineers (Org., UK)

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (Org., USA)

IEEECS Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers - Computer Society (Org., IEEE) "IEEE-CS"

IEEESA Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Standards Association (Org., IEEE), "IEEE-SA"

IEEJ Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (Org., Japan)

IEF Information Engineering Facility

IEICE Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (Org., Japan)

IEMSI Interactive Electronic Mail Standard Identification

IEN Internet Engineering Notes

IEN Internet Experiment Notebook (Vorläufer, RFC)

IEPA Individual Expert Participation Agreement (Sun)

IEPG Internet Engineering and Planning Group (Internet, RFC 1690)

IEPRC International Electronic Publishing Research Centre (Org., PIRA)

IES Integrated Engineering Station (Toshiba, TOSMAP-DS)

IES Intelligent Emulation Switching (Epson)

IESE [Fraunhofer] Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering (Org.)

IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group (IETF)

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force (Org., IAB, Internet, RFC 1603/2418/3233)

IETFWG Internet Engineering Task Force - Working Group (RFC 1603, IETF) "IETF-WG"

IEW Information Engineering Workbench (IBM)

IFAD Institute of Applied Computer Science (Org., Dänemark)

IFCM Independent Flow Control Messages (SSP)

IFIOM Intelligent FDDI Input Output Module (SMC, ES/1, FDDI)

IFMP Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol (IP, RFC 1953)

IFROSS Institut für Rechtsfragen der Freien und Open Source Software (Org., OSS, Deutschland) "ifrOSS"

IFS Intelligent Fax System (Ricoh)

IGD [Fraunhofer] Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung (Org., Darmstadt)

IGMP Internet Group Management / Multicast Protocol (RFC 1112/2236, IP, Multicast)

IGOS Indonesia Goes Open Source [initiative] (OSS)

IGOSS Industry/Government Open System Specification

IHV Independent Hardware Vendor

IID Interface IDentifier (COM)

IIM Internet Identified Mail (Cisco, SPAM)

IIP Interoperability Improvement Panel

IIRA Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIC)

IIRC If I Remember/Recall Correctly (Usenet, IRC, DFÜ-Slang)

IIRWIIR It Is Ready When It Is Ready (DFÜ-Slang, IRC, Usenet)

IIS [Fraunhofer] Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen (Org.)

IIS Intelligence Information System (Mil.)

IIUC If I Understand Correctly (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IJCAI International Joint Committee / Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, Org., AI)

IJG Independent JPEG Group (Org., JPEG)

IKE IBM Kiosk for Education (IBM)

IKP Internet Keyed Payment [protocols] (IBM, WWW), "iKP"

IKWUM I Know What You Mean (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IKYABWAI I know You Are But What Am I? (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ILEC Independent Local Exchange Carrier

ILETS International Law Enforcement Telecom Seminars (ETSI)

ILFA Integrierte Logische Funktionen für Anwendungen (IWBS, Uni Karlsruhe, Uni Duisburg)

ILLIGAL ILLinois Genetic Algorithm Laboratory (Org., Uni Illinois, USA) "IlliGAL"

ILM Information Lifecycle Management (HSM)

ILMI Interim Link / Local Management Interface (ATM)

ILPNET [european] Inductive Logic Programming scientific NETwork, http://www-ai.ijs.si/ilpnet.html

ILS Intelligente LernSysteme

ILSVRC Imagenet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition (ImageNet)

IM Information Management

IMAIL Intelligent MAIL

IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMAV IT Management Added Value (IT)

IMB Intel Media Bench

IMC Information Management and Communication (Org., UK, Liverpool Hope University), "IM&C"

IMC Information Management Concept

IMC Information, Management und Consulting [GmbH] (Deutschland)

IMCO In My Considered Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMD Integrated Management Display (Compaq)

IMD Internet Multimedia Development (Internet)

IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity (MS, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

IMG IMplementation Guide (R/3, SAP)

IMHO In My Humble Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMLE Intelligent Mechatronic Solution Elements (Uni Paderborn)

IMMD Institut für Mathematische Maschinen und Datenverarbeitung (Org., Uni Erlangen)

IMNSCO In My Not So Considered Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMNSHO In My Not So Humble / Honest Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMO In My Opinion (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IMPACT Information Market Policy ACTions (ECHO)

IMPP Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol (IETF, IM)

IMR Information Management Representitive (IM)

IMS [Fraunhofer] Institut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und systeme (Org., Dresden)

IMS Information Management System (IBM)

IMS Integrated Management System

IMS Integrated Measurement Systems [inc] (Hersteller)

IMS Intelligent Manufacturing System (MITI)

IMSESA Information Management System/Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM), "IMS/ESA"

IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity (MM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

IMSVS Information Management System/Virtual Storage, "IMS/VS"

IMTC International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium (Org., MS, Intel, Apple, IBM, SNI, AT&T, ...)

IMU Inertial Measurement Unit

IMUNE Intrusion Mitigation Unified Network Engine (Symantec, IDS)

IMY I Miss You (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IN Intelligent Network (ITU-T, Q.1200)

INA Intelligent Network Architecture (IN)

INAP Intelligent Network Application Part / Protocol (IN, SS7)

INCM Intelligent Network Conceptual Model (IN)

INCORE INternet COntent Rating for Europe (Org., Internet)

INDC [international conference on] Information Networks and Data Communication (IFIP, Conference)

INDE Integrated Native Developer Experience (Intel)

INET International NETworking conference (Konferenz), "iNET"

INMS Integrated Network Management System

INNC International Neural Network Conference (INNS, Conference, NN)

INOC Internet Network Operations Center

INRIA Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (Org., Frankreich)

INSITS INternational Symposium on IT Standardization (Conference, IFIP, GI)

INTERNIC Inter Network Information Center (Org., Internet) "InterNIC"

IOCTA Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (EC3)

IOMMU Input Output Memory Management Unit (AMD, Athlon)

IOOC Integrated Optics and Optical fiber Communication (Konferenz)

IOTTMCO Intuitively Obvious To The Most Casual Observer (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IOW In Other Words (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

IP Intelligent Peripheral (IN)

IP Intelligent Peripheral

IPA Information Processing promotion Agency (Org., MITI, Japan)

IPAM IP Address Management (IP, DNS)

IPCE InterProcess Communication Environment

IPCR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (Conference, IAPR)

IPD Intelligent Printer Data

IPDS Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IBM, CCS)

IPE Integrated Programming Environment

IPES Improved Proposed Encryption Standard (IDEA, PES, Verschlüsselung)

IPFC Information Presentation Facility Compiler (IBM, OS/2)

IPI Intelligent Peripheral Interface [protocol]

IPL IBM Public License

IPL Ionenstrahl-ProjektionsLithographie

IPMB Intelligent Platform Management Bus (IPMI, BMC)

IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface (Intel, HP, DELL)

IPNG Internet Protocol Next Generation (IP, RFC 1550/1752) "IPng"

IPP Internet Presence Provider (Internet)

IPS InPlane Switching [technology] (LCD, Sony, Philips, NEC, Iiyama, Eizo, Dell, BenQ, Apple)

IPSE Integrated Programming Support Environment (CASE)

IPU Intelligent Processing Unit

IPVR Institut für Parallele und Verteilte Rechensysteme (Org., Uni Stuttgart)

IPW Incremental Packet Writing (CD-R)

IPXODI IPX Open Datalink Interface (Novell, Netware)

IPXSPX IPX / Sequenced Packet eXchange (Novell, Netware), "IPX/SPX"

IRC InformationsRessourcen Controlling (IM)

IRCS Institute for Research in Cognitive Science (Org., Uni Pennsylvania, USA)

IRIS Incident Response Intelligence Services (IBM)

IRIS Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (Org., Canada)

IRL In Real Life (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

IRLMP InfraRed Link Management Protocol (IRDA, IRLAP), "IrLMP"

IRLMPTP InfraRed Link Management Protocol/Transport Protocol (IRDA, IRLMP), "IrLMP/TP"

IRM Information Resources Management

IRV International Reference Version [character set] (ISO, IS 646)

IS International Supplement (ODT)

ISA Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation society (Org.)

ISADS International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (IEEE-CS, Conference)

ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol

ISAM Index-Sequential Access Mode (DB, SAM)

ISC Intelligent Screen Cognition

ISC International Supercomputer Conference

ISC Internet Service Center (ISP)

ISD Integrated Sensor Device (Wacom, LCD)

ISDV Integrated Software Development and Verification

ISEE Information System Engineering Environment (Westmount, CASE)

ISEE Integrated Software Engineering Environment [reference model] (NIST, ECMA, CASE)

ISI Information Sciences Institute (Org., USA)

ISM Industrial, Science, Medical [ = 2,4 GHz ] (WLAN)

ISM Intel Server Management (Intel)

ISMS Inventory Sampling Measurememt System (CC)

ISN Initial Segment / Sequence Number (TCP/IP)

ISODE ISO Development Environment (OSI)

ISOE ISCSI Offload Engine (ISCSI), "iSOE"

ISSAC International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ACM, Conference)

ISSCC International Solid State Circuits Conference (Konferenz)

ISSE Internet Streaming SIMD Extension (Intel, Pentium, Katmai, SIMD)

ISSRE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (IEEE-CS, Conference)

ISSS Information Society Standardization System (CEN, Org.)

IST Intelligent Transportation System

ISTM It Seems To Me (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

ISTO Information Science and Technology Office (Org., DARPA)

ISTR I Seem To Recall / Remember (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

ISV Independent Software Vendor

ISV Independent Solution Vendor (DEC)

ISV Information Service Vendor

ITAM Information Technology Asset Management

ITE InformationsTechnische Einrichtungen

ITESFA1EHS Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Function Area 1 - Enterprise Hardware Solutions (Mil., USA), "ITES-FA1-EHS"

ITM Information Technology Management

ITMA Information Technology Management Association (Org., USA)

ITMS Immediate check Truth Maintenance System (AI)

ITP Intend / Intent To Package (Slang, Cygwin)

ITP Intent to Package (Linux, Debian)

ITRC Information Technology Research Centre (Org., Canada)

ITX ??? Technology eXtended [form factor]

ITYM I Think You Meant (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

IUKDG Informations- Und KommunikationsDiensteGesetz (DFÜ, Deutschland)

IUR International User Requirements (ETSI, TS 101331)

IUT Implementation Under Test

IUTSUT Implementation Under Test - System Under Test, "IUT-SUT"

IVDENIC InteressenVerbund DEutsches Network Information Center (Org., Internet) "IV-DENIC"

IVTS International Video Teleconferencing Service

IWBS Institut für WissensBasierte Systeme (Org., IBM)

IWFM It Works for Me (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

IWOP Ingenic Wearable Open Platform

IWS Intelligent Work-Station

IWT International Workshop on Telematics (Conference, IEEE-CS, SEE)

IWV ImpulsWahlVerfahren (MODEM)

IYSWIM If You See What I Mean (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition (Java, Sun)

JAAS Java Authentication and Authorization Service (Java, API)

JACK Java Application Component Kit (Java)

JAD Joint Application Development

JADE Jasmine Application Development Environment (Jasmine, DB, CA)

JAE Java Application Environment (Java, Sun, JDK)

JAOO Java and Object Orientation [conference], http://www.jaoo.dk

JAX [Konferenz für] Java, Apache, XML (conference, Java, Apache, XML)

JBB Java Business Benchmark (SPEC, Java)

JCE Java Cryptographic / Cryptography Extension (Java, JCA)

JCR Java Content Repository (Java, API, JSR 170)

JDK Java Development Kit (Sun, Java)

JDOM Java Document Object Model (Java)

JDT Java Development Tooling (Java, Eclipse)

JECL Jabber External Component Libraries (Jabber, API)

JED Joomla! Extensions Directory (Joomla)

JEDEC Joint Electronic Devices Engineering Council (Org.)

JEE Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE, Java, Sun)

JEIDA Japan Electronics Industry Development Association (Org., Japan)

JEITA Japan Electronics and Information Technology industries Association (Org. Japan)

JELD Java Event List Daemon (Java)

JEMS Jboss Enterprise Middleware System

JES Java Enterprise System (Sun, Java)

JES Job Entry Subsystem (IBM)

JET Joint Engineering Team

JICST Japan Information Center of Science and Technology (Org., Japan)

JIEO Joint Interoperability Engineering Organization (Org., DISA, Mil., USA)

JIPDEC Japan Information Processing DEvelopment Center (Org., Japan)

JITC Joint Interoperability Technology Center (Org., DISA, Mil.)

JK Just Kidding (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

JMAPI Java Management API (Java, API)

JMX Java Management eXtensions (Java)

JND Just Noticeable Difference (Video)

JOOP Journal of Object Orientated Programming (OOP)

JOSL Jabber Open Source License (Jabber)


JPA Java Persistence API (Java, API, JEE, EJB)

JRE Java Runtime Environment (Java)

JSA Juristische StandardAntwort (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

JSAI Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (Org., Japan)

JSD Jackson System Development (JSP)

JSDK Java Servlet Development Kit (Java, Sun)

JSME Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering (Org., Japan)

JSPA Java Specification Participation Agreement (Java, JCP)

JSPE Japan Society of Professional Engineers (Org., Japan)

JSSE Java Secure Socket Extension (Java, API)

JTBPX Job To Be Processed [block] eXtension (BS2000)

JTMS Justification based Truth Maintenance System (AI)

JV JobVariablen (BS2000)

JWE JSON Web Encryption (JSON)

JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (Mil.)

JWS Javadoc extensions for Web Services (BEA, Java)


KAISER Kernel Address Isolation to have Side-channels Efficiently Removed

KAN KriminalAktenNachweis (INPOL)

KCC Knowledge Consistency Checker (AD)

KCMS Kodak Color Management System (Kodak, DTP)

KDC Key Distribution Center (Verschlüsselung)

KDD Kokusai Denshin Denwa (Org., Japan)

KDE K Destop Environment (Linux, KDE, GUI)

KGEM Kernel Generalized Event Management (CA, GPL, Linux)

KGRZ Kommunales GebietsRechenzentrum Giessen (Org.)

KI Künstliche Intelligenz

KIF Konferenz der Informatik Fachschaften (Konferenz)

KIR Kyocera Image Refinement (Kyocera)

KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

KIT Kernel software for Intelligent Terminals (T-Online, DTAG, BTX)

KLIPS Kilo Logical Inferences Per Second (AI, KI, XPS)

KLT Karhunen Loeve Transformation

KLT Kernel Latency Time

KM Knowledge Management

KMS Key Management Server (AD)

KMS Knowledge Management Systeme

KNOOM KNowledge Orientated Office Model

KONSENS KoOrdinierte Neue Software-Entwicklung der Steuerverwaltung

KOS Kent On-Line System (OS)

KPCMS Kodak Precision Color Management System (Kodak, DTP)

KR [brian] Kernighan & [dennis] Ritchie [c standard], "K&R"

KR Knowledge Representation (AI)

KSDS Key Sequenced Data Set (VSAM)

KSR Keyboard Send Receive

KUTGW Keep Up The Good Work (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LA [MPEG] Licensing Administration (MPEG)

LAA License Assisted Access (LTE)

LADT Lexikon der Abkürzungen in der Datentechnik und Telekommunikation (WWW)

LAEC Lotus Authorized Education Center (Lotus)

LAME LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder (MP3)

LBCAST Lateral Buried Charge Accumulator and Sensing Transistor array (Nikon, photo)

LBT Listen Before Talk (DFÜ), ieeesa

LCC Local Control Center

LCCM LAN Client Control Manager (IBM, LAN)

LCN Local Control Network (Issendorf)

LCP Largest Content (ful) Paint

LCS Laboratory for Computer Science (MIT)

LCV Line Coding Violation [error event] (DS1/E1, DS3/E3)

LDA Local Delivery Agent

LDCM LANDesk Client Manager

LDID Logical Disk IDentifier (MS)

LDP Linux Documentation Project (Linux)

LDPC Low Density Parity Check Codes (WIMAX, 802.16e)

LDVA LänderDatenVerareitungsAnlage

LEA Law Enforcement Agency (ETSI, ETSI 201 671)

LEAF Law Enforcement Access Field (EES, Verschlüsselung)

LEAP Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (Cisco, EAP, Verschlüsselung, WLAN)

LEC LAN Emulation Client (LANE, ATM)

LECID LAN Emulation Client IDentifier (LANE, ATM, LEC)

LEI Lotus Enterprise Integrator (Lotus)

LELR Low Energy Low Range (Bluetooth)

LEN Loi pour la confiance dans l'Economie Numérique (Frankreich)

LEN Low Entry Networking (IBM, SNA, PU)

LENS Laser Engineered Net-Shaping

LEO LeitungsEndgerät, Optisch (Mil., Deutschland)

LFA Leitzentrum Für Anwendungsforschung (DDR), "LfA"

LFE Low Frequency Effect (Audio)

LFO Low Frequency Oscillator

LFU Least Frequently Used

LG Liebe Grüße (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LGPL Lesser General Public License (GPL, GNU)

LIB Linear Incremental Backoff (CSMA/CD, BEB)

LIC Licensed Internal Code

LICCC Licensed Internal Code Configuration Control (IBM)

LID Local IDentifier (Infiniband)

LIFE Laboratory for International Fuzzy Engineering [research] (MITI)

LIFE Logistics Interface For manufacturing Environment

LIKS Lietuvos kompiuterininko Sajunga (Org., Litauen)

LIMDOW Laser / Light Intensity Modulation, Direct OverWrite (MOD)

LIMS Lawful Interception Management System (Utimaco)

LINC Laboratory INstrument Computer

LIPS Logical Inferences Per Second (AI, KI, XPS)

LIR Link Incident Report (Cisco)

LISP Lots of Isolated Silly Parentheses (LISP, Slang)

LIVID Language Identification and Voice IDentification

LKI Labor für Künstliche Intelligenz (Org., KI, Hamburg)

LLE Low Latency Ethernet (DCE)

LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Org., USA)

LMAO Laughing My Ass Off (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LME Large Memory Enabled [devices and drivers] (DAC)

LME Layer Management Entity (OSI)

LMFAO Laughing My Fucking Ass Off (Usenet, IRC, DFÜ-Slang)

LMI Layer Management Interface (ATM)

LMS Library Maintenance System (BS2000)

LOC LAN Operations Center (LAN)

LOCT Layered Open Crypto Toolkit (RSA, Verschlüsselung)

LOL Laughing Out Loud (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

LOOPS LISP Object Oriented Programming System (Xerox, OOP, LISP)

LOP Language Orientated Programming

LOPEC Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention, "LOPE-C", http://www.lope-c.com/

LPAE Large Physical Address Extension

LPAR [conference on] Logic for Programming, Artificial intelligence and Reasoning (AI, conference)

LPEX Live Parsing eXtensible Editor (IBM, OS/2)

LPP Licensed Program Product (IBM)

LPPL Latex Project Public License

LPX Low Profile eXtended [motherboard/form factor]

LRU Least Recently Used

LRZ Leibniz RechenZentrum (Org., BADW)

LSA Link State Advertisement (OSPF)

LSAPI Licensed Services Application Program Interface (MS, API)

LSE Local Subscriber Environment

LSI Latent Semantic Indexing

LSO Large Segment Offloading (NDIS)

LT Lagrande Technology (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

LTC Linux Technology Center (Linux, Unix, IBM)

LTE Line Terminating Equipment (SONET)

LTEU LTE Unlicensed (LTE), "LTE-U"

LTID Logical Terminal IDentifier (IBM)

LTO Linear Tape Open (Streamer, IBM, HP, Seagate)

LTSS Lawrence TimeSharing System (OS, LLNL)

LUNA Leuchtendatei für UnfallfluchtNAchforschungen (INPOL)

LVD Low Voltage Differential [technology] (SCSI, Symbois Logic)

LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signal (TI, NSC)

LVE Live Video Extension (Video)

LVN LandesVerwaltungsNetz (Baden-Württemberg)

LVTI Local Variable Type Inference

LWE LinuxWorld Conference & Expo (Linux, Europa)

LWL LichtWellenLeiter (Kabel)

MAC Message Authentication Code (SSL, SRT, Verschlüsselung)

MACID Media Access Control IDentifier, "MAC-ID"

MAD Memory Address Driver strength (BIOS)

MAD Militärischer AbschirmDienst (Mil., Org.)

MADCAP Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol (RFC 2730, Multicast)

MADE Multimedia Application Development Environment (CWI)

MADK Microsoft Activex Development Kit (ActiveX, MS)

MAE Macintosh Application Environment (Apple, Sun, HPUX)

MAEC Malware Attribute Enumeration and Characterization, http://maec.mitre.org/

MAINSAIL MAchine INdependent SAIL (SAIL)

MAP Maintenance Analysis Procedure (IBM)

MAP Manufacturing Automation Protocol (General Motors)

MAPASE Mobile Application Part - Application Service Elements (MAP, MSC, GSM, Mobile-Systems), "MAP-ASE"

MAPEC Multimedia APplications in Education Conference, "MApEC"

MAS Multi Agent Systems (AI)

MAS90 Mittelstands-Anwendungs-System 90 (IBM)

MASE Message Administration Service Element

MASS Message Authentication Signature Standards (MTA, SPAM, WG)

MAT [Dolby] Metadata-enhanced Audio Transmission

MAU Medium Attachment Unit (IEEE 802.3, Transceiver)

MAU Multistation Access Unit (Token Ring, Hub)

MAX Media Access Exchange (Ascend)

MBAAS Mobile Backend As A Service (BAAS)

MBAG Mercedes-Benz AktienGesellschaft (Anwender)

MBCMS Mercedes-Benz-Computer-Mikrofilm-System (MBAG), "MB-CMS"

MBM Media Bandwidth Management (DSL, Zyxel)

MBSA Microsoft Business and Services Agreement (MS)

MCA Model Centric Architecture (Skynamics)

MCBF Mean Cycle Between Failure

MCC Manchester Computing Centre (Linux)

MCC Mitteldeutsches Communication Center (Leipzig)

MCC Monitor and Control Center (Bundeswehr)

MCD Mini Client Driver (MS, Windows, NT)

MCE Media Center Edition (MS, Windows, XP, OEM)

MCERT Mittelstand Computer Emergency Response Team (Deutschland)

MCF Meta Content Framework / Format (Apple, WWW)

MCI Measurement Layer Interface (UMA)

MCNE Master Certified Netware Engineer (Novell, Netware)

MCP Merlin Convenience Pack (IDB, OS/2)

MCS Multivender Customer Services (DEC)

MCSE Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MS, ATEC)

MCU Management & Cascade Unit (Hub)

MD Management Domain

MDA Mail Delivery Agent

MDA Medicated Digest Authentication (HTTP)

MDA Model Driven Architecture (CASE, OMG)

MDAC Microsoft Data Access Components (MS)

MDBMS Multidimensional DataBase Management System (DBMS, DB)

MDC Message conversion system Directory Component (MCS)

MDC Mozilla Developer Center

MDD Model Driven Design (MDS)

MDDB MultiDimensional DataBase (DB)

MDE Mobile DatenErfassung, "mDE"

MDEF Menu DEfinition Functions (Apple, CDEF)

MDI Medium Dependent Interface (Ethernet)

MDI Multiple Document Interface (MS, Windows)

MDIX Medium Dependent Interface - crossed (MDI), "MDI-X"

MDL Microstation Development Language (CAD)

MDM Master Data Management

MDM Mobile Device Management (CA, Unicenter, MS)

MDS Microsoft Deployment Solution (MS, Windows, Vista)

MDSD Model Driven Software Development

MDSE Message Delivery Service Element

MDT Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MS)

MDT Mittlere DatenTechnik

ME Management Engine (Intel, AMT, BIOS, UEFI)

ME Mapping Entity

ME Millennium Edition (MS, Windows)

MEC Microsoft Exchange Conference (MS)

MEF Managed Extensibility Framework (MS)

MEG Mega Evil Grin (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

MEGA MeßdatenErfassung und Graphische Auswertung

MERT Multiple Environment, Real Time (OS)

MES Menü-EntwicklungsSystem (Sinix, SNI)

MESA MetaEmailSearchAgent (WWW, Internet)

MESCH Multi-WAIS Engine for Searching Commercial Hosts (WAIS, WWW)

MESH Macintosh Enhanced SCSI Hardware (Apple, SCSI)

MESN Media Event Status Notification

MET Memory Enhancement Technology (HP), "MEt"

METAL Machine Evaluation and Translation Language (Siemens)

MEU Multiformat Engine Unit (LCD, Sony)

MEWDE My EMACS Web Development Environment (EMACS, WWW)

MF Multi Frequency

MFA Multi Factor Authentication

MFENET Magnetic Fusion Energy NETwork

MFG Mit Freundlichen Grüßen [= best wishes]

MFKS MultiFunktionales KonferenzSystem

MFM Modified Frequency Modulation

MFV MehrFrequenzwahlVerfahren

MHPCC Maui High Performance Computing Center (Org., USA)

MHTML MIME [e-mail encapsulation of aggregate documents, such as] HTML (MIME, HTML, RFC 2110)

MI Management Interface

MIA Missing In Action (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

MIB Management Information Base (OSI, SNMP)

MIC Machine Identification Code

MICE Modular Integrated Communications Environment

MID Message IDentifier (ATM)

MIDI Musical Instruments Digital Interface (MIDI)

MIG Mach Interface Generator (Mach, IDL)

MII Media Independent Interface

MIIS Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MS)

MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (RFC 2045/2046/2047/2048/2049, IETF)

MIMOLA Machine Independent MicrOprogramming LAnguage (HDL)

MINT Multimedia-kommunikation aif Integrierten Netzen und Terminals

MIS Management Information System

MIS Micro Instruction Sequencer (Intel, CPU)

MISS Mecklenburg Internet Service System (ISP)

MIT Management Information Tree

MKT Multifunktionelles KartenTerminal (CT, ICC)

MKTME Multi-Key Total Memory Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

ML Maintenance Lead (JCP)

MLA Mail List Agent

MLA Micro Lens Array

MLD Multicast Listener Discovery [protocol] (IPV6, Multicast, RFC 2710)

MLE MultiLine Entry field (IBM, OS/2)

MLI Measurement Layer Interface (UMA)

MLIA [symposium on] Machine Learning in Information Access (AAAI, AI, conference)

MLT3 MuLTilevel-3 [encoding] (Schneider & Koch, FDDI), "MLT-3"

MM Mobile Management (RR, CM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

MMC Microsoft Management Console (MS, Windows, NT, XP)

MMF Make Money Fast (Usenet, ECP, EMP)

MMOS Massive Multiplayer Online Science (MMO)

MMPM2 MultiMedia Presentation Manager /2 (IBM, OS/2), "MMPM/2"

MMU Memory Management Unit

MMX MultiMedia eXtensions (Intel, CPU)

MO Management Object (OSI)

MOBA Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (ARTS, RTS)

MOBI Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (Org.)

MODCA Mixed Object Document Content Architecture (IBM), "MO:DCA"

MODI Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MS)

MOE Measure of Effectiveness

MOLAP Multidimensional OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP)

MOLO Mobile Other Licensed Operator (Mobile-Systems, MVNO)

MOLP Microsoft Open Licence Pack (MS)

MOM Message Orientated Middleware (IBM)

MOO MUD Object Orientated (Internet, OOP, MUD)

MOOC Massive Open Online Course (Internet)

MOODLE Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment

MOP Maintenance Operations Protocol (DEC)

MOSA Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement (MS)

MOSA Multiplayer Online Survival Arena

MOSES Major Open Systems Environment Standards

MOSPF Multicast [extensions to ] Open Shortest Path First [routing] (IP, OSPF, RFC 1584)

MOST Media Orientated Systems Transport

MOST Mobile Open Systems Technologies (UK, Uni Lancaster)

MOTIS Message-Orientated Text Interchange System (ISO 10021, JTC1)

MOTSS More Of The Sameold Sameold (Usenet)

MOVE Microsoft Overlay Virtual Environment (MS)

MP Management Pack (MS, MOM)

MPC Modular Port Concentrator


MPE Multi Protocol Encapsulation (DVB)

MPL Mozilla Public License (Netscape)

MPM Metra Potential Method

MPM2 MultiMedia Presentation Manager/2 (OS/2, IBM), "MPM/2"

MPPE Microsoft Point to Point Encryption (MS, Verschlüsselung, RFC 3078)

MPPP Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP, RFC 1990, MP, Ascend)

MPR Mät- och Provningsrådet [National Board for Measurement and Testing] (Org., Schweden, SWEDAC)

MPSA Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MS)

MPSX Mathematical Programming System eXtended (IBM)

MQA Master Quality Authenticated (Audio)

MQUIPS Million QUality Improvements Per Second

MRP Material Requirement Planning (PPS, CIM)

MRSE Message Retrieval Service Element

MRTD Machine Readable Travel Document (s)

MRU Most Recently Used

MRX MagnetoResistive eXtended [technology] (HDD)

MSA Management Service Architecture

MSA MultiSource Assignment

MSAP Management Service Access Point (OSI, OSI/RM, SAP)

MSATA Mini Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA), "mSATA"

MSC Mobile services Switching Center (PLMN, GSM, GPRS, Mobile-Systems)

MSCDEX MicroSoft Compact Disk EXtensions (CD)

MSCHAP MicroSoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (MS), "MS-CHAP"

MSDE MicroSoft Data Engine (MS, DB)

MSDE Microsoft SQL server Desktop Engine / Environment (MS, SQL)

MSE Media Source Extensions (W3C, HTML, Javascript)

MSE Microsoft Security Essentials (MS)

MSE Multimedia Software Engineering (Multimedia)

MSEN Media Status Event Notification

MSFP Management Service Focal Point (IBM)

MSFTEU Maximum Surprise For The End User (Slang, Cygwin)

MSL Maximum Segment Lifetime (TCP/IP)

MSN Monitoring cell Sequence Number (UNI, ATM)

MSP Message Send Protocol (RFC 1159)

MSP Multitasking System Program (OS, Hemenway)

MSPL MicroSoft Public License (MS, Ms-RL), "Ms-PL"

MSR Model Specific Register (Intel, Pentium, IC)

MSRC Microsoft Security Response Center (MS)

MSRL MicroSoft Reciprocal License (MS, Ms-PL), "Ms-RL"

MSS Maximum Segment Size (TCP, ADSL)

MSSE Message Submission Service Element

MSTSC MicroSoft Terminal Services Client (MS)

MTA Mail Transport Agent (SMTP)

MTA Message Transfer Agent (MTS, OSI, X.400)

MTASTS Mail Transfer Agent - Strict Transport Security (MTA), MTA-STS

MTBF Mean Time Between Failure (HDD, ...)

MTBRP Mean-Time-Between-Parts-Replacement

MTC Master Test Component (ISO 9646-3, TTCN)

MTE MuTating Engine (Viren), "MtE"

MTEC Motorola Training and Education Center (Org., Chicago)

MTRR Memory Type Range Register (CPU, Pentium Pro, IC)

MUA Mail User Agent

MUI Management User Interface (OMF, UI)

MULE MULtilingual Enhancement of GNU EMACS (EMACS, GNU)

MUMPS Massachusetts general hospital Utility Multi-Programming System

MUMPS MUMPS Development Committee (Org., MUMPS)

MVA Multi Vendor Architecture

MVA Multidomain Vertical Alignment [technology] (LCD, Fujitsu)

MVCC MultiVersion Concurrency Control [system] (PostgeSQL, DB)

MVIF Multi-Vendor Interacting Forum (Org., IN)

MVSESA Multiple Virtual Storage/Extended System Architecture (IBM), "MVS/ESA"

MVSESASP Multiple Virtual Storage/Extended System Architecture System Product (IBM), "MVS/ESA SP"

MVSXA Multiple Virtual Storage/eXtended Architecture, "MVS/XA"

MWC Mobile World Congress (Mobile Systems, conference)

MWS Management WorkStation

MXB Multimedia eXension Board (SNI)

MXC Multimedia eXtension Connector

MZAP Multicast-scope Zone Announcement Protocol (RFC 2776, Multicast)

NAC Network Administration Center

NAC Null Attached Concentrator (FDDI)

NACLP North American Conference on Logic Programming (USA)

NACSIS National Academic Center for Science Information Systems (Org., USA)

NAEC Novell Authorized Education Center (Novell, Netware)

NAPLPS North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax (BBS)

NAPTR Naming Authority PoinTeR (Enum, DNS)

NAU Network Attachment Unit (GigaB, IP-Router)

NB Nota bene (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NBFM Narrow Band Frequency Modulation

NBN National Broadband Network (Australien)

NC Network Computer [reference profile] (Apple, IBM, Netscape, Oracle, Sun, Internet)

NCA Nexus Computing Agent (MS, Palladium)

NCA Nexus Computing Agent (NGSCB, MS, Palladium)

NCAIR National Center for Automated Information Research (Org., USA)

NCAM National Center for Accessible Media (Org., USA)

NCC Network Control / Coordination Center

NCCS NASA Center for Computational Sciences (Org., NASA)

NCE Nomadic Computing Environment (Tadpole)

NCIA Native Client Interface Architecture (IOS)

NCIRC NATO Computer Incident Response Capability

NCL Null Convention Logic (CPU)

NCOS Non-Concurrent Operating System (OS, UNIVAC 9200, UNIVAC 9300)

NCPE Netware Core Protocol Extension (NCP, Netware, IPX)

NCPIE National Council on Patient Information and Education (Org., USA)

NCSA National Center for Supercomputing Applications (Org., USA)

NCSC National Computer Security Center (Org., USA)

NCSC National Cyber Security Centre (Org., Großbritannien)

NCSC North Carolina Supercomputing Center (Org., USA)

NCSL National Conference of Standards Laboratories (Org., USA)

NCSNDR Network Computing System Network Data Representation (HP, Apollo), "NCS NDR"

NCSS Non Commentary Sources Statements (LOC)

NCSTRL Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library (WWW)

NCTE Network Channel-Terminating Equipment

NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement

NDA Norddeutsche DatenAutobahn (Netzwerk)

NDBMS Network DataBase Management System (DB)

NDC Node Data Controller (Zenith)

NDCC Network Data Collection Center

NDE NeWS Development Environment

NDK Native Developpment Kit (Android)

NDMP Network Data Management Protocol, http://www.pdc.com/ndmp.htm

NDMS Netware Distributed Management Services (Novell, Netware)

NDR Network Data Representation (NCS, DCE, Apollo)

NDR Network Data Representation service (DCE/RPC)

NE Network Element

NE Netzebene (DTAG)

NEA [Siemens] NEtzwerkArchitektur (NEA, Siemens)

NEA Network Endpoint Assessment

NEAB NEA Benutzerebenenprotokoll (NEA, Siemens)

NEAN NEA Netzwerkebenenprotokoll (NEA, Siemens)

NEARNET New England Academic and Research NETwork (USA, Netzwerk), "NEARnet"

NEAT New Enhanced Advanced Technology (AT)

NEATE NEA Transportebenenprotokoll (NEA, Siemens)

NEBS Network Equipment Building System

NEDO New Energy and industrial technology Development Organization (Org., Japan)

NEFS Network Extensible File System, "NeFS"

NEII National Engineering Information Initiative (Org., USA)

NEM Nothing Else Matters (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NEP Never-Ending Program

NEREN NEbraska Research and Education Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NES Nintendo Entertainment System

NESC National E-Science Centre (Org., UK) "NeSC"

NESPINN NEurocomputer für Spikende Neuronale Netze (TUB)

NET Network Entity Title

NETBEUI NETBIOS Extended User Interface (UI)

NEWS Networked Extensible Windowing System (Sun), "NeWS"

NEXT NEw eXtended Technology, "NeXT" , http://www.next.com

NFM No Further Message (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

NG NewsGroup (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

NGDD New Generation Desktop Design (Mitsubishi)

NGFF Next Generation Form Factor (Intel)

NGI Nederlands Genootschap for Informatica (Org., Niederlande)

NGIO Next Generation Input / Output (I/O, Intel)

NGPP Next Generation Print Path [veraltet/old term] (MS, Windows, Vista, XPS)

NGPT Next Generation POSIX Threading (POSIX, IBM)

NGS Non-Government Standard (USA)

NGSB Non-Government Standards Body

NGSBC Next Generation Secure Computing Base (MS, Windows, XP)

NGSCB Next Generation Secure Computing Base (MS, Palladium)

NGSFF Next Generation Small Form Factor (Samsung, SSD)

NI Normenausschuss Informationstechnik (Din, Org.)

NI Normenausschuß Informationsverarbeitungssysteme [1987-1995] (DIN, Vorläufer, NI)

NIAHGB Normenausschuss Informationstechnik - Ad-Hoc Gruppe Biometrie (NI, DIN), "NI-AHGB"

NIC Network Information Center (Internet, Org.)

NIC Numeric Intensive Computing

NICOL Network Information Center On-Line

NICOLAS Network Information Center On-Line Aid System

NID Namespace IDentifier (URN)

NIE Newton Internet Enabler (Apple, PDA)

NIFTP Network Independent File Transfer Program (FTP)

NILFS New Implementation of a Log-structured File System (FS, NTT)

NIMT National Institute for Management Technology (Org., Irland)

NIPC National Infrastructure Protection Center (Org., USA)

NIPT [international symposium on] New Information Processing Technologies (Conference, MITI)

NISC Network Information and Support Center

NISCC National Infrastructure Security Coordination Centre (Org., Großbritannien)

NITOL Norway-net with IT for Open Learning (Netzwerk)

NITS Network Independent Transport Service

NJE Network Job Entry (BITNET, RSCS)

NJE Network Job Entry

NKZ NetzKontrollZentrum (Bundeswehr)

NLA Network Location Awareness (MS, Windows)

NLPID Network Layer Protocol IDentifier (ATM, OSI)

NLS Network License Server

NM Network Management

NMA Network Management Architecture (SNA)

NMAS Novell Modular Authentication Services (Novell, Netware)

NMC Network Management Center

NMCP Network Management Communication Protocol

NMF Network Management Forum

NML Network Management Layer (TMN)

NMPF Network Management Productivity Facility (IBM)

NMPL Netscape/Mozilla Public License (Netscape), "N/MPL"

NMS Network Management Station / System (Novell, Netware)

NMVT Network Management Vector Transport

NNSC NSF Network Service Center (Org., NSF)

NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol (Internet, RFC 977, Usenet)

NNTPS Network News Transfer Protocol - Secured ??? (NNTP, Internet, Usenet)

NOC Network Operations Center

NOCS Network Operations Center System

NOKOS NOKia Open Source license (Nokia)

NORGEN Network Operations Report GENerator

NOSA Netlabs Open Source Archive, http://www.netlabs.org/nosa

NOSAC Netlabs Open Source Archive Client (NOSA)

NOTA None Of The Above (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NP No Problem (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

NPAC Northeast Parallel Architectures Center (Org., USA, HPC)

NPES National Printing Equipment Association (Org., USA)

NPL Netscape Public License (Netscape)

NPV Net Present Value

NRCLSE National Resource for Computers in Life Science Education (USA)

NREN National Research and Education Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NRM Network Resource Management

NRN No Reply Necessary (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

NRZI Non-Return-to-Zero, Invert to ones [encoding]

NSA National Security Agency (Org., USA)

NSB National Science Board (USA, Org.)

NSC Network Service Center

NSE Network Support Encyclopedia (Novell)

NSEC Network Switching Engineering Center

NSERC Natural Sciences and Research Council (Org., USA)

NSF National Science Foundation (Org., USA)

NSF Norges StandardiseringsForbund (Org., Norwegen)

NSFIP NextStep Für IntelProzessoren, "NSfIP"

NSFNET National Science Foundation NETwork (Netzwerk, USA, Internet), "NSFnet"

NSI Name Service Independent (DCE/RPC, CDS)

NSI NASA Science Internet (NASA, Netzwerk)

NSIS National Schengen Information System (SIS, EU)

NSN NASA Science Network (USA, Netzwerk)

NSPMP Network Switching Performance Measurement Plan

NSSDC National Space Science Data Center (Org., USA)

NSTAN NebenSTellenANlagen (DTAG, CBX), "NStAn"

NSTC National Science and Technology Council (Org., USA)

NTC National Telecommunications Conference (Conference, USA)

NTE Network Terminal Equipment

NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration / Agency (Org., USA)

NTK Need-To-Know (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

NTSE [Windows] NT Server / Enterprise edition (MS, Windows, NT), "NTS/E"

NUI Network User Identification (Datex-P)

NUTEK [National Board for Industrial and Technical Development] (Org., Schweden)

NVS NachrichtenVermittlungsSystem (INPOL)

NVSG NVidia SceneGraph [SDK] (Nvidia, SDK)

OA Open Access (SPI, DB)

OAA Open Arcade Architecture (Intel)

OAD Open Architecture Driver (Iomega)

OADG Open Architecture Development Group (Org.)

OAG Open Application Group (Org., USA)

OAGIS Open Applications Group Interoperability Standard

OAI Open Applications Interface

OAI Open Archives Initiative (Org.)

OAIS Open Archival Information System (ISO 14721)

OAM Operations, Administration and Management [cell] (ATM)

OASIS Open And Secure Information Systems (Eureka)

OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (Org.)

OBDH On-Board Data Handling (ESA, Venus-Express)

OBI Open Buying on the Internet (Internet, WWW)

OBS Open Broadcaster Software

OBS Open[suse] Build Service (openSUSE, Linux)

OBST OBject management system of STONE (STONE)

OBTWIAVBP OBligatory The World Is A Very Big Place (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC), "ObTWIAVBP"

OCAP Open Crypto Audit Project, https://opencryptoaudit.org/

OCAT Open Capture and Analytics Tool (AMD)

OCC Operations Control Center

OCCA Open Cooperative Computing Architecture

OCE Open Collaborative Environment (Apple)

OCE Optimized Connectivity Experience (WFA)

OCEO Offensive Cyber Effects Operations

OCF Open Clustering Framework

OCF Open Computing Facility

OCF Open Connectivity Foundation (Org.)

OCI Open Container Initiative (Org.)

OCL Open Content License (OPL)

OCLC Online Computer Library Center (Org., Internet, USA)

OCP Open Compute Project (Org.)

OCPA Open Content Platform Association (Org., Amiga, Sharp, JVC, Kyocera, ...)

OCS Open Cabling System

OCX OLE Control eXtensions (MS)

ODA Office Document Architecture [protocol] (RFC 1197, ISO 8613, JTC1, ECMA)

ODA Open Document Architecture (CCITT T.410)

ODAPI Open Database Application Programming Interface (Borland, DB, API), "Odapi"

ODBC Open DataBase Connectivity (WOSA, DB, API)

ODBMS Object orientated Database Management System (DBMS, DB)

ODE Object Database and Environment (AT&T, DB)

ODE Online Data Entry

ODE Open Dynamics Engine

ODF Open Document Format [for Office Applications] (OASIS, ISO/IEC 26300)

ODF Opendoc Development Framework (Apple, OpenDoc)

ODF Opendoc Part Framework (OpenDoc)

ODI Open Data link Interface (Novell)

ODI Open Device Interconnect

ODIA OpenDoc Internet Adapter (Apple, ALOE, Vorläufer)

ODIF Office Document Interchange Format (ISO 8613, ASN.1, ODA)

ODIN Optimale Datenmodelle und algorithmen für Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften [auf hochleistungsrechnern] (Uni Karlsruhe, SNI)

ODINSUP Open Data link Interface - Network driver interface specification SUPport (ODI, NDIS)

ODK Office Development Kit

ODL Open Document Language (ODA, SGML)

ODLI Open Data Link Interface

ODMA Open Document Management API (API)

ODMG Object Database Management Group (Org., DB)

ODP Open Directory Project (WWW, Netscape)

ODP Open Distributed Processing (ISO)

ODPR OverDrive Processor Replacement (Intel)

ODS Offenes Deutsches Schulnetz (Netzwerk)

ODS Open Data Services

ODSI Open Directory Service Interfaces (MS, Windows, NT)

ODSPE Optical-based Digital Signal Processing Engine (DSP)

ODT Open DeskTop (SCO, GUI)

ODVA Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (Org.)

OEB Open eBook [standard] (MS, NuvoMedia, ...)

OECOS Organizational Engineering for Communications and Organizational Systems (SNI, OA)

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer (ODM)

OES Olivetti EntsorgungsService (Olivetti)

OES Open Enterprise Server (Novell, Linux)

OFC Open Financial Connectivity (MS, Banking)

OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM, DVB-T, WIMAX)

OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (WIMAX)

OFFIS Oldenburg Forschungsinstitut Für Informatikwerkzeuge und -Systeme (Org., Uni Oldenburg)

OFL [SIL] Open Font License

OFX Open Financial eXchange (Banking, Intuit, MS, Checkfree, USA)

OGB Opensolaris Governing Board (Solaris)

OGC Office of Government Commerce (Org., UK)

OGC Open Gaming Content

OGC Open Geospatial Consortium (Org., OWS)

OGRAN OpenGate - Router Access Node ??? (RND), "OG-RAN"

OGSA Open Grid Services Architecture (grid, GGF)

OGSADAI Open Grid Services Architecture - Database Access and Integration (OGSA, grid, IBM, Oracle) "OGSA-DAI"

OGSI Open Grid Service Infrastructure (OGSA, GGF, WG, grid)

OHA Open Handset Alliance (Org., Android)

OHCI Open Host Controller Interface (USB, Compaq, OPTI, Apple, UHCI)

OHL Open Hardware License (CERN)

OIC Oh, I See (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

OID Object IDentifier (OSI)

OIDP Oracle Internet Development Pack (Oracle, Internet)

OII Operations-Intelligence Interface (Mil.)

OIL Operator Identification Language (ELI)

OIM Open Information Model

OIP Open Internet Platform (Caldera, Linux, SCO)

OIW Open Information Warehouse (SAP, R/3)

OIW OSI Implementors Workshop (OSI)

OKFN Open Knowledge FoundatioN [deutschland] (Org.)

OLEO Open Linking and Embedding of Objects (OLE, OpenDoc)

OLIT OpenLook Interface Toolkit (OpenLook)

OLWM OpenLook Window Manager (OpenLook)

OM1 Open MPEG consortium 1 (Org., MPEG) "OM-1"

OMA Object Management Architecture (OMG)

OMA Open Mobile Alliance (Org., Mobile-Systems)

OMADM Open Mobile Alliance Device Management (OMA), "OMA DM"

OMADS Open Mobile Alliance Data Sync (OMA), "OMA DS"

OMAP Open Multimedia Application Platform (TI)

OMAP Operations, Maintenance and Administration Part (SS7)

OMC Operation and Maintenance Center (PLMN, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

OME Open Messaging Environment (Novell)

OMEMO OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object encryption (XMPP, PEP)

OMF Object Management Framework (DME)

OMF Open Media Framework (Org.)

OMFI Open Media Framework Interchange (OMF)

OMG Object Management Group (IBM, HP, DEC, Tandem, Sun, Org.)

OMG Oh My G-d (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

OMI Open Memory Interface

OMI Open Messaging Interface

OMN Open Network Management

OMS Object Management System

OMS Onboard Maintenance System (Airbus, A380)

OMS Open Music System (MIDI, Opcode Systems)

OMT Object Management Technique (Westmount, CASE)

OMV Open MediaVault (Linux, Debian)

ONA Open Network Architecture

ONAC Operations Network Administration Center

ONC Open Network Computing (Sun)

ONCXDR Open Network Computing eXternal Data Representation (Sun), "ONC XDR"

ONE Omnifunctional Networking Environment (Panasonic)

ONE Open Network Environment (Netscape)

ONF Open Networking Foundation (Org.)

ONFI Open NAND Flash Interface (Flash) "ONFi"

ONI OpenNet Initiative (Org.)

ONI Operator Number Identification

ONMS Open-Network Management System

ONNX Open Neural Network eXchange

ONVIF Open Network Video Interface Forum (Org.)

OO Object Orientated

OOA Object Orientated [system] Analysis (OOP)

OOAD Object Orientated Analysis and Design (OOP)

OOC Object-Oriented Code

OOCTG Object Orientated COBOL Task Group (CODASYL, Org., OOP)

OOD Object-Oriented Design

OODB Object Oriented Data Base (OOP, DB)

OODBMS Object Orientated Database Management System (DBMS, DB)

OODL Object Orientated Dynamic Language (OOP)

OOL Object-Oriented Language (OOP)

OOL Open Objects Library (OS/2)

OOM Object Orientated Modelling (OO)

OOM Object-Oriented Methodology (OOP)

OONI Open Observatory of Network Interference (Org, , Internet)

OOO Out Of Order [execution] (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

OOP Object Orientated Programming (OOP)

OOPL Object-Oriented Programming Language (OOP)

OOPS Object Oriented Program Support (OOP)

OOPS Object-Oriented Programming System (OOP)

OOPSLA [conference on] Object Orientated Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (ACM, OOP, Conference)

OOPSTAD Object Orientated Programming for SmallTalk Application Development association (Org., OOP)

OOS Object-Oriented Systems

OOS Out-Of-Sequence

OOSA Object Orientated System Analysis (OOP)

OOSH Object-Oriented SHell (OOP, Shell)

OOT Object-Oriented Technology (OOP)

OOUI Object Orientated User Interface (UI, OO, WPS)

OOXML Office Open XML (MS, XML)

OP Original Poster (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

OPA Open Policy Agent

OPA Open Publishing Architecture

OPC Open Packaging Conventions

OPC Open Platform Communications

OPC OpenGL Performance Characterization [project group] (OpenGL, Org.)

OPCCA Open Platform Communications - Classic Architecture (OPC), "OPC-CA"

OPCR Original Program Clock Reference

OPCUA Open Platform Communications - Unified Architecture (OPC), "OPC-UA"

OPDV Ordnungsmäßigkeit und Prüfung der DatenVerarbeitung (GoBS, banking)

OPEN [You-R] OPerating ENvironment (Infineon, RFID)

OPEN Open Protocol Enhanced Networks

OPENBFS Open Be File System (BeOS, FS), "OpenBFS"

OPENELEC OPEN Embedded Linux Entertainment Center (Linux), "OpenELEC"

OPENEXR OPEN EXtended Range ??? (HDR), "OpenEXR"

OPENGL OPEN Graphics Language (OpenGL), "OpenGL"

OPENHAB OPEN Home Automation Bus, "OpenHAB"

OPENHCI OPEN Host Controller Interface (USB), "OpenHCI"

OPENIL OPEN Image Library [veraltet/old term] (DevIL), "OpenIL"

OPENPMF Open Policy Management Framework (CORBA, COACH), "OpenPMF"

OPERA Open PLC European Research Alliance (Org., PLC, Europe)

OPES Open Pluggable Edge Services

OPI Open Prepress Interface (DTP)

OPIE Open Palmtop Integrated Environment (Linux, PIM)

OPL Open Publication License (OCL)

OPM Optimized Power Management (AMD, Opteron)

OPREMA OPtik-REchenMAschine

OPS Outbreak Prevention Service (Firewall, TrendMicro)

OPSEC Open Platform for Secure Enterprise Connectivity (Org., Hersteller, IDS)

OPT Open Protocol Technology

OR Originator / Recipient (X.400, MOTIS), "O/R"

ORAIS Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligent Systems (Conference, GI)

ORDB Open Relay DataBase (SPAM)

ORDBMS Object Relational Database Management System (DBMS, DB)

OS3 Oregon State Open Shop Operating System (OS, CDC 3300), "OS-3"

OSA Open Scripting Architecture (Apple, OS/2)

OSAC Operator Services Assistance Center

OSADL Open Source Automation Development Lab (Org., OSS)

OSAIA Open Source And Industry Alliance (Org.)

OSAK Open Systems Application Kernel

OSAM Overflow Sequential Access Method (SAM)

OSBA Open Source Business Alliance (Org.)

OSBAR Open Source Business AwaRd

OSBC Open Source Business Conference

OSC Ohio Supercomputer Center (Org., USA)

OSCAR OnScreen Configuration & Activity Reporting (Apex)

OSD OnScreen Display

OSD Open Software Description [manifest / standard] (MS, Marimba, XML, DU, DUP, MSIE)

OSDB Open Source DataBase benchmark (Benchmark)

OSDL Open Source Development Lab (Org., OSS)

OSDN Open Source Development Network (OSS, Network)

OSE Open Software / System Environment

OSEIA Open System Environment profile for Imminent Acquisitions (OSE), "OSE/IA"

OSF Open Software Foundation (HP, DEC, IBM, Org.)

OSF Open Source Firmware (OCP)

OSF Oppose Sun Forever [ aka Open Software Foundation] (Slang, Org.)

OSF1 Open Software Foundation [system] /1 (OSF, OS, DEC), "OSF/1"

OSG Open Systems Group (Org., SPEC)

OSGI Open Services Gateway Initiative (Org., Motorola, Sun, DTAG, Siemens, Toshiba, ...) "OSGi"

OSI Open Source Initiative (Org., OSS)

OSI Open Systems Interconnection (ISO 9646-1)

OSID Origination Signaling IDentifier

OSIRM Open Systems Interconnection/Reference Model (ISO), "OSI/RM"

OSL Open Shading Language (Sony)

OSL Open Subscription License

OSMC Open Source Media Center

OSME Open Systems Message Exchange

OSN Open Systems Network

OSPF Open Shortest Path First [protocol / routing] (Internet, IGP, RFC 1583)

OSPM Operating System directed [configuration and] Power Management

OSS Open Sound System (Linux, Audio)

OSS Open Source Software (OSS)

OSSIM Open Source Security Information Management (OSS, SIM)

OST Open System Toolkit (Apollo)

OSTC Open System Test Consortium (Org., OSTC)

OSTIF Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (Org.)

OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy (Org., USA)

OT Off Topic (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

OT Open Transport (Apple)

OTA Office of Technology Assessment (Org., IBM, HP, AEG, AT&T, SNI, ...)

OTOH On The Other Hand (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

OTP Open Telecom Platform

OTPPP Open Transport/Point-to-Point Protocol (Apple, OT, PPP), "OT/PPP"

OUI Organization Unique Identifier (IEEE)

OUI Organizational Unit Identifier

OVAL Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (XML)

OVDC Oracle Virtual Desktop Client (Oracle)

OVMF Open Virtual Machine Firmware (UEFI, QEMU)

OVPI Open View Performance Insights (HP)

OWAMP One Way Active Measurement Protocol (RFC 3763)

OWASP Open Web Application Security Project (Org., WWW)

OWE Opportunistic Wireless Encryption [veraltet/old term] (IEEE)

OWL Open Windows Library (API)

OWS OpenGIS Web Service (OGC, Internet)

P2CC2P PCI to CPU / CPU tp PCI [concurrency] (BIOS, PC, PCI, CPU), "P2C/C2P"

P3P Platform for Privacy Preferences (WWW)

PAC Pointer Authentication Code (ARM)

PACE Priority Access Control Enabled (3Com, Ethernet)

PAE Physical Address Extension (Intel, Pentium, PAE)

PAKE Password Authenticated Key Exchange (Verschlüsselung)

PAM Pluggable Authentication Module (Linux, LISA)

PANDORA Preserving and Accessing Networked Documentary Resources of Australia, http://www.nla.gov.au/pandora/ldmv2.html

PAP Password Authentication Protocol (RFC 1334)

PAR Positive Acknowledgement with Retransmission [protocols]

PARC Palo Alto Research Center (Org., USA, Xerox)

PARLE [conference on] Parallel ARchitecture and Languages Europe (ECRC, Conference)

PASSAT Programm zur Automatischen Selektion von Stichwörtern aus Texten (Siemens)

PAWS Protection Against Wrapped Sequence space (TCP, Satellit)

PAX Penny Arcade eXpo

PAX Pixel Addressing eXtensions (Intel, RISC, CPU)

PBR Physically Based Rendering

PCD Portal Content Directory (SAP, EP)

PCELS Policy Core Extension lightweight directory access protocol Schema (LDAP, RFC 3703/4104)

PCERT Purdue Computer Emergency Response Team

PCG Procedural Content Generation

PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)

PCIAS Peripheral Component Interconnect Advanced Switching (PCI, PCIe, ASI), "PCI AS"

PCID Process-Context Identifier (CPU)

PCIDSS Payment Card Industry - Data Security Standard, "PCI-DSS"

PCIE Peripheral Component Interconnect Express, "PCIe"

PCIE Permis de Conduire Informatique Européen (ECDL)

PCIPM PCI Power Management [specification] (PCI), "PCI PM"

PCISIG Peripheral Component Interconnect - Special Interest Group (Org., PCI, SIG), "PCI-SIG"

PCIX Peripheral Component Interconnect - eXtended (PCI), "PCI-X"

PCM Physical Connection Management (FDDI, SMT)

PCMS Project & Configuration Management System

PCR Program Clock Reference

PCSD Printer Control Sequence Description

PCSI Pacific Communication Sciences, Inc. (Hersteller)

PCSS Percentage-Closer Soft Shadows (Nvidia)

PCTE Portable Common Tool Environment (CASE, ESPRIT)

PCV Path Coding Violation [error event] (DS1/E1)

PCV P-bit Coding Violation [error event] (DS3/E3, BIT)

PCXT Personal Computer - eXtended Technology, "PC-XT"

PDC PROLOG Development Center (Hersteller, Dänemark, PROLOG)

PDD PERL Design Document (PERL)

PDE Partial Differential Equation

PDE Personal Digital Entertainment

PDE Plug-in Development Environment (Eclipse)

PDF Portable Document Format (Adobe)

PDF Program Development Facility (IBM)

PDFX Portable Document Format / eXchange (PDF, CGATS, DTP), "PDF/X"

PDK Patterns Development Kit (WWW, IBM)

PDK Portal Development Kit (SAP, EP)

PDL Program Development Language

PDLT Process Dispatch Latency Time

PDM Program Development Manager (IBM, ADT)

PDS Professional Development System (MS)

PDSS Post Development and Software Support

PDU Product Development Unit

PDV ProzeßDatenVerarbeitung

PE Phase Encoding

PE Preinstallation Environment (MS, Windows, XP)

PE Processing Element (MPP)

PEAK Python Enterprise Application Kit (Python)

PEAP Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP, WPA, WLAN)

PEAR PHP Extension and Application Repository (PHP)

PEARL Process and Experiment Automation Realtime Language

PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard (Slang)

PEBKAC Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

PEBS Precise Event Based Sampling (Intel, CPU)

PECI Platform Environmental Control Interface (Intel)

PECL PHP Extension Code Library (PHP, PEAR)

PED Personen-Erkenntnis-Datei (Polizei)

PEEK Partners Early Experience Kit (Taligent)

PEG Platform European Grid [conference] (grid)

PEL Picture ELement

PEM Privacy Enhanced Mail (PSRG, RFC 1421/1422/1423/1424)

PEN Public Education Network

PEP Packetized Ensemble Protocol (Telebit)

PEP Personal Eventing Protocol (XMPP)

PEP Python Enhancement Proposal (Python)

PEP Python Enhancement Proposal (Python)

PER Packed Encoding Rules (ASN.1)

PER Program Event Recording

PERM Programmgesteuerte Elektronische Rechenmaschine München

PERMIS PERManentes InventurabwicklungsSystem (MBAG)

PES Packetized Elementary Stream (DVB, ISO, IEC 13818-2/13818-3)

PES Proposed Encryption Standard (Verschlüsselung)

PEST Parameter Estimation by Sequential Testing

PET Print Enhancement Technology (Compaq)

PET Privacy Enhancement Technology

PEX PHIGS Extension for X (X-Windows, PHIGS)

PGI Parameter Group Identifier (SPDU)

PGM Practical General Multicast (Cisco, Multicast)

PGM Pragmatic General Multicast (MS, Multicast)

PGS Program Generation System

PI Placement and Interconnect [system] (VLSI, MIT)

PIC Personal Intelligent Communicator

PIC Position Independent Code (DLL)

PIC Primary Independent Carrier

PICS Platform for Internet Content Selection (Org., Internet, POWDER)

PICS Plug-in Inventory Control System

PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements

PID Packet IDentification (DVB)

PID Process IDentification number (Unix)

PID Protocol IDentifier [governing connection types]

PIE Position Independent Executable

PIM Parallel Inference Machine (FGCS, AI)

PIM Personal Information Manager / Management

PIM Platform Independent Model (MDA)

PIM Protocol Independent Multicast (ACM, Multicast)

PIMB PCTE Interface Management Board (Org., PCTE)

PIMDM Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode [protocol] (PIM, ACM, Multicast), "PIM-DM"

PIMS Project Information Management System

PIMSM Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode [protocol] (RFC 2117/2362, PIM, ACM, SM, Multicast) "PIM-SM"

PIN Personal Identification Number (Banking, ICC)

PIN Processor Independent Netware (Novell, HP, DEC, Apple, Sun)

PIOS Personen, Institutionen, Objekte, Sachen (INPOL)

PIRQ Peripheral Component Interconnect Interrupt ReQuest (PCI, IRQ)

PISAMP PISA/Menue Processor (PISA), "PISA/MP"

PISARG PISA/Report Generator (PISA), "PISA/RG"

PITA Pain In The Anatomy / Ass (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

PIXEL Pi Improved Xwindows Environment, Lightweight (Raspbian)

PIXEL PIcture ELement

PIXIT Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing

PLA Program License Agreement (IBM)

PLB Picture Level Benchmark (GPC)

PLBSI Picture Level Benchmark Sample Implementation (GPC)

PLC Penta Level Cell (IC, Flash)

PLCP Physical Layer Convergence Procedure / Protocol (UNI, DS-3)

PLEX Pilot License EXtension (MMORPG)

PLONK Please Leave Our Newsgroup, Kid (Usenet, DFÜ-Slang)

PLP Presentation Level Protocol

PLS Programmable Logic Sequencer

PLV Presentation Level Video (DVI, Intel)

PM Performance Management

PM Presentation Manager (OS/2)

PMA Physical Medium Attachment (PCS, PHY)

PMA Policy Management Architecture (Netmanage, Internet)

PMC [Zen] Portable Media Center

PMC Print Management Console (MS, Windows, Vista)

PMD Physical layer, Medium Dependant [sub-layer] (FDDI, UNI)

PME Pattern Matching Engine

PME Power Management Event (BIOS)

PMF Protected Management Frames (WLAN)

PMIC Power Management IC (IC, RDIMM)

PMMU Paged Memory Management Unit

PMO Program Management Office (Sun, JCP)

PMP Preventive Maintenance Package (AIX, IBM)

PMR Problem Management Report (IBM)

PMS Project Management System

PMW Project Manager Workbench

PMX Presentation Manager for the X window system, "PM/X"

PNI Prescott New Instruction set (Intel, Pentium)

PNS PeaceNet Sweden (Netzwerk)

POD Plain Old Document [format]

PODA Priority Orientated Demand Assignment (MAC, TDM)

POE PERL Object Environment (PERL)

POE PowerOpen Association (Apple, IBM, Motorola, ..., Org.)

POEM Portable Object-orientated Entity Manager (SGML)

POEMS Platinum Open Enterprise Management System

POGO Programmer-Oriented Graphics Operation

POL Problem / Procedure / Process Oriented Language

POM Project Object Model (Maven)

POODLE Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption (SSL)

POOL Parallel Object Orientated Language (DOOM, OOP)

POP Point Of Presence (Internet, ISP)

POS Piece Of Shit (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

POSI Promoting conference for OSI (Japan, Org., Conference)

POT Plenty of Torrents

POTS Plain Old Telephone System (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

POV Persistence of Vision (Raytracing)

POWER Power Optimization With Enhanced RISC [chip] (IBM, Apple, Motorola, RISC)

PPA PicoPeeringAgreement (Netzwerk)

PPDU Presentation Protocol Data Unit (PDU, OSI, ISO 8823, OSI/RM)

PPE Packet Processing Engine (Hub, Router, IP)

PPE Power Processor Element (IBM, Cell, SPE)

PPID Parent Process IDentification number (Unix)

PPMI PCI bus Power Management Interface (PCI)

PPMS Professional Productivity Management System

PPSE Proximity Payment System Environment

PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (MS, Ascend, IP)

PQET Print Quality Enhancement Technology (Lexmark)

PR Pentium Rating (AMD)

PR Placement & Routing (RL, IC), "P&R"

PREP PowerPC REferenz Plattform (IBM, Apple), "PReP"

PREPNET Pennsylvania Research and Economic Partnership NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "PREPnet"

PRISM PRogrammed Integrated System Maintenance

PRMD PRivate Management Domain (X.400, MHS)

PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator

PROTEL PRocedure Oriented Type Enforcing Language

PRT Program Reference Table

PSAP Presentation Service Access Point (OSI, OSI/RM, SAP)

PSC Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center (Org., USA)

PSCNET Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "PSCnet"

PSD Programmer's Supplementary Documents (BSD, Unix)

PSF Permanent Swap File

PSID Presentation Space IDentifier (IBM)

PSIPU PostScript - Intelligent Processing Unit (Canon, Adobe, CLC), "PS-IPU"

PSLC Parallel Sysplex License Charge (IBM, WLC)

PSM Persistent Storage Manager (Maxtor)

PSM Persistent Stored Modules (SQL)

PSN Packet Sequence Number (OLSR)

PSOM Persistency framework in SOMobjects (IBM, DSOM)

PSP Program Segment Prefix (DOS)

PSR Program Support Representative

PTAL Payment Transaction Application Layer (Internet, Banking)

PTC Parallel Test Component (ISO 9646-3, TTCN)

PTE Packet Transport Equipment

PTE Page Table Entry

PTE Path Terminating Equipment (SONET)

PTI Payload Type Identifier (ATM, PT)

PTK Pairwise Transient Key (RSN, Verschlüsselung)

PTMSC Point-To-Multipoint Service Center (GPRS, Mobile-Systems, Multicast), "PTM-SC"

PTO Patent and Trademark Office (Org., USA)

PTOCA Presentation Text Object Content Architecture (IBM, MO:DCA)

PTS Presentation Time Stamp (MPEG)

PUA Potentially Unwanted Apps

PUA Profiling User Agent

PUE Power Usage Effectiveness

PUEL Personal Use and Evaluation License (Oracle)

PUID Physical Unit IDentifier (IBM)

PUMS Physical Unit Management Services

PURL Persistent Uniform Resource Locator (URL, WWW)

PVA Patterned Vertical Alignment (LCD, Sun, Samsung, MVA)

PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit (SVC)

PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit / Channel / Connection (ATM)

PVCC Permanent Virtual Channel Connection (ATM)

PVE Player Versus Environment (MMORPG, PvP), PvE

PVPC Permanent Virtual Path Connection (ATM)

PWB Programmers Work Bench (MS)

PWN Peacenet World News

PXE Preboot eXecution Environment (Intel)

PZDF Phil Zimmermann Defense Fund (PGP)

QBIC Query By Image Content (IBM)

QDEF Quantum Dot Enhancment Film (3M)

QFE Quick Fix Engineering (MS)

QMF Query Management Facility (IBM)

QMR Quarterly Maintenance Releases (Lotus)

QMS Queue Management Service (Netware)

QPE Qtopia Palmtop Environment (PDA)

QPL Q Public License

QSA Query String Append (HTTPD, Apache)

QSAM Queued Sequential Access Method (SAM)

QTE Quick-Time-Event

QUEST Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunication Leadership (Org.) "QuEST"

QUIPS QUality Improvements Per Second

QWAVE Quality Windows Audio Video Experience (MS, Windows)

QXGA Quantum Extended Graphics Array [2048 x 1536]

RACE Research and technology development in Advanced Communications technologies in Europe (Europa, Vorläufer, CORDIS)

RACE Rowbased ASCII Compatible Encoding (ASCII, Internet, VeriSign/NSI)

RACER Renamed Abox and Concept Expression Reasoner

RAD Rapid Application Development [toolkit] (Delphi, Borland)

RAD Research And Development [data communications] (Hersteller)

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RFC 2865)

RAID Redundant Array of Independent / Inexpensive Disks (HDD, RAID)

RAL ReichsAusschuß für Lieferbedingungen (IEC 12119)

RAMIS Rapid Access Management Information System

RAMP Remote Access Maintenance Protocol

RAMS Record Archival Management System

RARE Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche Européenne (Org.)

RAVE Relational Advanced Visual Environment

RBMS Remote Bridge Management Software

RCAS Reserve Component Automation System

RCC Regional Control Center

RCC Routing Control Center

RCE Regional Code Enhancement (DVD)

RCE Resident Command Extension (DOS)

RCF Reader's Comment Form (IBM)

RCP Rich Client Platform (Eclipse, Java)

RD Research and Development, "R&D"

RDBMS Relational DataBase Management System (DBMS, DB)

RDBMSMIB Relational DataBase Management System - Management Information Base (DB), "RDBMS-MIB"

RDE Received Data Enable

RDE Ruby Development Environment (Ruby, IDE)

RDES Remote Data Entry System

RDI Remote Defect Identification / Indicator (UNI)

RDNCRC Research Data Network Cooperative Research Centre (Org., Australien)

RDS Rapid Development System (DB, Informix)

RE Recommendation Engine (OP, Oracle, DB)

RE Research and Engineering, "R&E"

READ Relative Element Address Designate (Verschlüsselung)

READSL Reach Extended Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL, DSL), "RE ADSL"

REFS Resilient File System (MS, FS), "ReFS"

REM Remote Equipment Module

REMIS Real Estate Management Information System

REMOS Resources Management On-Line System

RES Remote Entry Services

REST REpresentational State Transfer (URL, AWS)

RESTENA RÉSeau Téléinformatique de l'Éducation NAtionale et de la recherce (Netzwerk, Luxembourg)

RET Report Engine Technology (CA, DB)

RET Resolution Enhancement Technology (HP), "REt"

REXX Restructured EXtended eXecutor [language] (IBM, SAA, ANSI)

RF Radio Frequency (Mobile-Systems)

RF4CE Radio Frequency 4 Consumer Electronics

RFC Request For Comments (Internet, RFC)

RFD Report Fragmentation Done [bit] (CATNIP, BIT)

RFD Request For Discussion (Internet, Usenet), "RfD"

RFE Request For Enhancement (Internet)

RFI Radio Frequency Interference

RFIC Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit (IC)

RFID Radio Frequency IDentification (ANSI, NCITS)

RFMS Remote File Management System

RFOG Radio Frequency Over Glass (HFC, ANSI/SCTE 174 2010), "RFoG"

RFS Remote Forensic Software

RGB Rot Grün Blau / Red Green Blue (Farbsystem, DTP)

RGBA Red Green Blue Alpha-[byte] (Farbsystem, RGB)

RGBE Red Green Blue Emerald (Farbsystem, photo, Sony)

RGMII Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface

RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer (RedHat, Linux)

RHEL Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Linux, RedHat)

RI Reference Implementation (JCP)

RIACS Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (Org.)

RID Relative IDentifier (AD, SID, ACL)

RIDE Research Issues in Data Engineering (IEEE-CS)

RIF Requirements Interchange Format (HIS)

RIF Routing Information Field (Token Ring)

RIG Rochester Intelligent Gateway (OS)

RIM Remote Installation and Maintenance

RIML Renderer Independent Markup Language (XML, Consensus)

RINEX Receiver INdependent EXchange [format] (GPS)

RIPE Reseaux IP Européenne (EUnet)

RIPNG Routing Information Protocol Next Generation (RIP, IPV6, RFC 2080) "RIPng"

RIS Radeon Image Sharpening (AMD)

RISC Risk and Incident Sharing and Coordination (IETF, OpenID)

RISS [StorageWorks] Reference Information Storage System (HP)

RITECH Resolution Improvement TECHnology (Epson)

RITSEC Regional Information Technology and Software Engineering Center

RJE Remote Job Entry (IBM, Internet, RFC 407)

RJEF Remote Job Entry Function

RKRM ROM Kernel Reference Manual (Amiga, Commodore)

RL Real Life (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

RLDRAM Reduced-Latency Dynamic Random Access Memory (RAM, DRAM, IC)

RLE Run-Length Encoded

RLL Run Length Limited [encoding]

RM Resource Management

RM Retention Module

RMATS Remote Maintenance Administration and Traffic

RMCP Remote Management Control Protocol

RMF Resource Measurement Facility (IBM, MVS)

RMM Ring Management Module (Token Ring)

RMODP Reference Model - Open Distributed Processing (RUP), "RM-ODP"

RMS Reason Maintenance System (AI)

RMS Rights Management Services (MS, Windows, NGSCB)

RMT Ring ManagemenT (FDDI, SMT)

RNG Random Number Generation

RNID Request Node IDentification (FCP, SNIA, HBA, API)

RNOC Regional Network Operations Center

RNUI Remote Network User Identification (Datex-P)

ROAMS Reusable Object Access and Management System

ROBOT Return Of Bleichenbacher's Oracle Threat (TLS, RSA)

ROCM Radeon Open CoMpute (AMD), "ROCm"

ROFL Roar Out From Laughing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROHS Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronical equipment (Europa), "RoHS"

ROP Return Orientated Programming

ROS Resident Operating System (OS)

ROSE [CAE] Real-time Object-based Simulation Environment

ROSE Remote Operations Service Element (OSI, RPC)

ROTFL Rolling On The Floor Laughing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROTFLBTC Rolling On The Floor Laughing and Biting The Carpet (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

RP Rendezvous Point (PIM, Multicast)

RPA Remote Phrase Authentication

RPE Remote Peripheral Equipment

RPF Rendezvous Point Forwarding (PIM, MSDP, Multicast, RP)

RPG Report Program Generator (IBM)

RPL Resident Programming Language

RPM Remote Port Module (Ascend)

RR Radio Resource management (MM, CM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

RRT Retirement Register File (Intel, CPU)

RRZE Regionales RechenZentrum Erlangen (Org.)

RRZN Regionales RechenZentrum für Niedersachsen (Org.)

RS Recommended Standard

RSA Reference System Architecture

RSC Receive Segment Coalescing (NDIS)

RSE Removable Storage Elements

RSE Research and Systems Engineering

RSFD Retrieve Subsequent File Descriptor (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RSFDNPR Retrieve Subsequent File Descriptor Not Previously Retrieved (IBM, VM/ESA, CP)

RSIS Relocateable Screen Interface Specification

RSP Reality Signal Processor (Nintendo)

RSTSE Resource System Time Sharing/Enhanced (DEC), "RSTS/E"

RSX Realistic Sound eXperience (Intel, Audio)

RSX3D Realistic Sound eXperience - 3D (Intel, Audio, VRML), "RSX-3D"

RTA Real Time Adherence

RTDAT RealTime Deformation And Tessellation [engine] (3D, Shiny), "RT-DAT"

RTE Run Time Environment

RTFF Read The Fucking FAQ (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

RTFM Read The Flaming / Fucking Manual (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

RTG Routing Table Generator

RTMP Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (AppleTalk)

RTS Request To Send (MODEM, RS-232)

RTSE Reliable Transfer Service Element (OSI)

RTTI Run-Time Type Identification (ANSI)

RTTM Round-Trip Time Measurements (TCP, Satellit)

RTU Remote Terminal Unit (ESA, Venus-Express)

RUA Remote User Agent

RUAC Remote User Access Centers

RUS Rechenzentrum der Universität Stuttgart (Org., Uni Stuttgart)

RVPPIP Rendez-Vous Protocol / Presence Information Protocol (IM), "RVP/PIP"

RZ RechenZentrum

RZG RechenZentrum Garching, http://www.rzg.mpg.de/rzg.html

SA Source [MAC] Address (SNA, Token Ring, ATM, FDDI, ...)

SAA Standards Association of Australia (Org., Australien)

SAAJ SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SOAP, Java, API)

SABME Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extension (SABM)

SABRE Semi-Automatic Business Related Environment (OS, IBM 7090)

SAC Single Attachment Concentrator (FDDI)

SACRED Securely Available CREDential (RFC 3760)

SADF Semi-Automatic Document Feeder

SAE Simultaneous Authentication of Equals (Verschlüsselung, PSK)

SAFE Security And Freedom through Encryption [law] (USA, Verschlüsselung)

SAFTE SCSI Accessed Fault-Tolerant Enclose (SCSI, RAID, Intel, NStor), "SAF-TE"

SAGA Standards und Architekturen für eGovernment Anwendungen (IDA)

SAGE Semi-Automatic Ground Environment system (OS, IBM AN/FSQ7, Mil.)

SAGE Software Aided Group Environment (GSS, NUS)

SAIL Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory [language] (USA, AI)

SAIT Super Advanced Intelligent Tape (Sony, AIT, Streamer), "S-AIT"

SAM Sequential Access Method / Mode (SAM, DAM)

SAM Software Access Management

SAN Schulen ans Netz [e.v.] (Org.)

SANE Standard Apple Numeric Environment (Apple)

SAP Session Announcement Protocol (Internet, RFC 2974)

SAP SystemAnalyse und Programmentwicklung (Hersteller, Vorläufer)

SAR Segmentation And Reassembly

SARPDU Segmentation And Reassembly Protocol Data Unit (ATM, PDU), "SAR PDU"

SAS Session Active Screen (IBM)

SAS Single Attachment Station (FDDI)

SASD Sequential Access Storage Device

SASE Specific Application Service Element (ISO, OSI, CASE)

SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer

SASPF Standard-Anwendungs-Software-Produkt-Familien (Bundeswehr)

SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (HDD, ATA, SATA)

SBF Sequential Block Filemanager (OS-9)

SCA Synchronous Clock Adjustment

SCAF Service Control Agent Function (IN)

SCAI Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Conference, FAIS, AI)

SCAMC Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Konferenz)

SCAP Security Content Automation Protocol (CVE, NIST)

SCCP Skinny Client Control Protocol (Cisco, VoIP, TCP)

SCCS Switching Control Center System

SCDE Significant CALS Data Elements

SCDMS Society for Clinical Data Management Systems (Org., USA)

SCE Sony Computer Entertainment (Hersteller, Sony)

SCEA Sony Computer Entertainment America (Sony, Hersteller)

SCEF Service Creation Environment Function (IN)

SCEIO Société Canadienne pour l'Étude de l'Intelligence par Ordinateur (Org., Kanada, AI)

SCF Sequential Character Filemanager (OS-9)

SCI Scalable Coherent Interface (ANSI)

SCID Service Channel IDentifier

SCM Segment Control Module

SCM Software Configuration Management

SCM Supply Chain Management

SCMS Serial Copy Management System

SCNR Sorry, Could Not Resist (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

SCOM System Center Operations Manager (MS)

SCOMO Software Component Management Object (OMA)

SCOOPS SCheme Object Oriented Programming System (OOP)

SCOPE SCalable Object Processing Environment (Creamware)

SCOPE Simple COmmunications Programming Environment (DFÜ)

SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model

SCPM SUSE Configuration Profile Management (Linux, SUSE)

SCSL Sun Community Source License (Sun)

SCTE Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (Org.)

SCTS Secondary Clear to Send

SCVMM System Center Virtual Machine Manager (MS)

SCWCD Sun Certified Web Component Developer (Sun)

SD Starting Delimiter (FDDI, Token Ring)

SD Super Density [disk] (CD, Toshiba, Time Warner)

SDA Screen Design Aid (IBM, ADT)

SDA Static Data Authentication (EMV, Verschlüsselung)

SDAV Systems Design Automation Vendor

SDC Silent Data Corruption

SDC Software Development Control [system] (CMU, CM)

SDC Software Distribution Center

SDD Software Design Document

SDD Super Density Disk (Toshiba, Time Warner, ...)

SDE Service Data Element (grid)

SDE Software Development Engineer

SDE Software Development Environment

SDF Screen Definition Facility

SDFI Secure Digital Forensic Imaging

SDI Single Document Interface

SDI Slovensko Drustvo Informatika (Org., Slowakien)

SDIF SGML Document Interchange Format (SGML, ISO, IS 9069)

SDIF System Independent Data Format (Novell, SMS)

SDK Software Development Kit (MS, IBM)

SDK StandardDatenschutzKlausel (DSGVO)

SDL Security Development Lifecycle (MS)

SDL Software Development Laboratories (Hersteller, veraltet, Oracle)

SDLGR Specification and Description Language / Graphical Representation, "SDL/GR"

SDM Spatial Data Management

SDM Standard-Datenschutzmodell

SDM System Development Multitasking [benchmark] (DB, SPEC)

SDMS SCSI Device Management System (BIOS)

SDP Scenario Design Power (TDP)

SDP Shared Development Process (MS)

SDP Software Development Plan

SDR Sensor Data Record

SDSC San Diego Supercomputer Center (Org., USA)

SDSCNET San Diego Supercomputer Center NETwork (Netzwerk, USA), "SDSCnet"

SDSMA Slotted Digital Sense Multiple Access (MODACOM), "S-DSMA"

SDT Software Development Tools

SDT Systems Development Tool

SDXC Secure Digital eXtended Capacity (SD)

SE Security Enhanced [linux] (Linux)

SE Service / Systems Engineer

SE Software Engineering

SE Switching Element

SE System Extension

SEA System Enhancement Associates (Hersteller)

SEAL Simple and Efficient Adaptation Layer (ATM)

SEAL Simple Encrypted Arithmetic Library (MS, Verschlüsselung)

SEAP Service Element Access Point

SECAM SÉquentiel Couleur Avec Mémoire

SED Self-Encrypting Drive (Seagate)

SEDAS Standardisiertes Einheitliches DatenAustauschSystem (EDI)

SEDISI Asociación Española de Empresas de Tecnologías de la Información (Org., Spanien, AETIC, Vorläufer)

SEE Safenet Ethernet Encryptor (Verschlüsselung)

SEE Société des Électriciens et Électroniciens (Org., Frankreich)

SEE Software Engineering Environments

SEE Supervisor Entry Extensions (AMD, IDT)

SEE Systems Equipment Engineering

SEI Software Engineering Institute

SEL Software Engineering Laboratory

SEL Standard Elektrik Lorenz [ag] (Hersteller)

SEL System Event Log (IPMI)

SELHPC South East London - High Performance Computing [centre] (Org.) "SEL-HPC"

SELINUX Security Enhanced Linux (Linux, NSA, FLASK), "SELinux"

SEM Secure Extension Mode (AMD, TCB)

SEM Security Event Management (SIM)

SEM Server Enhancement Module

SEO Search Engine Optimization (WWW)

SEP Someone Else's Problem (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

SEP Symantec Endpoint Protection

SEPP Secure Electronic Payment Protocol (Banking, IBM, Netscape, GTE)

SEQUEL Structured English QUEry Language (IBM, DB, SQL, Vorläufer)

SERM Structured Entity Relationship Model (DB, ERM)

SERT Security Emergency Response Team (Org., Australien, Internet)

SES SCSI Enclosure Services (SCSI)

SES Security Enabling Services (IBM)

SESAM Synergetische Erkennung mittels Standbild, Akustik und Motorik (IIS)

SET Software Engineering Technology

SETA Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance

SETP Stream Environment Transport Protocol

SEU Software-Entwicklungs-Umgebung (CASE)

SEU Source Entry Utility (IBM, ADT)

SEV Secure Encrypted Virtualization (Verschlüsselung, AMD)

SFD Simple Formattable Document (CCITT, MHS, X.420)

SFLC Software Freedon Law Center (Org., GPL)

SFMJI Sorry For My Jumping In (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

SFS Stepless Frequency Selection (ASUS)

SFS Suomen Standardisoimisliitto [Standards Association of Finland] (Org., Finnland)

SFTP Screened Foiled Twisted Pair [cable] (UTP, TP)

SGEMM Single precision GEneral Matrix Multiply (GEMM, BLAS)

SGM SeGmentation Message

SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language (ISO 8879, JTC1, RFC 1874, SGML)

SGMLB Standard Generalized Markup Language - Binary version (SGML), "SGML-B"

SGX Software Guard eXtensions (Intel)

SHED Segmented Hypergraphics EDitor (MS, Windows, ADT)

SHF Super-High Frequency

SHOE Simple HTML Ontology Extensions (HTML, WWW)

SHTSI Somebody Had To Say It (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

SI System Identifier (DTD, URI, SGML, FPI)

SIB Service Independent building Block (IN)

SIBO SIxteen Bit Organizer or SIngle Board Organizer (Psion, PDA, BIT)

SICE Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (Org., Japan)

SICS Swedish Institute of Computer Sciences (Org., Schweden)

SID Security IDentifier (AD, RID, ACL)

SID Signaling IDentifier

SID System IDentification

SID System Integration & Development, "SI&D"

SIDF System Independent Data Format (Novell, SMS)

SIDR Service Independent Data Requester (Novell, Netware)

SIEM Security Information and Event Management

SIETEM Siemens TTCN Test Manager (TTCN, Tektronix, SNI)

SIFT Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (HIFT)

SIFTUFT Sender-Initiated File Transfer/Unsolicited File Transfer (RFC 1440) "SIFT/UFT"

SIGART [ACM] Special Interest Group on ARTificial intelligence (Org., ACM, AI)

SIGCSE Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (Org., ACM)

SIGMA Software Industrialized Generator and Maintenance Aids system (MITI)

SILC Secure Internet Live Conferencing

SIM Security Information Management (SEM)

SIM Subscriber Identity Module (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

SIP Scale-Independent Pixel (SP, DIP, DP)

SIP Session Initiation Protocol (IETF, VoIP, ENUM, RFC 2543)

SIR Sicherheit im Rechenzentrum (TPS)

SIRENE Supplementary Information REquest at the National Entry (SIS, EU)

SIS Schengen Information System (Polizei, EU)

SIS Stellen-Informations-Service (WWW)

SISAL Streams and Iteration in a Single-Assignment Language

SISSL Sun Industry Standards Source License (Sun)

SIZ Sparkassen-Informatik-Zentrum (Org., Banking)

SKI Service Key Identifier (X509v3, RFC 3280)

SKID Service Key IDentifier (X509v3, RFC 3280)

SKIMS Schichtenübergreifendes Kooperatives Immunsystem für Mobile, mehrseitige Sicherheit

SKIP Simple Key-management for Internet Protocols (Internet, Verschlüsselung, Sun)

SLA Service Level Agreement (ITIL, SLM)

SLAC Secure Linux Administration Conference (Linux)

SLB Segment Lookaside Buffer (CPU, Power4, IBM)

SLC Short Length Cartridge (IBM, Streamer)

SLE Screen List Editing

SLED Single Large Expensive Drive

SLED SuSE Linux Enterprise Destop (SuSE, Linux)

SLES SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (Linux, SUSE)

SLIC Software LICensing description table (BIOS)

SLM Service Level Management (ITIL)

SLOX SuSE Linux Open eXchange server (SuSE, Linux)

SLP Symposium on Logic Programming (Konferenz)

SMA Standardization Management Activity

SMAE System Management Application Entity (OSI)

SMAF Service Management Agent Function (IN)

SMAP System Management Application Process (OSI)

SMASE System Management Application Service Element (OSI)

SMB Small Medium Business and enterprise [market]

SMB System Management Bus

SMD System Management Bus ??? (Intel)

SMDAC Single MAC Dual Attached Concentrator (FDDI, DAC, MAC)

SMDR Storage Management Data Requester (Novell, Netware, SMS)

SMDSCNM SMDS Customer Network Management (SMDS), "SMDS CNM"

SME Society of Manufacturing Engineering (Org., USA)

SME Storage Management Engine (Novell, Netware, SMS)

SMEP Supervisory Mode Execution Prevention (AMT, Intel)

SMF Service Management Framework (IBM)

SMF Service Management Function (IN)

SMF System Management Function (MS, MOF)

SMFA Special / System Management Functional Area (OSI)

SMI Storage Management Initiative (Org., SAN, Bluetooth, SNIA)

SMI Structure and identification of Management Information (OSI, RFC 1155/1902)

SMI System Management Interrupt (SMB)

SMIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME, MS, Lotus, Qualcomm, RSA, Verschlüsselung), "S/MIME"

SMING Structure of Management Information - Next Generation (RFC 3780) "SMIng"

SMIOS System Management Basic Input Output System (DMTF, BIOS)

SMIS Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI, SAN, WBEM, CIM, SLP, SNIA), "SMI-S"

SMIT System Management Interface Tool (IBM, AIX)

SML Service Management Layer (TMN)

SML Siemens Modular Link

SMM System Management Mode (CPU)

SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (Org.)

SMS Service Management System

SMS Storage Management Services (Novell, Netware)

SMS Systems Management Server (MS, MOM)

SMSAC Society of Management Science and Applied Cybernetics (Org., India)

SMSC Short Message Service Center (SMS, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

SMSCEMI Short Message Service Center External Machine Interface [protocol] (SMS)

SMSP Storage Management Services Protocol (Novell, SMS)

SMT Segment Table Map

SMT Station ManagemenT (FDDI)

SMTA Subordinate Message Transfer Agent (MTA)

SMU System Management Unit (AMD)

SN Sequence Number

SNAP SubNetwork Attachment Point (IEEE 802.1a)

SNARC Stochastic Neural Analog Reinforcement Computer

SNDC SubNetwork Dependent Convergence [functions] (OSI)

SNDCP SubNetwork Dependent Convergence Procedure (ISO, IS 8648, OSI, SNDC)

SNI Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme [AG] (Hersteller)

SNIC SubNetwork Independent Convergence [functions] (OSI)

SNICP SubNetwork Independent Convergence Procedure (ISO, IS 8648, OSI, SNIC)

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol (RFC 1157/1902, TCP/IP, IETF)


SNOBOL StriNg Orientated symBOlic Language

SNPA Sub-Network Point of Attachment

SNRME Set Normal Response Mode Extension (SNRME)

SNW Storage Networking World [conference]

SOA Service Orientated Architecture

SOBA Service-Orientated Business Applications (SODA, SOA)

SOC Security Operations Center

SOCO Service Office/Central Office, "SO/CO"

SODA Service-Orientated Developmenrt of Applications (SOA, SOBA)

SODIS SOftware Dokumentations- und InformationsSystem

SOE Sony Online Entertainment (Sony)

SOE Standard Operating Environment

SOE Standards of Excellence

SOFA Spatially Oriented Format for Accoustics

SOFABED [davenport] Standard Open Formal Architecture for Browsable Electronic Documents

SOL Simulation-Oriented Language

SOOO Star Office / Open Office, "SO/OO"

SOOPPA Symposion on Object-Oriented Programming emPhasizing Practical Applications

SORM Service Orientated Resource Management

SOS Standards and Open Systems

SP Scale-independent Pixel (SIP, DIP, DP)

SPADE Statistical Packet Anomaly Detection Engine (Snort, IDS)

SPAM Send Phenomenal Amounts of Mail (Usenet, EMP, DFÜ-Slang)

SPAM Spiced Pork and hAM (Usenet, EMP)

SPAP Secure Password Authentication Protocol

SPAP Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (PAP, 3Com)

SPARC Standard Planning And Requirement Committee (ANSI, Org.)

SPC Solution Partner Center (IBM)

SPD Serial Presence Detect (EEPROM, SDRAM)

SPDEEPROM Serial Presence Detect - Electronical Erasable Programmable Read Only MemorySerial Presence Detect (EPROM, IC, ROM), "SPD-EEPROM"

SPE Symbolic Programming Environment

SPE Synchronous Payload Envelope

SPE Synergistic Processor Elements (IBM, Cell, PPE)

SPELL Semantische Plattform zur intelligenten Entscheidungs- und einsatzunterstützung in Leitstellen und beim Lagemanagement

SPF Sender Permitted From [veraltet/old term] (SPAM)

SPF Sender Policy Framework (SPAM)

SPICE Scalable Parallel Intelligent Communications Engine

SPICS Spare Parts Inventory Control System (MBAG)

SPID Service Profile IDentifier (ISDN)

SPID Service Protocol IDentifier

SPIR Standard Portable Intermediate Representation

SPIRV Standard Portable Intermediate Representation - V, "SPIR-V"

SPL Sun Public License (Sun)

SPM Source Program Maintenance

SPP Sequenced Packet Protocol

SPREAD Systems, Programming, Review, Engineering And Development

SPSS Statistical Package of the Social Sciences, http://www.spss.com

SPX Sequenced Packet eXchange (Novell, Netware)

SQLDMO SQL Distributed Management Objects (MS, SQL Server, OLE, DB)

SQLMED Structured Query Language / Management of External Data (SQL, ISO, IEC), "SQL/MED"

SQLXML Structured Query Language / eXtensible Markup Language (SQL, XML, ISO, IEC), "SQL/XML"

SQM Software Quality Management

SR Sensitivity Range (Fuji, photo, CCD)

SRD Screen Reader System

SRD Send and Request Data (Feldbus)

SRE Self Routing switch Element (ATM)

SRF Science Research Foundation (Org., UK)

SRGB Standardized Red Green Blue [colorspace] (RGB, Windows)

SRM Security Reference Monitor (MS, Windows, ACL)

SRM Storage Resource Management (SAN)

SRN Source/Recipient Node (IBM)

SRT Source Route Transparent [bridges] (Ethernet, Token Ring, IEEE 802.1D)

SS Stack Segment [register] (CPU, Intel, Assembler)

SSAO Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (HBAO)

SSAS Station Signaling and Announcement System

SSBA Suite Synthétique des Benchmarks de l'AFFU (MP)

SSBI Self-Service Business Intelligence

SSC Science Supercomputing Center (Uni Karlsruhe)

SSC Security Support Component (NGSCB, TCP)

SSCOP Service Specific Connection Orientated Protocol (ATM)

SSCS Service Specific Convergence Sublayer (ATM)

SSDC Stack Segment Descriptor Cache [register] (SS, Intel, CPU)

SSDD Single-Sided/Double-Density [disk] (FDD), "SS/DD"

SSE Simple Screen Editor

SSE Software Support Engineer

SSE Streaming SIMD Extensions (Intel, Pentium, SIMD)

SSI [Schwedisches Strahlenschutzinstitut] (Schweden, Org.)

SSID Service Set IDentification (WLAN)

SSM Simplified Storage Management (HSM)

SSMS [Microsoft]] SQL Server Management Studio (MS)

SSPL Server Side Public License

SSR Screen Space Reflections

SSR Small Screen Rendering (WWW, Opera)

SSSD Single-Sided/Single-Density [disk] (FDD), "SS/SD"

SSTP Screened Shielded Twisted Pair [cable] (STP, TP), "S/STP"

ST Segment Table / Type

STACS Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (Konferenz)

STAPM Skin Temperature Aware Power Management (CPU, AMD)

STC Science and Technology Center (NSF, USA)

STCIUR Sub-Technical Committee International User Requirements (ETSI), "STC IUR"

STD Suspend To Disk (BIOS, ACPI)

STE Section Terminating Equipment (SONET)

STE Secure Terminal Equipment

STE Standard Terminal Equipment

STEP STandard for the External representation / Exchange of Product data definition (ISO, DP 10303, CAD)

STFU Shut The Fuck Up (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

STIDC Sony Toshiba IBM Design Center (Sony, Toshiba, IBM, Cell)

STN Scientific and Technical Network (Netzwerk, JICST, FIZ)

STOC Symposium on Theory Of Computing (Konferenz)

STONE STructured and OpeN Environment (FZI Karlsruhe)

STORK Secure indenTity acrOss boRders acKnowledged

STORM Statistically-Oriented Matrix Program

STRD STatistical Reference Datasets (NIST), "StRD"

STS3C Synchronous Transport System - level 3 Concatenated (SDH), "STS-3c"

STV Sprint Telecommunications Venture (Org.)

SU Screening Units

SUGA Swedish User Group of Amiga (User group, Schweden, Org.)

SUNONE Sun Open Network Environment (Sun, ONE)

SUNVIEW SUN's Visual Integrated Environment for Workstations (Sun, GUI)

SUSE Software Und SystemEntwicklung [distribution] (Linux) "S.u.S.E."

SUTP Screened Unshielded Twisted Pair [cable] (UTP, TP), "S/UTP"

SV StandortVerteiler (Kabel, EN 50 173)

SVCI Switched Virtual Circuit Identifier (SVC, ATM)

SVD Schweizerische Vereinigung für Datenverarbeitung (Org., Schweiz)

SVD Supplementary Volume Descriptor (CD, IS 9660)

SVE Simple Virtual Environment

SVIP Secure Voice Improvement Program

SVQ Sorenson Video Quality (Video, CODEC)

SWEDAC [Staatliches Amt für Technische Akkreditierung] (Schweden, Org.)

SWIM Someone Who Isn't Me (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

SXGA Super eXtended Graphics Adapter / Array [1280x1024]

SXVGA Super eXtended VGA [1280x960] (VGA)

TAAI Taiwanese Association for Artificial Intelligence (Org., Taiwan, AI)

TAC Technical Assistance Center (Cisco)

TAC Technology Access Center (Rogue-Wave)

TADF Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescense (OLED)

TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management (JIEO, Mil.)

TALAE TALigent Application Program (Taligent), "TalAE"

TALDE TALigent Development Environment (Taligent), "TalDE"

TALOS TALigent Object Services (Taligent), "TalOS"

TANJ There Ain't No Justice (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TANSTAAFL There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

TAO Topics, Associations, Occurrences (XTM)

TAP Transport und Archivierung Produktdefinierender daten (Org., DIN, STEP, CIM)

TASE Telecontrol Application Service Element (ICCP)

TAUCIS Technikfolgenabschätzung - Ubiquitäres Computing und Informationelle Selbstbestimmung (BMBF)

TB Transparent Bridging

TBW TeraBytes Written

TC Thin Client

TC Transmission Convergence

TC Trust Center (Verschlüsselung)

TCAF Thin Client Application Framework (Java, LDAP, IBM)

TCAM Ternary Content Addressable Memory (CAM)

TCC Telecommunications Center

TCE Typo3 Core Engine (TYPO3)

TCF Thin Client Framework (IBM, Java)

TCF Transparent Computing Facility

TCFS Transparent Cryptographic FileSystem (Linux, Verschlüsselung)

TCO Tjänstemännens CentralOrganisation (Schweden, Org.)

TCPBEUI Transmission Control Protocol BIOS Extended User Interface (NETBIOS, TCP, UI)

TCPC The Clean Personal Computer group (Org., Hersteller, Grafikkarten)

TCPLDP TCP extensions for Long Delay Paths (RFC 1072, TCP)

TCS Transmission Convergence Sublayer (ATM)

TDA TestDatenAuswerter (IC)

TDC Thernal Design Current (EDC)

TDD Test Driven Development

TDDSG TeldeDienstDatenSchutzGesetz (DFÜ, IUKDG, Deutschland)

TDED Trade Data Elements Directory (ISO 7372)

TDG TeleDienstGesetz (DFÜ, IUKDG, Deutschland)

TDMS Terminal Data Management System

TDSV Telekommunikation-DatenSchutzVerordnung (BMWI)

TE Terminal Endpoint (ISDN)

TE Terminal Equipment

TE Traffic Engineering [extension] (OSPF, RFC 3630)

TE Type Enforcement [access control] (SELinux)

TEA Tiny Encryption Algorithm (Verschlüsselung)

TEC Text Encoding Converter (Apple)

TEC Trace Execution Cache (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

TEE Trusted Execution Environments (RAM)

TEI Text Encoding Initiative [application] (SGML)

TEN TransEuropean Networks (Netzwerk)

TENG TriboElectric NanoGenerator

TER Typo3 Extension Repository (TYPO3)

TERENA Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association (Org., Niederlande, Europa)

TES Technology Enabled Marketing

TESLA Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication (RFC 4082)

TESS The Exponential Security System (RFC 1824)

TEXEL TEXture ELement (3D)

TFE Thin Film Electronics (Hersteller, Norwegen, Schweden)

TFI Terminal Facility Identifier (T-Online)

TFO TCP Fast Open (TCP)

TFRP TCP Friendly Rate Control (TCP, RFC 3448)

TFS Translucent File System

THAMA Trident Hardware-Assisted MPEG-2/AC-3 (Trident, MPEG, DVD, AC-3)

THATIC Tianjin Haiguang Advanced Technology Investment Corporation (Hersteller)

THE Technische Hoogeschool Eindhoven (OS), "T.H.E."

THENET Texas Higher Education NETwork (Netzwerk, USA) "THEnet"

THP Transparent Huge Pages (Linux)

THT Token Holding Timer (FDDI, Token Ring)

TI Technical Interchange (Conference, IBM)

TI Texas Instruments (Hersteller)

TIA Thanks In Advance (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TID Technical Information Document (Novell)

TIDSE Techniken für Interaktives Storytelling und Entertainment (Conference, ZGDV)

TIE Terminal Interface Equipment

TIES Time Independent Escape Sequence (MODEM)

TIGA Texas Instruments Graphics Adapter (Texas Instruments)

TIM Token Interface Module (Token Ring)

TINA Telecommunication Information Network Agent (IN)

TINC There Is No Cabal! (Slang, Usenet, Linux, Debian)

TIPC Texas Instruments Personal Computer (TI)

TIPC Transparent Inter Process Communication [protocol]

TISN Tokyo International Science Network (Netzwerk)

TITN Traitement de l'Information-Techniques Nouvelles (Hersteller, Frankreich)

TL;DR Too Long; Didn't Read (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TLAP Token ring Link Access Protocol (LAP)

TLDP The Linux Documentation Project (Linux)

TLG TeleDiensteGesetz (Deutschland)

TLP Transactional Licensing Program (Adobe)

TLV Type - Length - Value

TM Traffic Management

TMDB Tivoli Management Data Base (Tivoli, DB)

TMDS Transition Minimized Differential Signaling (VESA, LCD, DVI)

TME Telocator Message Entry [protocol] (SNPP)

TME Tivoli Management Environment (Tivoli)

TME Total Memory Encryption (Verschlüsselung)

TMF Tivoli Management Framework (Tivoli)

TMG TestMusterGenerator (IC)

TMG The Master Genealogist

TMN Telecommunication Management Network (IN)

TMP Test Management Protocol

TMPDU Test Management Protocol Data Unit (ISO 9646-1, PDU), "TM-PDU"

TMR Transient Memory Record

TMS Telecommunications / Telephone Management System

TMS Truth Maintenance System (AI)

TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (MM, GSM, Mobile-Systems)

TMSS [LambdaManager] Terabit MultiService Switch (Lucent, LambdaXtreme, BIT)

TMU Time Measurement Unit

TNEF Transportation Neutral Encapsulation Format (MAPI, MIME, MS)

TNMOC The National Museum Of Computing (Org., Großbritannien)

TNTC Too Numerous To Count (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TOA Target of Authentication (CC)

TOC Table Of Contents (CD)

TOE TCP/IP Offline Engine (TCP/IP, IC)

TOEM Technical Original Equipment Manufacturer

TOFU Text Over, Full-quote Under (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet)

TOKREUI TOKen-Ring Extended User Interface (IBM, Token Ring)

TOM T-Online Messenger (T-Online, IM)

TOOL [conference on] Technology of Object-Orientated Languages and Systems (OOP, Conference)

TOT Totally Off-Topic (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TPA Transient Program Area (DOS)

TPC The PERL Conference (PERL)

TPCC TPC benchmark C (TPC), "TPC-C"

TPCE TPC benchmark E (TPC), "TPC-E"

TPCH TPC benchmark H (TPC), "TPC-H"

TPCW TPC benchmark W (TPC, WWW), "TPC-W"

TPD Technical Product Documentation

TPM Traditional Power Management

TPMS Transaction Processing Management System

TPPMD Twisted Pair Physical layer Medium Dependent (FDDI), "TP-PMD"

TPRM Transaction Programmer's Reference Manual (Sun)

TPU Tensor Processing Units

TREC Text REtrieval Conference (Konferenz)

TREC Texture and Rendering Engine Compression

TRILL Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (RFC 5556)

TRIZ Teorija Reschenija Isobretatelskich Zadatsch

TRM Technical Reference Model

TRMM Token Ring Management Module (Token Ring)

TRNG True Random Number Generator

TROLI Token Ring Optimized Link Interface (Token Ring)

TRP Token Ring serial Port

TRR Token Ring Repeater

TRT The Right Thing (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TRT Token Rotation Timer (FDDI, Token Ring)

TSA Target Service Agent (Novell, Netware, SMS)

TSA Telecommunication Society of Australia (Org., Australien)

TSC Time Stamp Counter (IC, Intel, Pentium)

TSCT Tangan Silence Control Technology (Tangan)

TSE Technical Support Engineer (Sun)

TSEE Technical System Engineering Environment (Westmount, CASE)

TSFE TypoScript Front End (TYPO3)

TSME Transparent Secure Memory Encryption (AMD)

TSN Task Sequence Number (BS2000)

TSN Time Sensitive Networking

TSOE Time Sharing Option/Extensions (IBM), "TSO/E"

TSR Terminate and Stay Resident

TSS Task State Segment (Intel)

TSSDC Task State Segment Descriptor Cache (CPU)

TTFN Ta-Ta For Now (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TTRP Time Token Rotation Protocol (FDDI)

TTRT Target Token Rotation Time (FDDI)

TTYL Talk To You Later (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

TUCD Total User Cell Difference (UNI)

TUE Trusted User Engine (NGSCB, MS, Palladium)

TUM Technische Universität München (Org.)

TVS Transparent Voice Signalling (VOFR)

TWINKLE The Weizman INstitute Key Locating Engine (Verschlüsselung)

TWIP [one] TWentIeth of a Point [1 inch = 72 points] (DTP)

TXE Trusted eXecution Engine (Intel)

U3D Universal 3 Dimensional [format] (3D)

UA Unnumbered Acknowledgement

UA User Agent (MHS, OSI)

UAA UnternehmensAnwendungsArchitektur (IM)

UAAG User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (WAI)

UAF Universal Authentication Framework (FIDO-Alliance)

UAPDU User Agent Protocol Data Unit (PDU)

UCE Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (Usenet, Spam, UBE)

UCM [rational] Unified Change Management (IBM, DCT, SCM)

UCS Univention Corporate Server

UDIAGS Und Das Ist Auch Gut So (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

UDK UmweltDatenKatalog (NUIS-SH)

UDK Unreal Development Kit

UDO Ultra Density Optical (Plasmon, HP, ECMA 350, ISO/IEC 17345)

UDOR Ultra Density Optical - Recordable (UDO), "UDO-R"

UDORW Ultra Density Optical - ReWritable (UDO), "UDO-RW"

UDP Usenet Death Penalty (Usenet, Spam)

UE User Equipment (Mobile-Systems, UMTS, GSM)

UEFI Unified Extended Firmware Interface

UEIDE Ultra Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE, HDD)

UEV User End of Volume

UFED Universal Forensic Extraction Device (Cellebrite)

UHF Ultra High Frequency

UIC User Identification Code

UID Unit IDentifier (Verschlüsselung, EES)

UID User IDentification

UIEE Universal Information Exchange Environment (AWS)

UIMA Unstructured Information Management Architecture (IBM)

UIMS User Interface Management System

UIN Universal Identification Number (ICQ)

UISRM User Interface System Reference Model

ULC UltraLightClient (Java, RIA, WWW)

ULCC University of London Computer Center (Org., UK)

ULD Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz [Schleswig Holstein] (Org.)

UMA Universal Measurement Architecture (Unix, X/Open)

UMADS Universal Measurement Architecture Data Storage (UMA)

UME UNI Management Entity (UNI, ILMI)

UNC Universal Naming Convention (IBM, MS, Novell, LAN)

UNCLE Unix Net for Computer security in Law Enforcement (Org., USA, Unix) "U.N.C.L.E."

UNI Universal Network Interface (Cogent)

UNITE Ubiquitous aNd Integrated Teamwork Environment (SIT)

UNMA Unified Network Management Architecture

UNTDED United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory (EDIFACT)

UPD UserParameterDaten (DDBAC)

UPM Umdrehungen Pro Minute (HDD)

UPM User Profile Management (IBM)

UPT Universelle Personengebundene Telekommunikation (IN)

URA Uniform Resource Agent (WWW)

URI Universal Resource Identifier (WWW, RFC 1630/2396)

USBDDK Universal Serial Bus Driver Development Kit (USB, DDK), "USB-DDK"

USBIF Universal Serial Bus Implementers Forum (Org., USB) "USB-IF"

USD User's Supplementary Documents (BSD, Unix)

USENET USErs' NETwork (Internet)

USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module (Mobile-Systems, UMTS)

USITA United States Independent Telephone Association (Org., USA)

USN Update Sequence Number (AD)

USSD UnStructured Supplementary Services (GSM, Mobile-Systems)

UTM Unified Threat Management (Funkwerk)

UTSL Use The Source, Luke (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

UUID Universal Unique IDentifier

UVLC Universal Variable Length Coding

UXGA Ultra eXtended Graphics Adapter [1600 x 1200] (XGA)

VA Vulnerability Assessment (Firewall, TrendMicro)

VAM Verband der Anbieter von Mobilfunkdiensten (Org.)

VASP Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package

VATM Verband der Anbieter von Telekommunikations- und Mehrwertdiensten (Org., DFÜ, Deutschland)

VAX Virtual Address eXtension (DEC, VAX)

VAXELN Virtual Address eXtension Executive for Local area Networks (OS, DEC)

VBE VGA standard BIOS Extensions (VESA, VGA, BIOS)

VBIDE Visual BASIC Integrated Development Environment (MS, VB)

VBX Visual Basic eXtensions (MS)

VCE Vision Computing Engine

VCI Virtual Channel Identifier (ATM)

VCI Virtual Connection Identifier (ATM)

VCL Visual Component Library (Borland, Delphi)

VCVS Virtual Concurrent Version System (CVS), "vCVS"

VDAFS Verband Deutscher Automobilhersteller FlächenSchnittstelle (DIN, CIM)

VDASEDAS Verband Deutscher Automobilhersteller / Standardisiertes Einheitliches DatenAustauschSystem (EDI), "VDA/SEDAS"

VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Org.)

VDPAU Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (Nvidia, API)

VE Virtual Environment (VR)

VEG Very Evil Grin (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

VEIL Video Encoded Invisible Light Technology (VEIL)

VERONICA Very Easy Rodent-Orientated Netwide Index of Computerized Archives (Internet)

VERP Variable Envelope Return Path (SMTP)

VEST VAX Environment Software Translator (VAX, DEC)

VF Vacuum Flourescent [technology]

VFD Vacuum Fluorescent Display

VFEA VMEbus Futurebus+ Extended Architecture

VHDCI Very High Density Cable Interconnect (SCSI)

VHF Very High Frequency

VIC Vendor Independent Calendaring (VIM)

VID Voltage IDentification (CPU)

VIM Vendor Independent Messaging (Lotus, Borland, IBM, Novell, API)

VINCE Vendor Independent Network Control Entity

VIRTUE Virtual Team User Environment (VR, TUB)

VISYON Variables Intelligentes Synchrones Optisches Netz (SNI, SDH)

VK VideoKonferenz

VKI Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz (KI, DAI)

VLA Volume Licence Agreement (Novell, Apple)

VLC Variable Length Coding (AVC)

VLC Video LAN Client (LAN, video, Mac, Dbox)

VLD Variable Length Decoder (MPEG)

VLF Very-Low-Frequency Band

VLK Volume License product Key (MS)

VLSM Variable Length Subnet Mask (Internet)

VMA VSphere Management Assistant (VSAN), "vMA"

VME Virtual Machine Environment (IBM, VM)

VME Virtual Mobile Engine (Sony, PSP)

VMESA Virtual Machine / Enterprise Systems Architecture (IBM, VM, ESA, CMS), "VM/ESA"

VMS Voice Management System

VNC Virtual Network Client

VNSM VINES Network and Systems Management (Banyan, VINES)

VOODOO Versions Of Outdated Documents Organized Orthogonally (Mac)

VPCC Virtual PC Center (NEC, PC, TC)

VPCD Videotex Presentation Control Element (BTX, VPDE)

VPCI Virtual Path Connection Identifier (VP, ATM)

VPD Virtual Product Development (CAD)

VPDE Videotex Presentation Data Element (BTX)

VPE Video Port Extensions (Video)

VPI Virtual Path Identifier (ATM, VP)

VPL Voxel Public License

VPUG Ventura Publishing User Group (Org., DTP, User group)

VRAI Virtual Reality Annual International [symposium] (IEEE, Conference)

VRAM VEIL Encoding Rights Assertion Mark (VEIL), "V-RAM"

VRG Vertical Replacement Gate (IC, MOSFET)

VRI [Nederlandse] Vereniging van Registerinformatic (Org. Niederlande)

VROOMM Virtual Realtime Object Oriented Memory Manager (OOP)

VSAM Virtual Sequential Access Method (SAM)

VSCE Videotex Service Control Element (BTX, VPDE)

VSD Vendor Specific Driver

VSE Virtual Storage Extended (IBM)

VSEA Visual Studio Enterprise Architect [edition] (MS, XML)

VSED Visual Studio Enterprise Developer [edition] (MS, XML)

VSEESA Virtual Storage Extended/Enterprise Systems Architecture, "VSE/ESA"

VSESP Virtual Storage Extended/System Product (IBM), "VSE/SP"

VSIX Visual Studio Integration eXtension (MS)

VSM Virtual Storage Management

VSTI Virtual Studio Technology Instrument (VST), "VSTi"

VT Vanderpool Technology (Intel, Pentium, CPU)

VTAME Virtual Telecommunications Access Method Entry (VTAM)

VTKE Verbund der TeleKommunikations-Endgerätehersteller (Org.)

VTM Verband der Telekommunikationsnetz- und Mehrwertdiensteanbieter (Org.)

VTOC Volume Table of Contents

VTS Video Teleconferencing System

VUE Visual User Environment (HP)

VUMASBE VESA Unified Memory Architecture - System BIOS Extension (VESA), "VUMA-SBE"

VXAO VoXel Ambient Occlusion (Nvidia)

WAM Warren Abstract Machine (PROLOG)

WAP Wissenschaftliche ArbeitsPlatzrechner

WASN Wide Area Sensor Network

WB WorkBench (Amiga, Commodore)

WBEM Web Based Enterprise Management [protocol] (DMTF, CIM, XML, HTTP, BMC, Cisco, Compaq, Intel, MS)

WBI Web Browser Intelligence (WWW, IBM)

WBS WissensBasierte Systeme (KI)

WC WildCard multicast route entry (PIM, Multicast)

WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WAI, W3C)

WCCE World Conference on Computers in Education (IFIP, Conference)

WCDMAFDD Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access - Frequency Division Duplex (UMTS, Mobile-Systems), "WCDMA-FDD"

WCIT World Conference on International Telecommunication (ITU)

WCMS Web Content Management Software / System (CMS)

WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing [protocol]

WDS Windows Deployment Service (MS, Windows)

WEEE Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Europa)

WELL Whole Earth 'Lectronic Net (Netzwerk)

WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy (WLAN)

WFM Wired For Management (Intel, IBM, BIOS), "WfM"

WFM Works For Me (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

WFMC WorkFlow Management Coalition (Org.) "WfMC"

WGA Windows Genuine Advantage [program] (MS, Windows)

WHCA White House Communications Agency (DISA)

WHIIG Windows Hardware Instrumentation Implementation Guidelines (MS, Windows)

WHYLINE Workspace for Helping You Link Instructions to Numbers and Events (EUSES)

WIC Windows Imaging Component (MS, Windows)

WIDD Web InformationsDienst Deutschland (WWW, Neuss)

WIKINGER WIKI Next Generation Enhancement Repository

WIM Wireless Identity Module (WAP, Verschlüsselung)

WIMP Window, Icon, Menu, Pointing device

WIN WIssenschaftsNetz (Netzwerk, DFN)

WINHEC WINdows Hardware Engineering Conference (MS, Windows, Conference), "WinHEC"

WINNIE Water Initiated Numerical Number Integrating Engine

WINRE WINdows Recovery Environment (MS, Windows), "Win RE"

WISH Wireless Intelligent Stream Handling (W-LAN)

WISIA Wissenschaftliches InformationsSystem für den Internationalen Artenschutz (WWW)

WITCH Wolverhampton Instrument for Teaching Computation from Harwell

WLC Workload License Charge (IBM, PSLC)

WLOG Without Loss Of Generality

WMI Web Management Interface

WMI Windows Management Instrumentation / Interface (MS, Windows, WMI, CIM)

WMS Warehouse Management System (DB)

WMS Workflow Management Systems

WMT Web Marketing Tools [magazine] (Italien, WWW)

WNM Wireless Network Management (CA, Unicenter)

WOFF Web Open Font Format (WWW)

WOPC Walking Optimal Power Calibration (BenQ, Philips, DVD)

WOSA Windows Open System Architecture (MS)

WOSAXCEM WOSA eXtensions for Control, Engineering and Manufacturing (WOSA, MS)

WOSAXFS WOSA eXtensions for Financial Services (WOSA, MS), "WOSA X FS"

WOSAXRT WOSA eXtensions for Real-Time market data (WOSA, MS)

WPE Windows Protected Environment

WPF Windows Presentation Foundation (MS, Windows, XAML)

WPFE Windows Presentation Foundation / Everywhere (MS, Windows), "WPF/E"

WQE Work Queue Element (Infiniband, CA, QP)

WRT With Respect To (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

WS [Red Hat Enterprise Linux] WorkStation (RedHat, Linux, RHEL)

WSA Wafer Supply Agreement (AMD)

WSCM Web Services Component Model (OASIS, WWW)

WSDD Web Service Deployment Descriptor (WWW, XML)

WSDK Websphere Software Development Kit (IBM, Java)

WSE Web Service Enhancements (MS, WWW)

WSM Wireless Site Management

WSXGA Wide Super eXtended Graphics Adapter / Array (XGA), "WSXGA+"

WSXL Web Services Experience Language (WWW)

WTF What / Where / Who / Why The Fuck (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

WTH What / Where / Who / Why The Hell (DFÜ, Usenet, IRC)

WTX Workstation Technology eXtended [format], http://www.wtx.org/

WUXGA Wide Ultra eXtended Graphics Adapter [1920x1200] (XGA)

WVSO WiederVerwendbare SoftwareObjekte

WWCID World Wide Cartridge IDentifier (IBM, Streamer, WORM)

WWDC World Wide Developer Conference (Apple)

WXGA Wide eXtended Graphics Adapter (XGA)

XA eXtended Architecture (IBM, VM, ESA, VM/ESA, XC)

XACML eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (OASIS, XML)

XAI eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (AI)

XAVC eXtended Advanced Video Coding (Sony, Video)

XBL eXtensible Binding Language (Mozilla)

XBMC XBox Media Center [veraltet/old term]

XBRL Extensible Business Reporting Language (XFRML, XML)

XC eXtended Configuration (IBM, ESA, VM)

XCCI X Common Client Interface (X-Windows), "X CCI"

XCEM eXtensions for Control, Engineering and Manufacturing (API, MS, Windows)

XCHS eXtended Cylinder Head Sectors (EIDE)


XCMS X Color Management System (X-Windows), "Xcms"

XCOFF eXtended Common Object File Format (Unix)

XCRL extensible Customer Relationships Language (OASIS, CIQ, CRML), "xCRL"

XCUTS X Commands and Utilities Test Suite (X/Open)

XDR eXternal Data Representation (ONC, RPCL, Sun, RFC 1832)

XE eXtreme Edition (Intel, Pentium)

XEP XMPP Extension Protocols (XMPP)

XES Xerox Engineering Systems (Xerox)

XFCB Extended File Control Block

XFE X Front End (X-Windows)

XFN X/open Federated Naming (X/Open)

XFR eXtended Frequency Range (CPU, AMD)

XFRML Extensible Financial Reporting Markup Language (XBRL)

XFS eXtended File System (SGI, Unix, Windows)

XG eXtended General MIDI (Yamaha, MIDI)

XGA eXtended Graphics Adapter [1024x768] (IBM, PS/2)

XGMML eXtensible Graph Markup and Modeling Language

XHTML eXtended HyperText Markup Language (HTML, WWW, XML)

XID [SNA] eXchange IDentifier (SNA)

XIE X Image Extension (X-Windows)

XIOS eXtended Input/Output System (Novell, Netware)

XKMS XML Key Management Specification (XML, W3C)

XLINK eXtended Lokales InformatikNetz Karlsruhe (DFÜ, Netzwerk, ISP)

XMAPI eXtended Messaging Application Program Interface (API)

XMF eXtensible Music Format (MMA, MIDI)

XMI eXtended Memory Interconnect (DEC)

XML eXtensible Markup Language (WWW, XML, W3C)

XMM eXtended Memory Manager (DOS, LIM)

XMP eXtensible Metadata Format

XMP X/open Management Protocol (X/Open, X-Windows)

XMPP eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)

XMS eXtended Memory Specification (DOS, LIM)

XMS eXtended Multiprocessor operating System (OS)

XNTP eXperimental Network Time Protocol (NTP)

XP [Windows] eXPerience (MS, Windows, OS)

XPFE cross Platform Front End (Mozilla)

XPG X/open Portability Guide (X/Open, X-Windows)

XPGR3 X/open Portability Guide Release 3 (X/Open, X-Windows)

XPS eXtended Parallel Server (DB, Informix)

XPSB X - Protocol Stream Benchmark (XPC, X-Windows)

XRIP eXtended ??? Routing Information Protocol (Novell, Netware)

XRML eXtensible Rights Markup Language (RMS, MS, NGSCB), "XrML"

XRN eXpandable Resilient Networking (3Com, LAN)

XRT eXtensions for Real-Time market data (API, MS, Windows)

XSDT eXtended System Description Table (ACPI)

XSL eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XML, XSL)

XSLT eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSL, XML)

XSMD eXtended Storage Module Driver interface

XT eXtended Technology (IBM, PC)

XTF eXtensible Tag Framework (Mozilla, XML)

XTI X/open Transport Interface (X/Open, X-Windows)

XUMA eXpertensystem UMweltgefährlichkeit von Altlasten (XPS)

YADE Yet Another DSSSL Engine (DSSSL)

YAFIYGI You asked for it, you got it (Usenet, IRC, DFÜ-Slang)

YAGNI Youn Ain't Gonna Need It (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

YAPC Yet Another PERL Conference (PERL)

YCPS Yale Center for Parallel Supercomputing (Org., USA, HPC)

YGWYPF You Get What You Pay For (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

YMMD You Made My Day (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

YOYO You're On Your Own (DFÜ-Slang, Usenet, IRC)

ZAPP Zero Assignment Parallel Processor

ZDPMS Zero Delay Power Monitoring System (Enermax)

ZDS Zenith Data Systems (Hersteller)

ZDVA Zentrale DatenVerarbeitungsAnlage [des bundes]

ZE Zentraleinheit (CPU)

ZEAS ZEntrales AbsatzanalyseSystem (MBAG)

ZEBES Zentrales teile-BEstandsSteuerungssystem (MBAG)

ZEDAT ZentralEinrichtung DATenverarbeitung (FUB, Org)

ZEDIS ZEntrales teile-DispositionsSystem (MBAG)

ZEO ZOPE Enterprise Objects (ZOPE)

ZEPRAS ZEntrales PReisabwicklungs- und AnalyseSystem (MBAG)

ZESOD ZEntrale teileSOrtimentDatei (MBAG)

ZEVIS ZEntrales VerkehrsInformationsSystem (Kraftfahrzeugbundesamt)

ZGDV Zentrum für Grafische DatenVerabeitung (Org., Darmstadt)

ZIAM Zentrum für Industrielle Anwendungen Massiver parallelität [gmbh] (Org.)

ZIB [konrad-zuse] Zentrum für Informationstechnik Berlin (Org.)

ZIL ZFS Intent Log (ZFS)

ZIL Zork Implementation Language (Infocom)

ZIT interdisziplinäres forschungsZentrum für Informatik und Technik (Org., Uni Paderborn)

ZITIS Zentrale stelle für InformationsTechnik Im Sicherheitsbereich (Org.) ZITiS

ZKA Zentraler Kreditausschuß (Banking, Org., Deutschland)

ZKDSG ZugangsKontrollDiensteSchutzGesetz (Deutschland, DFÜ)

ZKI Zentralinstitut für Kybernetik und Informationsprozesse (DDR)

ZMD Zenworks [Linux] Management DAEMON (Novell, Linux, DEAMON)

ZMI ZOPE Management Interface (ZOPE)

ZMT Zentrum für Multimediale Telekommunikation (BERKOM)

ZOPE Z Object Publishing Environment (ZOPE)

ZPL Zope Public License

ZPR Zentrum für Paralleles Rechnen (Org., Uni Köln)

ZRZ Zentrales RechenZentrum (Org., TUB)

ZSI Zentralstelle für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik [veraltet/old term] (Org., Deutschland, BSI, Vorläufer)

ZZF Zentralamt zur Zulassung von Fernmeldeeinrichtungen (Org., DTAG, Vorläufer, BZT)

ZZK ZentralZeichengabeKanal (ISDN)

A total of 4150 terms has been found.

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I'm still looking for explanations in lines with '???'.


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[Mon April 29 00:58 2024]